Chapter 90
Chapter 90
I press my hands to the car window, gaping up at the fancy restaurant outside. “Wow, this place looks amazing.” there’s no removing the awe from my voice, and then, because I know Caleb has traveled a lot, I ask, “Have you eaten here before!”
“A long time ago in another life.”
I snort. “When you were married to Lana?”
“The snake, you mean.”
I just laugh and get out of the car. When Caleb pops up on my side, he looks a bit irritated. “Why do you never let me open the door for you?”
“Because I’m a big girl and can handle myself?”
He frowns. “But what if I want to spoil you?”
I smile softly at Caleb, touched by his words. “You spoil me in so many other ways, though.”
“I don’t
“Uh, yes?” Is this man delusional? “You do most of the cooking and tidying up, and then you also do the laundry since you’re ashamed to let our maid do it.”
“Because it’s weird having the maids do it after I caught our last maid, Martha, sniffing my underwear while drinking red wine from my expensive collection!”
I burst out laughing at that. “Oh yeah, I had totally forgotten about our old maid’s wild night inside your study when she thought we had all left the house!”
Caleb shakes his head, chuckling. “Let’s not relive that particular memory. Come on, let’s head inside before we lose our reservation.”
He offers me his arm, and I feel a flutter in the pit of my stomach since it feels like old times–back when we had no kids and Caleb’s arms were just for me.
A hostess greets us with a warm smile. “Good evening. Do you have a reservation?”
“Yes, under Steele, Caleb says.
She checks her list and nods. “Right this way, please.”
As we follow her to our table, I can’t help but feel a bit out of place. It’s been so long since we’ve been somewher this fancy without the kids. I smooth down my dress nervously.
Caleb must sense my unease because he leans in close and whispers, “You look beautiful, by the way. I forgot to tell you earlier.”
1 blush, feeling some of my nerves dissipate. “Thank you. You clean up–pretty well yourself.”
We are given a table far away from everybody els
It makes me worry Caleb spent a fortune on our date, but eh does it
Chapter 90
matter! We barely go to fancy dinner anymore without the kids I tell myself we deserve this
Lexchange my frown with a smile and it only grows after I’m done checking out the menu and catch Caleb studying me with his dimpled face that has only grown sexier with the years.
“So,” he says, knowing full darn well that his dimples are makingne swoon as he speaks, “what shall we talk about now that we don’t have three kids interrupting us every live seconds?”
1 laugh. “Oh…well… Maybe we could discuss your secret plan to grade me in for a younger model once the kids are gone?”
Caleb rolls his eyes good–naturedly. “You know that won’t happen.”
“I do?”
“Uh–huh. We are married, Leah. You’re stuck with me until I die. Also, you’re nineteen years younger than me. I think I’ve already got my younger model.”
I smirk. “Smooth talker.”
“Am I guilty of that? Yes. Yes, I think I am.”
My lips curl. I’ve missed this side of Caleb, and I’m enjoying myself immensely already, but my brain is so fried from my mama–life that I’m having trouble thinking of a topic.
Noticing my discomfort, Caleb tilts his head. “What’s on that pretty mind of yours?”
“Is nothing”
“Lies. I know it’s something.”
“Well, it is, but it isn’t important!” It’s actually ridiculous.
“Tell me anyway.
“Fine…” I take a deep breath. “I… I’m having trouble thinking about a topic to talk about. It’s not that I’m bored, but… I guess I’ve forgotten how to hold grown–up conversations.”
Caleb’s expression softens. “How about we start with how proud am of Maddox for coming out to us today? That took a lot of courage.
My smile comes back. “I know. I’m so glad he felt comfortable enough to tell us. And I’m even more glad that you wonderfully,”
“Of course,” Caleb says. “Our kids” happiness is the most important thing. I just hope Maddox knows he can always come to us, no matter what.”
“I think he does now,” I say while trying not to drown in his eyes. But speaking of the kids, how do you think Jessie’s doing with Danielle and Stina?”
Caleb chuckles. “Probably talking their ears off about that magic girl series Sui
writes. You know how she gets.”
I laugh, picturing our chatty daughter. “True. I just hope she goes to bed on time.. Do you think I should call them? Just to
make sure
“Leah,” Caleb interrupts me, his tone slightly amused but also firm. “We’re on a date. Let’s try not to worry about the kids for
yoy Sat, FØD I
Chapter 90
one night, okay?”
I take a deep breath, realizing lie’s right. “You’re right. I’m sorry Old habits die hard, I guess”
“I understand,” he says. “But tonight is about us. So, tell me, my sexy little author, what’s new in your writing world? Any exciting book ideas brewing?”
“Not yet.” I smile at him. “I’m taking a little break to read to fetch some ideas, you know
“Ahh, the old “spying at the enemy‘ tactic, huh?”
I laugh at Caleb’s teasing tone. “It’s not spying! It’s… research.”
“Uh–huh,” he says, not sounding convinced at all. It’s making me hotter in my clothes. “And what kind of research are you doing?”
“I’m waiting.” He drawls.
“Well, if you must know.” I begin, knowing I’m probably going to regret this but wanting to take the chance. I miss having spicy sex with Caleb. “I’ve been reading a lot of erotic BDSM novels lately.”
– Caleb’s eyes widen in what might be actual surprise. “Erotic BDSM novels? My, my, Mrs. Steele. Are you trying to spice up
our love life?”
I feel my face burning hotter than the stellar sun. “N–no–I’m just gathering ideas
“Really?” Caleb looks amused. “Because you only stammer when I’m right.”
Damn him for being married to me! “Okay, fine! Maybe I am trying to get some… inspiration. Is that so wrong?”
Caleb’s eyes darken slightly as he leans in closer. “Not at all. In fact, I find it very intriguing. Care to share any of these ideas you’ve gathered?”
My heart races at his tone. “Well, there was this one scene where the couple used ice cubes in a very creative way…
“Oh?” Caleb’s voice drops lower. “Do tell.”
Just as I’m about to elaborate, the waiter appears at our table. “Good evening. Are you ready to order?”
I jump slightly, having forgotten we were in a public place. Caleb clears his throat, looking amused at my flustered state. “Yes, I think we are,” he says smoothly, then looks at me. “Ladies first?”
I quickly scan the menu. “Um, yes…” My eyes land on the fancy salmon, and I point at it. “Can I have this?”
The waiter smiles, and as Caleb places his order, I take a sip of water. Lord knows I need it. I’m all hot and bothered, and it doesn’t get better once Caleb is back to studying me with that infuriatingly sexy glint in his eye.
“So, you mentioned ice cubes?” he asks innocently, and I bite my lower lips.
“Wh–what are you talking about?”
Chapter 90
“Don’t play coy with me. Leah. You were talking about the ice cube couple before the waiter interrupted us.”
My face burns–absolutely BURNS. “You’re not going to let it go are you?”
Amusement lights up Caleb’s beautiful features. “Nope. This is dar date night, and I’m VERY intrigued by this ice cube BDSM couple. Mind telling me more about them?”
I laugh, shaking my head at my perverted husband. “You’re such pervert, you know that, right?”
“And so are you,” he nods down at my thighs that I’m practically having to keep closed by force. Heat is gathering there, and Caleb knows–of course he does. “You’re doing that “press my thighs together in front of Caleb‘ thing, and that only happens when you’re in the mood.”
I sigh. “But if we talk about sex, it’s going to be hard not leaving the table…”
“Would that be so bad?”
I lift my eyes to his and feel the last of my nerves melt away at the suggestive gleam in his eyes. And, when I see his need for me. I also feel silly. To think I ever feared him leaving me after the kids are gone.
We may be parents and getting old, but when I look into Caleb’s eyes, I only find heat. I’m looking at a man in love, and that’s when I realize our life together is far from over–in fact, I think the best is yet to come.
(End of Mini story. Next is Ethan meeting his partner.)