Chapter 93
Chapter 93
Have I turned into a bore?
I’m only 21 and already the CEO of Steele Industries. Honestly, probably the youngest billionaire there is and while that is cool and everything. I never wanted any of this.
Three years ago, I didn’t even know how to run a company. I was a complete airhead, but when my dad, who is 60, worried he would never be able to retire, I stepped up since my siblings wouldn’t.
I have two siblings–a twin brother and a younger sister–and although I never wanted to inherit my dad’s empire, it was the only option so my dad could retire with my mom. Maddox is to invested in his football career to be a CEO, and Jessie… well, she is the messy sibling who might never grow up.
Funny how that used to be my parent’s description of me. Crap when did I become the responsible one?
I used to be a party animal as a teenager. I was a fan of ‘My Chemical Romance‘ and painted my nails, drank more than anyone else, danced on bar tables, and, more often than not, I woke up in a stranger’s bed the next morning. Young Ethan
was crazy.
. I release another sigh and pick up green nail polish from a shelf inside the grocery store. Would it be weird if I started doing
makeup tutorials again? I could keep my face hidden from the viewers…
“Oh, this one is pretty!”
1 blink in surprise at the familiar voice and glance to the side to see none other than Freya Smith looking around before dropping a mascara inside her pocket. What the actual heck? Is she stealing makeup from the grocery store?
Intrigued, I silently watch her sniff the head of a perfume bottle before dumping the whole thing inside her pink bag. She is wearing large, black sunshades combined with a scarf tied around her head to hide her red hair, and I have to stifle a laugh,
Shouldn’t a thief look discreet?
Freya looks like a clown.
It’s hilarious.
“Hmm…need some schampoo..” Freya murmurs when she walks over to another aisle.
I silently follow her like her own personal shadow. I know I shouldn’t, but Freya Smith amuses me. She isn’t afraid of being herself, or maybe she is just messy? Either way, I think she is batshit crazy, yet there’s no denying how close I am to smiling whenever I’m around her.
Freya picks up another item. “I do need lipgloss…”
Is she going to steal the lipgloss as well? Crazy girl. Doesn’t she understand there are–cameras in here? Probably not. Freya isn’t the smartest tool in the shed. Even though she is a redhead, the acts like a dumb blonde. I would never date someone like her. Stupid girls aren’t my type, but teasing Freya Smith is way too easy and fun.
Smirking, I walk up to her with the intention of rattling her bones. Just a little so I can go home smiling.
I clear my throat, startling Freya. She whirls around, nearly dropping the lipgloss she was about to pocket.
19:10 Sat, Feb 1 BM
Chapter 93
“Mr. Steele!” she squeaks, her eyes wide behind those ridiculous pinglasses. “What are you doing here?*
“I could ask you the same thing.” I reply, raising an eyebrow. “Especially considering your… interesting shopping methods.”
Freya’s cheeks flush bright red, clashing horribly with her hair peeking out from under the scarf. “I.. I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she stammers unconvincingly.
1 lean in close, dropping my voice to a whisper. “I saw you, Frey The mascara, the perfume and now the lipgloss?”
She gulps audibly, looking like she might bolt at any second. Buchhen something shifts in her expression. A glint of mischief appears in her eyes, visible even through the oversized shades.
“Well, Mr. CEO,” she says, her voice challenging. “What are you going to do about it? Turn me in?”
I’m taken aback by her sudden bravado. This is not the reaction expected. I should walk away right now, call security, and do the responsible thing. But something about Freya’s daring grin makes me pause.
“No, I don’t think I will.”
“What? Why not?”
“Because…” I find myself drawl, “I was thinking of joining you.”
Freya’s jaw drops. “What?!”
Don’t look so shocked, Freya. I’m bored, and this seems like the perfect distraction.”
She opens her mouth like a guppy. It’s cute. “Bored? You–Ethan Steele–are bored and want to join_wait, what are you doing at this grocery store to begin with?”
Since I don’t plan on telling her this is where I go if I want to look at nail polish without being judged, I ask, “Does it matter? I’m here, and you…” I wet my lips, trying to think of a good explanation for me offering my help. “You’re obviously struggling in your everyday life, so maybe we can help each other?
Shes at me and I have to bite down hard on my bottom lip not to laugh. This is fun.
“Okay, let me get this straight..” She looks me up and down, frowning a little when she notices my expensive suit. Confusion brews up on her face, and then she lowers her voice to whisper, you, the richest guy in the city, want to help me steal makeup?”
“Yeah?” I whisper, and the whole exchange makes me smile when she squints at me harder.
Freya is probably wondering why I’m not offering to buy her stuf, but what would be the fun in that? I’ve never stolen anything, I was forced to grow up too fast, and now, when I have the chance to do something every teenager in the city has tried, I feel excited, kind of like a mischievous child about to steal cookies.
I WANT to be Freya’s accomplice. To prove that I intend to join Treya in her scandalous stealing spree, I hunch my shoulder so we are both hidden behind the makeup aisle.
Freya gives me a funny look. “You honestly want to help me?”
9:10 Sal, Fel
Chapter 90
“Isn’t it obvious?” I whisper–yell at her. “I want to live a little. Feel the adrenaline rush. So what do you say? Will you let me be your side–kick, Freya Smith?”
Freya’s eyes widen behind her ridiculous sunglasses. But after a few hot seconds of thinking, she seems to make up her mind and decide that she needs me.
“Okay, Mr. CEO. If you’re serious about this, here’s what we’re gonna do. You distract the cashier while I slip out with the goods. Think you can handle that?”
I smile, feeling a rush of excitement I haven’t experienced in years. “I was born to distract.”
Freya grins. “Alright, hotshot. Show me what you’ve got. Go flirt with middle–aged Karen over there and keep her busy so I can flee with the goods.”
I turn my head and notice a gray–haired, bored–looking woman wearing a red and yellow cap. It’s the store’s colors. Her clothes are in the same style, and it clashes horribly with her makeup.
Geez, did she look in the mirror this morning? Her blue eyeshadow and thick black eyeliner definitely need an upgrade from the 90ies where it came from.
“Ethan?” Freya whisper–yells. “Are you with me? Do you know what I need from you?”
I snap back to reality. “I do,” I give Freya a smile. “And the challenge is accepted.“”
“Great! Let’s roll!”
It takes every bit of self–control not to laugh at Freya or how ridiculous this whole situation is. I, Ethan Steele, CEO of a multi–billion dollar company, am about to distract a cashier so a woman I barely know can shoplift makeup.
But I’m committed now.
I stride up to the counter, flashing my most charm smile at the cashier. “Excuse me, miss?” I say even though she is older/ than the street, leaning in conspiratorially. “I was wondering if you could help me with something…”
The cashier, whose nametag reads ‘Martha,’ looks up at me with bored eyes that suddenly widen as she takes in my appearance. You can’t miss that I come from money. “Oh! Um, yes, sir, how can I help you?”
I launch into an elaborate story about needing to find the perfect gift for my non–existent girlfriend’s birthday. As I speak, I keep one eye on Freya, watching as she casually makes her way toward the exit, her oversized bag bulging suspiciously. “…and so you see, I’m completely lost,” I finish, giving Martha my most helpless look. “What would you recommend?”
Martha seems flustered, her cheeks flushed as she stammers out some suggestions. I nod along, asking follow–up questions. and keeping her attention firmly on me. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Freya slip out the door, a triumphant grin on her face. I have to bite back a laugh.
“Thank you so much for your help. Martha,” I say, flashing her another smile. “I’ll definitely consider your suggestions.”
As I turn to leave, Martha calls out, “Wait! Don’t you want to buy anything?”
turn back with a sheepish expression. “You know what? I think I’ll sleep on it. But thank you again for your
Lexit the store, my heart racing with a mix of excitement and disbelief at what I’ve just done. Outside, I spot Freya leaning against the wall, trying (and failing) to look casual.
19 10 Sat, Feb 1 B
Chapter 93
“Well?” she asks as I approach. “How’il it go
I can’t help but laugh. “I think I just convinced poor Martha that ma hopeless romantic looking for the perfect gift. Shell probably be disappointed when I don’t come back to buy anything
Freya grins. “Not bad for your first time, Mr. CEO. I’m grateful that you helped me steal so much stuff I’m fucking broke, and these items are so nice to have. And the food? Jesus, Ethan you’re honestly a lifesaver! I could kiss you right about now!”
hems and food? Did she have more things packed into her large bag?
Before I can ask. Freya reaches up to grab my face. I’m so baffled that I let her pull me to her face level. A second later, she kisses my cheek and I stop breathing. I’m too shell–shocked to move, and when I stare down at Freyalshe is much shorter than me), a blush spreads over her pale, freckly face. She looks embarrassed about what she did.
“Lummm…crap, I didn’t mean to do that,” she mutters before quickly straightening up, “L..I should probably go now Thanks for the help!”
With that, Freya hurries away while I silently reach up to touch my cheek where she kissed me, stunned and honestly a bit flustered.
When was the last time a woman dared to kiss me? I’m usually not the submissive type she wants with me, but
that allows a woman to do whatever
I watch Freya’s retreating form, her wild red hair bouncing as she practically runs away. My cheek tingles where her lips touched it, and I find myself fighting back a smile.
What just happened?
I shake my head, trying to clear my thoughts. This whole situation is absurd. I’m Ethan Steele, CEO of a multi–billion dollar company. I don’t help random women shoplift, and I certainly don’t get flustered over a simple kiss on the cheek.
And yet…
Holy shit, I’m actually smiling, and this isn’t a fake smile. Nu–uh this one is genuine.
Freya Smith sure is an interesting one….