Billionaire Boss 96

Billionaire Boss 96

hapter 96 


Tears sting my eyes after I’ve harfed in Ethan’s toilet for the third time within five minutes. He is holding up my red hair behind me while I’m kneeling in front of the porcelainsuper conbarrassing. It also doesn’t help that he is hotter than heil what woman with red blood in their veins wants the gorgeous guy to see them like this

Do you want some water?Ethan calmly asks while combing through my hair. When I say nothing he sprays something on the ends and starts braiding it. He is scarily good at it.ugh, is he also into men

Long story short: my exhusband, Clark, is gay or bi.. I don’t really know what to call it. He is with my sister, who well, she was born as a man, and Clark liked Jayla even before she had her operation. At least according to Jayla. Not that it matters What matters is that Clark cheated

You should probably sit a little,Ethan says, helping me lean against the wall and giving me a towel

I notice that his nails are still limegreen on one hand when I take it, and since I’m still halfdrunk, I dare to flick my eyes to his and ask. Do you like women or men? Or both?” 

Ethan pauses. He is bent over me, and once he has processed my question, a slow smile spreads over his lips, I like women.he holds up his nails in my face. Bold of you to assume this would make me gay.” 

My whole face heats up. That’s not- 

But Ethan is already laughing. It’s okay. I’m just messing with you


Kitten?I repeat, my eyebrows shooting up despite my pounding headache. Did you just call me kitten?” 

Ethan’s eyes widen slightly, as if he didn’t realize what he just said. A faint blush creeps across his cheeks. L, uh sorry. It just slipped out.” 

I can’t help but giggle, which quickly turns into a groan as my stomach churns again. Well, I suppose there are worse things to be called. Though I’m not sure how kittenlike I am right now

Ethan chuckles softly

You’d be surprised. Small, feisty, and currently making pitiful noises? Sounds pretty kittenlike to 

I try to glare at him, but judging from the tryingnottolaugh look he gives me. I probably look as threatening as a kitten. Goddamn it

You tease me now, but I promise I can be very fierce when I want to. I mutter

I don’t doubt it.” 

My heart skips a beat, and the smile he aims at me, but I don’t have time to act like a lovestruck teenager. Ethan stands up to fill a glass with water, and it gives me the perfect opportunity to peel my eyes off of him

but he is soon back in my view

Drink thishe holds out the glass for me to take. Small sips.” 

I take the glass gratefully, following his instructions. The cool water soothes my raw throat. Thanks,” I mumble. You’re being weirdly nice to me


Chapter 96 

Ethan’s lips twitch before he decides to take a seat beside me on the floor. My eyes widen in response to having him so close to me and when I glance up at his handsome face, his lips are obscured by his fingers as he studies me with his chin resting against his knuckles


n not being weindly nice to you, Freya. I’m just not a bad person.” 

I snort, immediately regretting it as my head throbs. Could’ve fooled me with that whole stick up your ass reputation” 

Ethan laughs softly. Ah, yes. My fearsome reputation. Tell me, do you still think I have a stick up my ass 

I consider this for a moment, studying his face. The amusement in his green eyes, the slight curl of his lips. Maybe not a stick, I acknowledge. More likea twig?” 

He grins, and I’m struck by how it transforms his face. He looks even younger and even more carefree. I’ll take it. That’s progress from the stick.” 

You’re acting as if you’ve never had someone mock you before 

Ethan chuckles. You’d be surprised. Most people are too intimidated to joke around with me like this 

Oh. probably because you’re young as hell. Bet you just graduated to inherit the family company and of! You must have been a jock in college.” 

My brother was,Ethan’s lips twist into an amused smile when he catches me drunkstaring at his biceps, but he doesn’t tease me for it. I was one of the weirdos.” 


Ah, you know. I was just odd.” 

Odd, how?” 

Umm. I dressed in allblack clothes, wore bracelets, colored my hair, and did my makeup. Most people actually assumed I was gay even though I wasn’t. Just liked My Chemical Romance a little too much” 

I snort. You liked My Chemical Romance?” 

He tilts his head. You got a problem with that?” 

Uh, no? I love My Chemical Romance, butyou’re like, what, 25, and their songs were popular back in-” 

I’m 21, actually 

I almost choke. What?!I stare at Ethan, convinced he is joking until he blinks innocently at me

Something the matter?” 

I close my mouth. This dude isn’t joking. He really is 21, which means that he is a freaking baby- Nnothing-I look away from him. You’re really young to be the CEO of Steele Enterprises.” 

Yeah, well,he breathes a laugh. It’s just like you said: I inherited the family company.” 

That’s still a lot of responsibility for someone sp young 

Chapter 96 

mething in her pat 

Ethan shrugs, but I catch a firker of my dad said he wanted to retire, and try things well they haderer ge 

we had to go the 

I study Ethan’s face, noticing the ele tension is why one of your singkat sales or the family 

business instead

He looks at me, seeming surprised by the question. For a theme but if we are graficy strangers, but then he sighs Sometimes” 

Did he just open up to me? My eyes widen, and then even more when I find get’s see and try but it’s there to be seen

I study it for a while, and heat floods my face when I realize Exts short is too small for hom. The fabric is a rather t allowing me to see the pink of his nipples. And the outline of both his peetudes are there. On diglay Huge and quite frankly, ridiculous 

Ethan suddenly turns his head, and I quickly avert my eyes, a quick question wing my mouth to distract him from the fact I was checking him out, What would you be doing if you were running the compet 

Ethan leans his head back against the wall, a wistful smile playing on his lips. Honestly I’d probably be traveling the world. making music, or maybe even doing makeup tutorials on YouTube” 

I can’t help but laugh at the last part, which quickly turns into a groan as my head throbs. Makeup tutorials Seriously 

Ethan grins. Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it. I used to be pretty good at it.” 

I’d pay good money to see that,I tease, then remember I’m broke Well, maybe not good money. But I’d definite 

He chuckles, then looks at me with an expression I can’t quite read What about you, Freya?” 

The question catches me off guard

I… I don’t know,I admit, feeling a bit embarrassed. I was Clark’s trophy wife, and now, when I’m not. I’m just lost. I guess I haven’t thought about it in a while.” 

Ethan’s gaze softens. Maybe it’s time you start thinking about it again 

I smile. Maybe

Ethan and I look at each other for a long moment before he lifts himself from the floor. Anyway, you can use the guestroom, or he grins as he says this part. sleep in the guest bathroom, seeing you’re here already.” 

I roll my eyes at Ethan’s teasing but can’t help the small smile that tugs at my lips. Very funny, Mr. CEO. I think I’ll take the guest room if you don’t mind. My back isn’t what it used to be, so the floor definitely isn’t the choice.” 

Ethan chuckles and offers me his hand. Come on, then. Let’s get you to bed” 

It’s right outside.” 

I know. This is my house,he deadpans, But you’re still unsteady, so I’m leading you there.” 

I shake my head to let him know I think he is ridiculous, but since I’m a cliché, I still take his hand. Am I doing it just to touch him? Perhaps. But once I stand, the room spins a little, so maybe I do need him. I certainly don’t feel bad when Ethan’s muscular arm quickly wraps around my waist, steadying me


Chapter 96 

Whoa there,he says in his dreamy voice. I’ve got you

I look up at him, suddenly very aware of how close we are. Ilis emerald eyes meet mine, and for a moment, I forget how to breathe. Ethan is so beautiful- 


What am I even doing checking him out

Have I lost my goddamn mind?! 

I’m soon 30this dude is too young and too rich for me

Thanks,I fake a smile, But I’m not as useless as I look, I can take it from here.” 

He tilts his head. You sure?” 

I’m sure,I say, even though I’m still under the influence, but I can have this kid acting more mature than me and taking 

of me. So I take a step back, putting some distance between us. Just leave me here until morning 

Ethan studies me for a moment, his expression unreadable. Then he smiles. See you in the morning then, Kitten.” 

Thanks,I mumble, suddenly feeling awkward. Ethan is walking for the door, but before he can leave, I stop being a coward and raise my voice. Hey, Ethan?” 

He looks at me over his big shoulder, eyebrows raised in mild surprise. Yeah?” 

Thanks foryou know. Everything. You didn’t have to do all thi 

A small smile plays on his lips. I know. Get some rest, Freya.” 


Billionaire Boss

Billionaire Boss

Status: Ongoing


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