Chapter 114
If the migraine from my hangover won’t kill me, then I’m sure the embarrassment will.
Maddie is sitting on the armchair in her living room, watching me with a cat–that–got–the–cream smile. “So, you called Ethan after drinking yesterday?” she asks, knowing damn well I did.
*Finnick.“I moan pathetically and bury my face in my hands as I sit up on the couch
“Maybe I shouldn’t have left you alone. Maddie says. She and I were drinking together in her apartment, but when her Tinder date wanted sex, she straight–up abandoned me
“You shouldn’t have!” I whine in a teary voice. “Thanks to you trusting me enough to leave me with a phone, I will have to quit my job, change my identity, and order all of my food online so I won’t ever run into Ethan again!”
“Oh, c’mon, it can’t have been that bad-
1 called him for phone sex. Maddie!”
Her jaw slacks to the ground. “You did what?! I thought you would tell him how you feel, not try to
ry to make phone babies with him!”
“I know!” I lie back down on the couch and drag the blanket over my pathetic self. “Gah, I don’t wanna live anymore. Someone come and put me out of my misery!”
“No. If anyone can survive this, it’s you, Freya”
“No, you need to kill me. Maddie. Just drug my Monster Loco and get my life over with.”
Maddie opens her mouth but closes it when my phone starts vibrating on the coffee table. I don’t reach for it. Maddie does
“It’s Ethan,” she says. “Do you want me to pick up!”
I curl into a ball, close to tears, since I can’t stop thinking about yesterday. How Ethan made me cum by just his voice and how amused he sounded achter LAFTER I TOLD HIM I WANTED HIM HERE WITH ME!
“Nooo.” I moan into the pillow. “Why is he calling me? Probably to laugh, right? That’s what he is going to-
“Maddie speaking”
I sit up straight
pat my traitor of a friend who is currently speaking to Ethan with the biggest smile on her face. “You b Maddie, the evil genius, just smiles in response as though she finds me as threatening as a squirrel.
bitch. I whisper, but
“Yeah, Freya is here_yes she just woke up uh–huh… Sure, I can give the phone to her just wait for a second- spraker and whisper. “It’s Ethun”
places her hand over the
“I know that, you adion. Give m that!” 1 growl and snatch the phone from Maddie, who is giggling uncontrollably.
“You will thank me later,” she says and messes up my hair before leaving the living room. I will have to murder her pretty ass after my phone call.
I do the cliche white girl thing and take one of those deep breaths before bringing the phone to my car. “Hello!” I say, wincing at how raspy my
“Good morning hours, Ethan’s warm voice greets me. “How are you feeling?”
I groan. “Like I got run over by a herd of elephants. Twice”
Elan chuckles. “That bad, huh! I’m sorry to hear that. Do you need anything! I could bring over some coffee and painkillers”
His offer is tempting, but my embarrasunent wins out. “No, no, that’s okay. I’ll survive somehow”
practically hear Ethan’s hesitation through the phone. “Listen, Freya… about last night.”
Oh god. Here it coines. The rejection, the awkwardness, the cd of whatever this thing between us
Dreama–Read Romance…
704 AM c d
Chapter 114
out before he can continue. “Can we pretend I never called you when I was. I squeeze my eyes shut and force myself
o sorry!” I blurt out
the word. “Drunk?”
“What Not Ethan says, sounding alarmed. “Freya, I don’t want to pretend the phone call never happened. I liked it. A lot.”
I blink, sure I must have misheard him. “You liked it?” Does he mean the phone sex part or that I asked him to come over in the most whiny voice possible?
“Of course I did,” he says matter–of–factly with a slight huff that is gather adorable. “Now just put on some clothes and wait for me. I will be over with coffee. I will get one for Maddie as well.”
We hang up and Maddie waltzes into the room–she was probably listening to ever
“Well?” she asks. He coming over!”
“Y–yeah, I turn to stare at her. “He said he will bring you a coffee.”
“Awesome! I love your new husband already,” she grins.
everything we said.
I roll my eyes at Maddie. “He’s not my
“Not yet,” she says with a wink. “But give it time. That man is smitten.
I try to ignore the flutter in my chest at her words. “Don’t be ridiculous. Ethan’s just… being nice.
Maddie shorts. “Yeah, because all bosses bring their employers coffee and painkillers after drunk phone sex. Face it, honey, he’s into you.”
Maddie giggles but doesn’t argue further. She leaves to brush her hair while I find clothes from one of my bags on Maddie’s floor.
When I’m dressed, there’s a knock at the door.
“He is here!” Maddie rushes to answer it, leaving me to smooth down my hair frantically.
“Hello, Ethan Maddie says. “Did you bring my coffee?”
ving a tray of coffees and
“Uh, hello!” Ethan walks in, looking all even compared to Maddie. He is wearing casual clothing and, bless the Gods, carrying a a paper bag. “You must be Maddie? Your coffee is on the tray.”
Maddie practically bounces over to him. “Ooh, gimme!” She grabs a coffee and takes a long sip, sighing contentedly like the caffeine addict she is “Bless you, Ethan. You’re officially my new favorite person.”
Ethan looks a bit uneasy. I don’t think he expected Maddie to be so bubbly and he quickly turns to me, his eyes softening. “How are you feeling.
Iblush at the nickname, painfully aware of Maddie’s presence. “Beller
now, thanks”
He hands me a coffee and a paper bag. “There’s some aspirin in there, and I got you a blueberry muttin.”
My heart does a little flip. He remembered I like sweets?
“Thank you, I murmur, touched by his thoughtfulness.
Maddie looks between us, grinning like the Cheshire cat. “Well, I suddenly remembered I have… a thing. To do. Elsewhere. You two crazy kids have
Before I can protest, she’s grabbing her purse and practically skipping out the door, leaving
An awkward silence falls over us. I fidget w
Ethan and me alone.
over us. I fidget with my coffee cup, not sure what to say. Ethan clears his throat. “So, Freya……. about last night.
“How abo
about we watch something!” I interrupt him and jump for the Playstation controller on the coffee table. “Maddie’s Netflix account is linked to
Dreame–Read Romance… Download
Chapter III
her PSN just wait a little_”
Ethan watches me with confused eyes. It looks like he might say something, but then he mysteriously
y smiles and plops down on the couch. He looks very satisfied with himself, and then I realize why–he is sitting in the middle and taking up so much space that we will be forced to touch each other if I sit down beside him…
I hesitate for a moment, eyeing the small space next to Elan on the couch. He looks comfortable as hell, those long legs of his taking up way more room than necessary. The worst part? The mischievous glint in his eye tells me he knows exactly what he’s doing.
But two can play at this game.
With exaggerated nonchalance. I plop myself down right next to him, pressing my thigh against his “Hope you don’t mind if 1 squeeze in here,” I say innocently. The view of the TV is best from this spot
Ethan’s lips twitch. “Not at all. Make yourself comfortable
“I will” I’m amazed at how little my voice gives away. I’m nervous but pretending as if I’m not.
what are we watching?” Ethan asks casually, as if we’re not practically cuddling.
“Um…” I scroll through Netflix “How about a documentary about penguins?”
Eilan chuckles. “Penguins, huh? Sure, why not
I turn it off now. I just need to focus on the penguins, not on the billionaire beside me.
Ugh, why did I pick penguins? Well, I can’t tu
The TV narrator babbles on, “And this is how p
penguins mate.
I’m mortified. Of course, I had to pick the one documentary about animal sex!
“Did you know emperor penguins mate for life!” Ethan muses, his breath tickling my car.
I shift in my seat, uncomfortable since I
I’m already experiencing goosebumps on my back and arms. “N–no. I didn’t,”
Ethan continues. “They’ll spend weeks perfecting their song until
Mhm T
They’re quite romantic, actually. The males sing to attract their mates,” E they find just the right one to woo their chosen partner.
I swallow hard, very aware of how close he is. “That’s… sweet”
“It is,” Ethan agrees as his fingers start playing with a strand of my hair. It tickles something incredible, and I have to suppress a shiver. “You know, if I were a penguin, I’d sing you the most beautiful song.”
A startled Laugh escapes me. “Are you comparing yourself to a penguin?”
Ethan grins, not
not the least bit embarrassed, “Maybe. I’d be a very handsome penguin, though. Sleek black and white feathers, excellent posture.”
Of course, the CEO is bragging about his non–existent penguin posture. Totally normal day on the couch, right?
“Of course, you have to be the best–looking penguin,” I try n
I try not to roll my eyes Without missing a beat, Ethan starts
sand say, “Would you be able to serenade a female penguin, though!” making ridiculous squawking noises, flapping his a “Stop, stop?” I gasp between giggles. You’re going to make me pee
pre myself maybe I’m
I’m into golden showers
arms like wings. I burst into laughter, clutching my
Fare burning. I grab a pillow a
Ethan’s eyes sparkle with mirth. “Well,
and thing it at his face, not hard, but enough to make a point. He doesn’t dodge it and when it falls to his lap, he smirks
“If you think violence will save really
save you from me, then s
then you’re wrong, lioness. I quite like it when you‘
you’re mud. You get all red and thustered. It’s adorable,
If I weren’t already blushing. I am now. “I’m not adorable_
7:04 AM et c
Chapter 114
“You are.” Ethan picks up my socks from the coffee table when he notices I’m barefoot. You’re also very cold,” his eyes travel to the goosebumps on my skin. It’s not from a cold, though–it’s from him.
“You don’t have to help me with my sock-
But he is already placing my foot on his lap. “No, if you’re cold then–He trails off and smiles. “You’re not cold.”
I squirm as Ethan’s warm hands envelop my foot, his thumb brushing over my ankle. “What do you mean?”
His eyes flick up to meet mine, and he has a happy smile on his face. “These goosebumps aren’t from being cold, are they? They’re from me touching you.”