The hesitation in him gave me pause. I looked up and saw it all over his face and the way his dark opall eyes flickered. He was hiding something from me. Pushing him would get me nowhere, so I said nothing, just watching him struggle with it. He’d confide in me when he was ready. We had at least gotten that far in our relationship for me to know that for certain.
For now, I just leaned against him, enjoying the heat of the baths.
“Should we talk about something else?”
“I don’t mean to hide things from you.”
“I know” I sighed and closed my eyes.
A few moments of silence passed before 1 thought of something to say.
“Tell me a story,” I said, my voice soft, the gentle lapping of the water providing a soothing backdrop.
Tsuneo chuckled, his voice warm. My heart skipped a beat.
“I know you are young, but I did not expect you to be that young.”
I nudged him. “And how old are you?”
In your realm’s years, or mine?”
“Five and twenty.”
I blinked at that. I didn’t even want to know what the equivalent was. Hundreds? Thousands? I shook my head. This is probably not what one of my aunts meant by marrying an older man, but I doubt she would have complained.
“Well, you’re at least older than I am, so tell me a story.
“What kind of story?” he asked.
“Anything,” I replied. Something about your realm.”
He hummed
“Do you know the legend of the first dragon and phoenix?” he asked.
I shook my head. “Not a story that’s made it all these years. Tell me.”
In the beginning, there was only chaos. A void filled with darkness and despair. And then, from that void, rose the first dragon, a creature of immense power and beauty. But with great power came great loneliness, and so the dragon yearned for a companion.”
I frowned. “How could a void of nothing know what darkness is? Despair?”
He chuckled. “If you overthink the stories, they cease to be enjoyable… don’t you think?”
I shrugged. “Go on.
I had never been one for origin or creation myths. It always seemed so unbelievable.
“I would not say I have not always had my doubts about the stories, but these are the stories that I was told as a child, the things our records say. These and the versions | kamu”
When wrote the records was my first thought. But then hardly mattered. He was a dragon. This entire
realm was a place
a place of fantasy.
“Our records say that the first dragon, alone in a world of chaos, yearned for companionship. In answer to his plea, a phoenix was born, a creature of light and hope.”
I frowned at that, but I didn’t say anything
“The dragon and phoenix became inseparable, and they became the symbol of balance and harmony. Together, they brought order to the world, their love a beacon in the darkness. But their union was not without its challenges, Tsuneo continued. “The world was filled with darkness, and there were those who sought to destroy their harmony. The dragon and phoenix fought valiantly and became rulers of the realm. Within the chaos, all the creatures Blocked to them and together they built this world and the next. the Phoenix drew a line between the living and the waking world.” He paused.
It is said that the Phoenix also drew the line between the human and the supernatural world. When humans became too greedy.”
I felt a lump form in my throat. Images flashed through my mind, but I couldnt make them out.
“It’s a beautiful story,” I whispered.
It feels as though there is something missing”
He turned to me with a questioning look.” I have always felt the same. His eyes searched mine. As if the details didn’t quite add up. As if the story was always cut short”
I smiled at him
seems as though I’m not the only one who’s overthinking it
Perhaps.. shall we get out? The water will get cold,
I highly doubted it, since he seemed to be like a furnace, but I nodded and let him help me out of the bath. We dressed for bed and headed towards our sleeping chambers. A sense of peace washed over me when Tsuneo’s arm wrapped around me, his body was a comforting presence in the darkness. I closed my eyes,
A while later, I felt him shift, His fingers gently tracing patterns on my skin.
“You’re tired,” he murmured, his voice low and soothing.
1 bummed in agreement, snuggling closer to him. “I am.” I replied, my voice barely a whisper. “But you’re restless… What’s wrong?”
He hesitated. “I could say the same of you….
I smiled. “I’ll tell you if you tell me fint.‘
A low rumble went through him. I don’t want you to misunderstand.”
*Well, I cant misunderstand anything if I don’t know anything
He chuckled.“true”
His heart shaded to race under my palm. If you’re not ready to talk about it, we don’t have to talk about it. I know you’re hiding something from me and it clearly distresses you… I had just hoped to make you feel better.”
He hesitated, his grip on me tightening. T’m sorry,” he admitted, his voice barely a whisper. “I didn’t want you to think differently of me
Not sure about to tell me you massacred hundreds of thousands of people or something, equally as horrible. I don’t think I could think much differently of you. I looked up and cupped his face. “You have to understand that I have a completely different background than you. Whatever you think may cause you shame or misunderstanding between us, most likely won’t. I don’t know the first thing about imperial dragon protocol or what the appropriate type of robe to wear is. I’ll ask that you be honest with me. I’ll ask that we talk about it, but I’m unlikely to freak out. Haven’t I shown myself to be a reasonable person?”
His lips twitched. His eyes flickered. “More reasonable than anyone your age has the rig
right to be
“Well, I suppose, if you cumpare with someone like Ari, I seem incredibly reasonable, but I assure you, in my realm, I’m pretty average on the
trasonable scale
The laughed agam, his eyes twinkling. I don’t think a single young woman your age, a young human, your age, would be half as accepting or reasonable
situation as you have been. Don’t sell yourself short
- v. but
“Then don’t shortchange me….I looked down. “I admit that when I got here, I was not very gung ho with this whole. I’m suddenly your wife thing, you’re not a bad man. You’ve protected me. You’ve stayed with my life. You’ve defended me… I can’t find any reason to not at least try.”
His eyes turned molten like candy melting in the midday sun or flowing from a candymaker’s pan.
“Tell me…” I smirked.” Or we can play the guessing game again. That was fun.”
He laughed. I will tell you… I would rather not be up all night.” His eyes heated, and he smirked at me.
“At least not playing this sort of game.”