Marcus lay motionless on a hospital bed, his face pale, as if he were trapped in a never–ending sleep.
Every day, the nurses came in to check on his condition, noting the faint signs of life that barely clung to his body.
His body was still alive, but his soul seemed to have drifted away to another world.
One day, I noticed something strange – Marcus‘ s soul had also left his body, just like mine.
I froze, shocked.
He saw me and his eyes lit up with a sudden, desperate hope. He tried to rush toward me, wanting to hold me in his arms.
But we were both just souls. How could we ever touch again?
“Caroline, please, don‘ t leave me,” he
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pleaded, his voice filled with despair and longing.
I looked at him, a storm of emotions swirling inside me.
The anger and hatred I once felt had gradually faded over time.
I smiled softly and said, “I hated you once, but I don’t hate you anymore.”
Hearing this, a glimmer of hope flickered in Marcus‘ s eyes. He thought I had forgiven him.
But I continued, “But I also won’t forgive you. Go back. Go back to your body. I don’t want to spend eternity with you.”
His hope shattered, and he crumpled in defeat, as if all the strength had left him.
Without another word, he returned to his body.
The heart monitor beeped back to life, and nurses and doctors rushed into the room, surprised to see him awake.
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pleaded, his voice filled with despair and longing.
I looked at him, a storm of emotions swirling inside me.
The anger and hatred I once felt had gradually faded over time.
I smiled softly and said, “I hated you once, but I don’t hate you anymore.”
Hearing this, a glimmer of hope flickered in Marcus‘ s eyes. He thought I had forgiven him.
But I continued, “But I also won’t forgive you. Go back. Go back to your body. I don’t want to spend eternity with you.”
His hope shattered, and he crumpled in defeat, as if all the strength had left him.
Without another word, he returned to his body.
The heart monitor beeped back to life, and nurses and doctors rushed into the room, surprised to see him awake.
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pleaded, his voice filled with despair and longing.
I looked at him, a storm of emotions swirling inside me.
The anger and hatred I once felt had gradually faded over time.
I smiled softly and said, “I hated you once, but I don’t hate you anymore.”
Hearing this, a glimmer of hope flickered in Marcus‘ s eyes. He thought I had forgiven him.
But I continued, “But I also won’t forgive you. Go back. Go back to your body. I don’t want to spend eternity with you.”
His hope shattered, and he crumpled in defeat, as if all the strength had left him.
Without another word, he returned to hist
The heart monitor beeped back to life, and nurses and doctors rushed into the room, surprised to see him awake.
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As I watched Marcus stir, I felt the bindings that had held me to this world finally lift.
I was free to leave.
Marcus stared blankly out the window, knowing he didn’t deserve to die yet.
He still had to face the truth and uncover the conspiracy that had ruined our lives.
He had to seek justice for me and for the real Madeline, to bring the masterminds to justice.
As for me, I had lied one last time – I wanted him to live.
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