Chapter 5
Hubby was unued in silence and momentarily forgot how to breathe. She knew she should have been scrambling away something Hat the shock bejat her feet mated to the concrete slabool tone the was standing on Ale was looking diersity at her, and she stood their mummoving Shu could suddenly hear the blood rushing through her vein Every single thing was intensified, down to the soul of the mes shoes against the grand as they walked down the stairs he scalked rigle past her, harly even paying her any mind And right after him, Alex walked past on As Alex walked by. his shoulders Fushing by hers lightly, she let out a long shuddering breath that she didnt even know she had been holding
kin the direction star was heading She wondered for a moment what
Hail they come to week out other women like her whin abser rame tonel
if that was the case, she shulered low that would make her feel Shaking her.
do worry aunt it. At least for at die moment. The most important thing liver was thur
thought she had for sure been caught on the spot, Alex hadn’t actually recognized her And that meant that her attempt at dogsing hersell was an ally working part of her wondered if running into Alex and Scott was a sign A sign that she shuddict be in a place like this. That thought alone almost made her turn back and head home, before she lost the last shurd of respect that she had for herself hat then she thought of her mother. And she knew that if anything happened to her. mom, she would never forgive heisell she would never forgive hersell it her mother died when she could ve saved her And even if she curled up dying after all this, at least Ruby would know that she tried everything in her power to give her mom the care that she deserved And at the rules were reversed, she knew that her mother would stop at nothing to save her life.
With a newjeund resolve, she reached the top of the stairs and walked to the door at the end of the hallway as she had been
stricted to Ruby took in a deep breath and swallowed the lump in her throat before she proceeded to try to open the loo But her fingers had barely touched the don handle before it was thrown open from inside And standing there, leering at he was a lanky looking man who smelled like cigarettes and ob sheets. The smell immediately infiltrated her senses and made her wonzy as he ushered her into the dimly lit room
“Come on in Ruby he gesturel
mum her name, and she was itching to ask him how he knew her name Ja she decided against it and assessed her standings. The room had an historical kind of decor, but with a bit of mader
the bed. A Kly yellow light bulb was the only source of light the provided, and it createst basely any light, but she suspected that that was intentional, as were many other things about this place
“Tari Hilly. And your and 1, Ruby, we’re about to have us an innforgettable time. Just the two of us”
Baby took a shaky breath and looked at Billy, assessing all the deures about him. Billy was a tall man who had a head that seemed way ton leavy for his neck to hold. And the way that he bent to one side as he sound only made that theory all the mune believable. Aulad
ked teeth were all yellow.
be directed a prelatory grin at her, and he had a cruel glist in his eyes. Putting a plainly, Hilly was a disgusting looking man.
me around. Money that she
currently needed desperately Everything in her screamed ‘run and she wished that she could she also had the terrible
laden slir god done with Billy here, the faster she could
Trom all thin and get back. eins ran down her spine. She tried
Han looked like right now. She swallowed band
alwn the fear that she was feeling but she just couldn’t She started to temble, her heart pounded with a crazy chytlum, and yet, she smiled Men like Hilly liked nice girls, so she had to sanite like a mor girl she knew what she was getting herself into myways, she knew what would be rspected of her.
Stell me, Ituby Why are you doing this? Is this what rich girls do when they get bored? Or do you need money because daddy refused to get you a new handbag Billy asked, sull sporting that evil glint his his eyes
She was at a loss for words. That question was unexpected. It haaken her completely off guard She wasn’t expecting him to ask her something like that, but then again, she hadn’t expected him to know her name rather. It sounded like he knew a dot more about her than she was comfortable with She’d been plasing to go by some sort of altas, something like gor penny and so far, nothing was going the way that she had planned.
“I need the money” she quietly sand Her explanation seems stupid and divious. But she couldn’t think of a better way to explan why she was there, and Billy didn‘) need to know all that anyways.
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Chapter 5
Billy didn’t say anything at first, he only looked her up and down with those predatory eyes and walked over to the edge of the bed. When he was seated, he cleared his throat and took off his shirt. “I guess this interview will be fun for me then. Ruby. Take off your dress.” It wasn’t a request, his voice sounded authoritative, silently telling her that she would be taking off her dress whether she wanted to or not.
It was time. It was finally time for her to do the thing she had come here for. The urge to throw up came back even harder. but she swallowed down the acid in her throat once more. She slowly reached for the hem of her dress with shaky fingers, and with each downward movement that her hands made, Billy’s grin got even more ominous. She had finally touched the hem, and was moving her dress upwards when the door behind her burst open and slammed against the wall. Ruby jumped in shock and turned around to see Alex Blackwood with Scott right behind him.
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Chapter 6