Chapter 121
Zeke watched his mate through a red haze of his fury.
How could she even sit there as if nothing was wrong? He was in agony. Shadow was in pieces. All because of her. She’d taken his heart and crushed it Ripped it to shreds like she didn’t give a shit
Which was now glaringly obvious that she didn’t. She had fought this from day one
And then, to find her locked in a room with another man was the last straw. What had they even been doing in here?
He refused to acknowledge that Mr Patrick was one of her teachers and there might be an innocent explanation.
“What the fuck are you doing in here!” he growled
He’d still been at the lake when he had felt like something was off. It was surprising g that he’d felt anything at all beyond the excruciating pain,
“Nothing” Ava whispered.
And her fear added insuli to his injuries. What did she think he would do to her? What could he possibly do to her that wouldn’t hurt him?
He glared at Mr Patrick, who didn’t look the least bit scared of him. He never did. The ma walked back to
to pick up some papers from the desk and calmly walked back towards him. He should rip the man’s fucking throat out and let him drown in his own blood.
“Get your head right. Mr Michelson, You don’t have time to lick your wounds,” Mr Patrick said before he walked out of the lecture hall.
What the hell did he mean by that? Did he know what was going on!
He turned to follow him but didn’t see him in the hallway. He couldn’t even catch his scent to trace where he had
But Mr Patrick wasn’t his problem, so he turned back to the human still sitting at the bench and gripping the desk. Her knuckles were white, and she was trembling.
Was the really that scared of him!
He didn’t think anything could add to the pain he’d endured all night, but he almost crumpled to his knees.
“Get to class,” he growled. “111 pick you up after detention.”
He couldn’t even look at her. Somewhere between her time in Isolation and the picnic, he’d lost her. Fuck.
He turned and stormed out of the room, not caring when he bumped into the people who didn’t get out of his way quickly enough.
Derek and Myles were still waiting outside. Like him, they were not in their uniforms. Though he’d ordered them to go home several times, they had spent the whole night with him. They just watched him. Watched him fall apart. Watched his bond with the human bring him to his knees. Watched a grown man howl in pain over a woman
“Is she okay?” Derek asked.
He didn’t answer.
‘Come on. Zekr, Myles said through the mind link. ‘You said she had to say some specific words to actually reject you, and the fact that you even felt something was wrong means the bond is vilkintaer:
Then why did he feel s
so much paint
Even if she hadn’t properly rejected lum, it was clear that she would.
Tad you even tell her what she is to you! Does she know what a true mate is? Derek asked
He had and too much to thrm in the wooch. He had poured his pain out to them without thinking of the consequences. Now the two of them would follow hum around to make sure he didn’t pavarre the whole school had threatened to ilu several times in the night
the doesn ́t wand not, he told them. Leave it that do and get ready for your lessons before you get into troulite”
We’re not leaving you like this Zeke Liant even tell it
alking to you or Shadone right now, Derek said..
wards ther woods. Derek and Myles had never ventured as far as the lake, but they had found him there Last
11:56 AM c c
Chapter 121
You need to go and make sure things are prepared for your Alpha‘
And the woman he was bringing for him. Like he needed that headache on top of this. Everything was a complete clusterfuck right now.
“Someone else can do that. We’re not-
He turned back to growl at Derek, and his Beta stopped in his tracks and looked down. Shadow didn’t want them around, either.
“I said I’m fine.” he growled. “Go and watch Ava and then take her home after detention. I’ll be back home soon.”
It was an order. He didn’t do that to anyone often, but he needed his damn space. He needed to just make all of this stop.
How could Ava make his world stop completely like this!
By the time he reached the woods, he’d already stripped out of his clothes. The moment he was beyond the tree line, he shifted and let Shadow take them wherever he wanted. He let his beast take control. He relinquished it so he could stop thinking.
He found himself back at the lake with the abandoned picnic mocking him from the bank. He had no idea why the beast would bring them back here. Shadow knocked the basket out of the way and flopped down on the picnic blanket. He didn’t fit on it; most of his body remained on the grass. But Ava’s scent lingered on the blanket, and Shadow whimpered as he put his head down
Shadow usually took over when things got hard, but his demon was just as broken up as he was
‘She doesn’t want us, Shadow
“But she’s still mine?
“She ran from us like the devil was on her back. Yeah, I don’t think she’s ours
Shadow whimpered again.
And the pain consumed him all over again. Crippling pain that he felt like a physical ache. It felt like he would die in this spot. Like the air was being sucked from his lungs as his world crumbled around him.
Derek and Myles didn’t know what they were talking about. This had to be what rejection felt like.
He’d been rejected.
She didn’t want him.
Nothing else mattered now