Chapter 128
Zeke was still trying to figure out how his father would retaliate when he located Ava just in time to hear her conversation with that Alpha. He’d been relying on Shadow’s senses to track her down, so he hadn’t made it to the Administration block until the Alpha was lying in a rapidly forming pool of his blood at Ava’s feet.
apart for stepping up to his mate like The sight slightly satisfied his blood lust, but the piece of shit still had a heartbeat Shadow wanted to rip him a that. He should have listened to his son’s warning, but that boy had got things completely wrong. Ava wasn’t under the Blood Moon Pack protection, she was under his. There is a very big difference. A deadly difference.
When Ava started running, he followed, knocking her pursuers out of the way. He didn’t stop when they screamed and didn’t care if they got hurt as he kept his sights on Ava ahead of the crowd. He could see how fast she was going, which was much faster than any hurman he had ever seen. Either the coach’s training had worked, or his mate still had a lot of secrets she needed to tell him.
And her scent…
He took a deep breath and let it fill him. Was it stronger? Something had clunged
Once he got ahead of the mobs, he stopped and growled in warning.
Watching them fall over themselves would have been comical if he hadn’t been trying so fucking hard to stop himself from attacking them
They had dared. They had dared to try to hum his mate, and that just wouldn’t do.
He watched the fear spread among them as they started to back away. The stench of it brought up his hunting instincts as his canines elongated and his claws lengthened. His lust for their blood began to take him over. Ever since Shadow had made his bloody appearance, he had been terrified of feeling like this again, but for the first time, he welcomed this. He revelled in it. He and his beast were one, and that feeling settled on him like a – comforting balm
They took small steps back as if they could tell he was on the verge of ripping them apart if they made any sudden moves. Were any of these his father’s alliest He would start with those first.
“End them. Shadow snarled.
He wanted to. Fuck, he wanted to bathe the street in their blood. But Ava’s scent… What was happening to her!
He looked back and sensed his mate’s location. She was still moving incredibly fast.
|| “No Shadow. We need to find Ava. We need to mark her so they know she is ours.
He looked back at the trembling bodies before him and took in all their scents. Students who had joined in this suicide mission and their parents, He could hunt them anywhere in the world now. Their fear increased, clogging up his senses and almost pulling his attention away from Ava again.
They all knew who he was. What he
was. They would have heard the stories he tried so hard to distance hunself from. But he was that beast. He was that demon.
And to protect Ava, he would drag them all to the depths of hell with him.
“She is mine.” he growled, his voice deeper as Shadow said the words.
The pack Alphas among them would know what he meant even if they didn’t understand it. This was more than an Alpha publicly claiming a human. It was his wolf, his beaut, declaring that his soul was entwined with another, and he would kill for her without hesitation.
He turned and started following his mate’s scent down the long driveway, stopping where it led him into the woods. They were closer to the cursed forest here, but his senses told him his mate was skirting the boundary. She hadn’t mindlessly run into the danger.
was heading towards has lake. His little human was taking herself right where he wantest her. He took another deep breath of the sweet scent. and it hat his differently. I completely replaced his bloodlust as the need to mate took him over.
the only thing on his mind as he started running toward Ava. He had denied himself for too long. He had denied Ava for too long. As bejet skurr, he could pick up tier elevated heartbeat and the lumpossibly fast pace of her feet as they pounded on the ground. But her breathing
hat it should have been as if she hadur’t run so far and so fast.
He dowed dowiesshen he brand barr stops and silently losed the distance between then. Ava was on her knees just before his lake. He could sense all her emotions beating down on lum, but it as her pain he felt the most.
He was feeling the same porn–the pain of being at oeld with his mate. It had floored him for days before, but that moment when he saw her again and realized she lud accepted hun, something changed. Maybe that was why her si riil was stronger. He had no idea how the band affected humnain, but far knew there would be some changes. Her scent and speed could be one of them
Exclusive Pro
11:57 AM c c
Chapter 128
All that remained
now was to have her offer her neck to him, accept his mark and the fact that she belonged to him forever.
“I don’t know why you still call yourself an Omega, You’re the least submissive person I know,” he said quietly as he leaned on a tree trunk behind.
Ava tensed, and her pain was replaced by anger. But instead of turning to fight this out, he could tell she wanted to run.
“Don’t even think of running, like human. Unless you want me to hunt you”
“Why are you here?” Ava snapped, getting to her feet and turning to face him.
“Where else would I be?”
“Go back to your mate, Zeke. I don’t want to play t
these games with you,” Ava said.
She turned away from him again and started marching forward, wearing her anger like amour. He followed at a more leisurely pace until Ava came to the clearing When she stopped he knew she had now realised precisely where she was
“She’s not my mate. Ava”
“Whatever she is, she’s the one you need to be with,” Ava insisted through her teeth. “We clearly have no future together, and I refuse to be your plaything.”
He stopped night behind her. He could tell by how her shoulders tensed that she felt him there
“Well, I can’t deny that I want to play with you. I want to play with you a lot. Everywhere. Every single way possible,” he whispered.
The scent of her arousal was like an aphrodisiac. He closed his eyes and inhaled, and everything in him responded.
“Stop that.” Ava hissed
“I can’t. Ava. Not this time. I’ve told you several times that you’re mine,” he whispered as he closed the distance between
The contact sent his mind reeling. If Ava denied him today, he would surely lose his mind for good. When he put his hand on her hip and held her against him so she could feel what she did to him, he brought his nose down to the crook of her neck and inhaled
Her scent was definitely stronger. And his. All his..
“Mine, Ava,” he whispered, “just as I am yours. Completely. Mind, body and soul. I will never belong to anyone else.”
He felt drunk on the sensations in his body as he completely surrendered to them. He kissed the spot he was desperate to mark and felt her body
“Give in to me, Ava Let me show you how right we are for each other. Let me mark you.” he whispered.