HeartBreak Novel Chapter 200

HeartBreak Novel Chapter 200

Chapter 200 

Ava watched how the students at the front started to inch back, aware that her beast was now in control. The stench of their fear aggravated Nyx. Ava didn’t understand that for a moment until she realised that Nyx would not get any joy from attacking defenceless people. Her fear that she would shift and attack everyone at the academy had been unwarranted. Nyx was like her in that aspect; there was no need to fight unless her life was in danger 

But the councillors and Head of the Council behind her were a different story. A threat that Nyx wanted to eliminate. A challenge. And her beast apparently lived for these challenges. She could feel hier rage build up at these people who had put her in this position

She had refused to submit to anyone all her life, and she’d fought with those who had still tried to force her. It was now clear that Nyx’s ego had been weninded then, and she’d sought revenge. It had been Nyx who had wanted to see those people on their knees, submitting to her. It was what she wanted to see from Mr Hansson

I don’t think that will happen, Nyx” 

We don’t have all day, Miss Morgan. Give me names. Show everyone here why you are chosen. Why you are better than them.” 

Anger welled in her chest, and her fists clenched

She was not better than anyone. They were all the same, from Omega to Alpha. From the witches who’d just come into their powers to the ones more seasoned. The vampires who were still learning to highs, like Robert, to their prince. All the same

She looked at Zeke and looked into his wolf’s eyes. In the red depths of Shadow’s eyes, she saw all the anger Zeke had held back. Her mate would have gone along with whatever decision she would have made, but he would never have been happy if she gave in

Shadow was not meant to be caged by this system

Ny’s wasn’t either

She turned her head to look at Mr Hansson, and he smiled when he saw her eyes. He couldn’t hide his excitement at the show he assumed he would get, and that disgusted her

We can do this another way,” she said

She was surprised at the sound of her voice. It was deeper, huskier 

And what other way is that, Ava?Mr Hansson asked

He moved even closer to her father, so confident in his invincibility. Maybe he was right to be that way. Andrei frowned at her as if he was asking what she was doing. But Zeke was right. They couldn’t put their lives into other people’s hands. They couldn’t he pushed into these despicable acts that they would have to live with for their whole lives just to satisfy a madman’s agenda

If the councillors didn’t have the balls to stand up to him, then she and her friends would have to do it themselves. She had chosen her side and would accept the consequences 

Everyone here is just a number to you, but they all mean the world to someone. They’re someone’s child. Someone’s sibling. Someone’s friend. We will not slaughter anyone to build

I your army.” 

There were shouts in the 

the crowd as they started retreating further

Have you forgotten what you did to get yourself in this position?Mr Hansson said

She would never forget

“It was them or your Nyx said

She knew that, but it was time for her to accept it. Nyx had saved her life. She was her monster, her darkness

I never hid from the punishment I deserve, and I will still accept it now. But no one needs to die today” 

Mr Hansson switched his gaze to Zeke 

And you, Mr Michelson? Do you stand with your mate!” 

I will always stand with my 

His words gave her more confidence even though they were about to meet their death. Mr Patrick had let them down. They were on their own


Well, you’ve made your stand. I guess it’s time I made mine,” Mr Hansson said

She heard a scream from the students behind her, and by the time she turned to look, she saw Dexter suspended in the air. He was terrified but imable to move as he strained against Mr Hansson’s magic

She had flashbacks of how easily Andrei had ended Family’s life and felt her heart drop to her stomach. Mr Patrick said she and Zeke could do this job because they were monsters but they could’t compete with this

She took control of Nyx, realising they couldn’t make this stand by themselves. Andrei had been right 

Let him go. He hasn’t done anything wrong.” Ava pleaded

But he will still pay for your sins, Ava.Mr Hansson said. Just like Emily paid for your sins. Just like those students you slaughtered in training. It’s 

all you 

Please Dexter whispered

I expected some resistance from you, so I’m not surprised. You two wouldn’t be worth my time if you were meek little lambs,Mr. Hansson said with a grin

You can still train us for whatever role you need us for,Zeke said. I’m sure there are many who’d deserve this fate out there, but not among the students 

I’m sure you’re right,Mr Hansson said. But it’s among these students that your nearest and dearest are waiting and watching, wondering if I will get them next. Put them out of their misery, Ezekiel Pick five names, and everyone else can go about their day” 

She couldn’t take her eyes off Dexter. No matter what a horrible person he was, he didn’t deserve to be put in the middle of this. 

How could Mr Patrick let them down like this! This had been his plan. The other students were supposed to be kept safe from this so they could concentrate on the Council and the guards

We’ll do whatever you want. Please put him down,” she whispered

Mr Hansson cocked his head to the side, and his purple eyes glowed

“I wish I could believe you, Ava. But I know from experience that this step is essential. I need to break you, I need to own you completely so never think you can go against me without any consequences. It’s the only way I can trust you.” 

by your 


The next second, Dexter was in the air just behind the stage, so close to the forest that she could sense the creatures within it starting to approach

Please,she begged

Dexter had tears running down his face as his gaze held hers. He had stopped pleading for his life, and her heart broke. She had known that no matter what decision she made, people were going to die, but assumed she and Zeke would be the ones paying that price

There was a snap, and then the light dimmed from Dexter’s eyes before his head fell at an awkward angle

It took her a moment to realise what had happened, just as the screams started behind her

No!she screamed. rushing forward to get to Dexter

But she already knew there was nothing she could do for him now. She couldn’t hear his heartbeat. She had done it again

As she got to him, she was snatched up into the air and shoved facetoface with Dexter. Guilt ate her up from the inside, leaving its mark on every cell in her body. Her strength sapped from her body as she looked at her former bully. He didn’t deserve this. No one deserved this

She looked into his eyes for mere seconds before his body was flung into the forest behind him

Now, who’s next?” 

HeartBreak Novel

HeartBreak Novel

Status: Ongoing


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