Chapter 36
Wa looked ridiculous walking out of the hospital in the oversized clothes the infirmary food provided, with a fenolong angry, red eyed Alplaa behind her. Her leacimust have been felt här miles while her heady visildy tren dignity as she could schile gripping the waist of the Academy tracksuit bottoms
they wouldn’t fall in her
She saw the disapproving glances when she didn’t look down as she passed the higher ranked wolves. Heard de whispers. The growls. But they all quietened dosen when they looked behind her.
Though the anger in his voice increased her fear and anxiety, she carried on walking until she came out of the building. The sun se at least she hadlay’t been unconscious all night as she had been the other day Uudess she had an inally seriously messed up.”
What were the consequences of disobeying an Alphia She fabriel a little when she remenboeli somewhere. But what would they do! They were alteady allowing other students to hear the crap couldn’t be worse than thei
Thry would take her
dier, whatever punishment they had
Without her tablet once again to show her where the hell she was, she looked and to see if she could see any familiar buildings,
“Disobedience will get you killed anatul here.” Bzekiel growled
can’t take this anymore!” she suupped,
li was easier to feel her anger when she wasn’t looking against him. His eyes had gone back to their intal really the same person who had touched her so gently in
but after she said thar, Ezekiel grabbed her arm, whirled her around, and pulled her four. They were so cold that she didn’t react to his closeness straight away. Was this
-This is why you will die. Ezekiel snapped, “You keep breaking the fucking rules and challenging people who can break you in half. You told my wolf to go fuck himself! What the hell is wrong with you?”
That made her blood boil. Anger burned all her fear away as she regarded the angry
“Tim challenging people? How?” she asked, looking him straight ju dhe eyes, “What s
ave possibly due to deserve this”
“You don’t have an ounce of survival instincts in your body at all, do you? Why do you keep disobeying me?”
She wrenched herself out of his arms and started healing in the direction Karkiet huil driven last night. He was so unbelievablet She was the one being treated like she was worth nothing. She was the one who was told not to look anyone in the eye and just do as stir was told. She was the one being attacked for no reason. An Alpha would never understand how ilda felt. Por him to have the nerve to tell her she was being stubborn when she hadn’t done anything wrong was ridiculous.
“You’re blaming me for this, hat this is all your fauli. Next time you want to go kissing; girls, remember you have a psycho girlfriend,” she snapped as she murched down what looked like an insanely long road.
He had nothing to say to that, and for some reason, dust made her angrier, Hektouched her, make her feel things she didn’t want to feel for hir and the very next day was locking lips with that bitch in the dining hall. He’d looked her in the eye us if he’d been saying, ‘Look. She is who I want, not you. And then he’d still stack his tongue down her throat yesterday!
Her mind pulled back before she could remember how that had felt. Now was not the time.
“You’re going the wrong way!
“What?” she snapped without looking back.
“You’ve gone in the wrong direction“.
the ones she normally walked
Ava stopped and took in her surroundings. None of it was familiar. The domis down this road were a lot fancier than past, and at the end of the street, the looming forest seemed slarker smeltow, More animous. Her skin prickleid in warning. She was reminded of
she had felt in the taxi wlan they had driven through the forest and took a
When she turned around to face him, Ezekiel had his hands in his pockets and was watching her. His wounds looked a lot worse in the daylight, but she looked away before she could start showing any cem. His face had returned to the expressionless one he usually had during training, and shar could almost imagine he was just a regular guy taking a stroll with the gl he liked.
She would not get sucked in. He was the one making her life heir more miserable.
Me shook her head and started walking
direction she had come from, Inn she moved out of the mad when a car slowed down and
alves looked at her from the driver and passenger seats. They looked so
stopped beside them. The window rolled down, and two very mundused that she had to wonder if they had seen hier gei bri
Chapter 36
and then turner
opened the done before con
ng her que from the other w
to have her in his bed all he wanted, but the
and be put
aprabbed from behind and picked up like she weighed in
behind her. His huge frame took up all the space, bringing him too close for her liking. The doors
sexpe from the other ide
- breaths and turned to ver how dense they had become. How many rules had she broken there in front of ha. Locked him in the eye.
looked any from him and crossed her arm
Foot the said Bourly
crates welverd and cut back, and the car stared moving. The driver and his friend were probably in Ezekiel’s pack; they knew where to go without Berkuri saging at our loud the expected them to den her out, but she was surprised when all three wolves sniffed the air and then tensed as they
The groet coming from the Alpha’s lips bought bumps all over her skin as fear wathed over her again. What was it now?