HeartBreak Novel Chapter 88

HeartBreak Novel Chapter 88

Chapter 88 

Ava went to her lessons that day and the day after with all her anger fuelling her. She was grateful that the other students left her alone since that display by Zeke and his pack in the cafeteria the her day, but even tut was pissing her oll

So she had begged them to stop making her life hell and they didact listen, but one word out of Ezekiel’s much and suddenly even the teachers weren’t saying anything to her Intraming, the coach hadn’t insulted her a single time, even though she could see in his beaily linle eyes that he was itching to do so. Then Ezeki informed her that her detentions had been moved to allow her in tram a little longer for the mocks. The dean. Jud supposedly agreed. Bullshit. Etter bullsist 

When the coach blew his whistle to signal the rot of 

She shook her head as she headed to grab some water


Try not to dar during the mocks and left the mom 

She turned to watch Zeke approach. It was funny how she had become less formal in her mind, but when she was calling his name now, she always said Master Ezekiel. He dela’t like that, Tough 

Yes, Master Ezekiel, she answered

She lowered her eyes, but not before sering his jar deurl 

We’re using the same training room as yesterdayhe said

If you’ve got me out of detention, I don’t see why I shoutindlo my disties here before I come and train. Em an Omega, just like everyone else her, she said

She was

was so divid about that. Detention was the uully place she could have seen Mr Patrick, but Zeke had ruined everything

We talked about this 

Oh yes, that’s right. I’m sorry, Master. I’ll do as Ein told.” 

She rolled her eyes as she threw her empty water bottle into the trash and started walking out of the training room. The halls were still full of students leaving their respective moms, but they all moved out of her way as she approached. She would have loved to think that was because of her, that somehow they had seen that she wasn’t too weak in protect herself, but she knew it was because of the brooding, psychotic wolf walking 

A few students were still in the 

Why are you being like this?” 

smuafl training room when she opened the door, and they all quickly exited 

I’m following the rules, Master. Is that not what’s expected of me as the lowliest studert at this school? Is that not my place!” 

Zeke shook his head and said nothing else as he headed to the lacked cabinet where they kept the weapons

Mocks start tomorrow, and the coach will want to get you guys out of the way before everyone else. That means he will try his best to send you to the Infomary again. Ava. We can’t mess around” 

Zeke was right. Though they had trained every morning and every evening, she had let her anger with him affect her training. That went against everything her father had taught her. Emotions had no place in this if she wanted to survive

But this anger she felt towanly Zeke was something else. He had treated her exactly the same as everyone else had, but something in her snapped. Like maybe she expected him to treat her better. Like she wanted to mean more to lim 

Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine, Alpha” 

Zeke’s shoulders tensed, and then he turned around to face hier 

have to worry. If things don’t end well for you, they won’t end well for anybody else,” he said

What did he mean by that? He had been acting possessive, but would be actually attack the people she was paired with? Surely, he could control Jamselt better than that? He was an alpha

sausbed with your 

aining tonight, then just keep your head in 

quall the two

daggers she had used the first time in laer weapons training 

Are you sure you want to give the weapons right now!

Gave me your best stiot,Zeke said 


Chapter 88 

She accepted the weapons and unsheathed them. Once again, she was struck by how perfect they were. Zeke chose a pair of smaller daggers before he came to stand in front of her

You’ve shown more skill than what Coach allowed you to showcase, but I know you can do better. I know you can take care of yourself. I’m not going to hold back tonight” 

And he didn’t. Without warning. Zeke attacked. She dodged, just barely, and turned quickly to face him

No one is going to fight fair. Keep that in mind,he reminded her

And then he attacked again. Though she was sure he was still holding back, something in her rose at the challenge as her years of training worked in her favour. She used her size against him as she worked the daggers like they were musical instruments, creating a symphony with every move. She could hold her own against anyone, and the fact that no one seemed to think so made her double her efforts

Zeke pinned her a few times, but halfway through, she got her first win. She was right on top of the Alpha with her blade against his neck. The adrenaline rush from that win carried her through the rest of the session. By the end, she wasn’t sure if Zeke was still holding back or if she could actually hold her own against him… 

They were both breathless when Zeke called time after her last win 

I won!” she shrieked as she did a happy dance

She pulled herself back quickly when she remembered who she was with. Zeke had a look on his face that she couldn’t describe, but she looked away from him quickly to return the weapons to the cabinet 

Who did you say trained you, again!Zeke asked as he brought his daggers, 100

My dad and my brothersshe answered

Zeke nodded and then handed her some water. He still looked thoughtful

We’ll go shower at home. Just grab your stuff,” he said as he locked the cabinet again. Then we will eat and have an early night.” 

She did as she was told, still experiencing the high of a good training session. For the first time since the coach had told them they would fail, she felt like she stood a chance

If things continued like this, maybe she could survive the Academy after all

She was grabbing her stuff from the locker when she saw Emily cowering on a bench at one end. Emily was dishevelled, and her eyes were red as if she had been crying. Her face was pale, and there was so much fear on her face as she looked at her

Please. I can’t take it anymore. Just tell me what you want from me,” Emily whispered. I can’t cat, I can’t sleepI don’t want to die, Ava. Tell me what I should do” 

Had Zeke threatened to kill her? Was that the conversation they’d had after training when she had seen them

There’s nothing you can do. I trusted you, and you led me to die,” she snapped as she slammed her locker shut

Emily’s wail followed her out of the room. Zeke was waiting outside with a frown on his face. He would have heard that conversation, and she wanted to ask questions, but whatever he’d told Emily was none of her business

Let’s go. Im starving” 

HeartBreak Novel

HeartBreak Novel

Status: Ongoing


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