I traded my body for his remedy Chapter 1

I traded my body for his remedy Chapter 1


My boyfriend caught some rare virus, and it looked like he wasn’t going to make it

To get him the cure, I slept with the director of the research institute

Clay Danhauser survived. He got down on one knee, tearyeyed as he proposed to me

But a few days later, I caught him trying on wedding suitswith my college roommate

When I took the courage to confront him, he just sneered. The thought of you sleeping with another man makes me sick! I deserve to marry someone clean and innocentnot someone whos been passed around like a dirty cheap toy!” 

His words left me no choice but to yank off the ring, throw it at his face, and walk away -straight into a marriage my family had set up

On my wedding day, dressed in my gown,

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ran into Claydressed as the groom

He spat, You shameless slut! You think you can crash my wedding and make a scene? You must be begging to die!” 

I tried to explain, over and over, but he wouldn’t listen. Instead, he tore my gown and started hitting me

When my groom Clifton Danhauser showed up, Clay’s composure quickly changed

Uncle,he said with a fake smile, this crazy woman says she’s marrying you. I couldn’t just sit back and let her ruin your reputation, so I put her in her place.” 

Not long after, Melissa Gilmour, my college roommate, announced her wedding

I liked her Facebook post, and she immediately messaged me

[Girl, get over to The Wedding Atelier. I’ve got a surprise for you!

The surprise? A slap in the face

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Her groom was my fiancé Clay

Wow, Lorraine, youre such an idiot!Melissa said, laughing. The Danhausers are super rich! Did you really think theyd want garbage like you?” 

I told Clay I was the one who got the cure. Guess whathe believed me! Now he can’t even look at you without feeling disgusted. You actually thought hed marry you, huh?” 

Clay slid his arm around her waist. His words were as cruel as they were cold

Youre nothing but a slut! Youre not good enough for me.” 

I watched his lips move, but I couldn’t hear much past the ringing in my ears

My legs were giving out, but before the world went dark, his voice cut through the haze. I don’t care if you pass out. Get the hell out of here! Youre ruining my day!” 

I managed to curl my lips into a bitter 

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This was the man I’d loved for six long. years! The one whod stood with me on a snowy mountaintop and promised we’d grow old together. Now, all of a sudden, he was a monster, tearing me down with every cruel word he could think of

Everyone knew how deeply I loved him

I was the daughter of a wealthy, powerful family, but I’d cut ties with my parents. just to be with him

People always say you shouldn’t meet someone too perfect when youre young. But he checked off every box of what I imagined my first love to be

Bright, handsome, romantic, sweet, thoughtful… 

I thought we’d be happy forever

Then, during a business trip to South 

Africa, he caught a rare virus. The hospital issued three critical condition notices in 




one night

I heard about a research institute in the city that had developed an experimental drug. It wasn’t on the market yet, and there was no way to buy it

So I tracked down the director at some exclusive club. Pushed past his bodyguards. Offered him my body in exchange for that lifesaving drug

My Clay recovered


The day they moved him to a regular room, he proposed to me, crying

But that same nighta video surfaced onlineme, tangled up with another man. It went viral

Terrified I’d lose my fiancé, I lied. Told him the woman in the video wasnt me

He said he believed me

But after that, he grew colder. Distant

I knew he was slipping away, but it still 

I traded my body for his remedy

I traded my body for his remedy

Status: Ongoing


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