it’s Complicated Ch 13

it’s Complicated Ch 13

Chapter 13 

Tala’s Point of View 

+5 Bonus 

It’s now the start of week two of my grounding. My mom was beyond pissed that I never came back that night and grounded me for three weeks. She gave me this whole speech about responsibility, how she’s disappointed in me, why I shouldn’t sleep at a guy’s house, yadda yadda yadda. I tuned her out, but caught parts of her emotional speech

Since I still don’t have a cell phone, she couldn’t take that away. Instead I have no tv and I can only use my computer for school work. She literally keeps my laptop with her and I have to ask for it. Cue the eye roll. If you ask me, she s blowing this all out of proportion 

Asher has agreed with everything my mother has done which has me believing he’s her lapdog. He is so whipped already and they’re not even married Gag

And while we’re on the roof of romance and crap, Bo has be almost clingy. We’re not even together, but its like he’s always around me. He gets this possessive look whenever I talk to or about Shane, but I ignore it because he has no reason to freak out

Another thing, I swear he’s starting to follow me. If I go to the kitchen for a snack, he’s there. If I go outside to go for a run after school, he tags along saying he has nothing better to do. It’s so annoying! The really weird thing about him spending all this time around me is that a part of me inside actually likes it. When I say little, I mean minuscule, I know I shouldn’t like his company, but I can’t help that small part of me that Hoes it. I keep scolding that part of myself because there’s no way I can like him hanging around. It’s just weird

As for my 

little secret, it’s been strange. I get these urges to go for a run, even if its like the middle of the night, and I end up sneaking out my window. It’s becoming easier to do thanks to all the practice. I’ve also noticed I eat so much more then I used to. I mean, late pretty good for a girl before, but now it’s ridiculous. Kinda hope that no one else notices my late night snacks almost every night now I’m pretty sure my mom thinks there are mice in the house because of the disappearing food but I never say anything about it 

Other then my weird eating, I almost ripped the screen door off its hinges the other day after I got upset. And on those runs with Bo I have to majorly tone down the speed I want to use. I can’t run at full speed and leave him in my dust. That’d look really suspicious

Shane hasn’t told anyone about me and for that I love him more then ever for sticking by me. He hasn’t asked about seeing my wolf again and I also haven’t changed into her since that night. He brought me the knife that man threw at me and its now in my dresser hiding under some 


Other then all if the above, life has been a bore. I argue with my mom, Asher storms out of the house mad, and I lock myself in my room for the rest of the night. The usual. Oh, and Ash bit the mailman yesterday. I saw the whole thing and laughed my ass off. My little baby knows how to make me smile and I have her a treat later when no one was looking

I crack my door open and listen for the sound of anyone moving around in the house, but all I hear is the steady breathing of sleeping people

Slipping through a small space, I use my ninjalike skills to creep down the hall, stairs and into the kitchen without making so much as a peep. 

I open the freezer and grab the tub of chocolate ice cream and then a spoon from a drawer. I never said I ate healthy snacks when I snuck 

down late at night or in the early mornings

I can easily smell the chocolate without even opening the lid and it tempts me to eat in the whole way back to my room

I plop down on my bed and pop off the lid to dig in. It’s just my luck to have almost a new container which means more to eat. Yay

I grab the remote off my table and flip on my tv. Again, mom said I wasn’t allowed to watch it, but she’s sound asleep in the other room, I keep the volume muted and settle back into my pillow to watch Bugs Bunny outsmart Daffy Duck

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know, someone’s lightly prying the spoon out of my hand and laying me flat onto my bed

“Who’s here?I mumble, turning my head to the side to get more comfortable on my pillow 

No one answers, but the person pulls my covers up over my body. I begin to drift away once again, but not before feeling a slight pressure on my forehead 

The next mor 

I morning I went through my 

my usual routine and left for school

The previous night is a little fuzzy, but I remember eating and falling asleep. No where in my memory do I throw away my trash, turn off the TV and tuck myself in. After smelling the all to familiar scent around my room I let the whole thing go. There’s no point in yelling at him if he’d 

+5 Bonus 

probably like it. I swear he

he gets happier every time I talk to him, even if I’m yelling, so I told myself I wouldn’t talk to him anymore Hey TalaShane greets me with a smile at the front door

Hey man,” I readjust my bag on my shoulder and smile up at my taller friend. Sorry about yesterday.” He shrugs and pushes open the doors leading into the courtyard 

No harm done, but try not to tackle soh 

in tackle football” 

hard. Gym is hard enough with coach being the teacher, but I don’t need my best friend showing me up 

I didn’t actually think coach would take me seriously when I asked to do tackle football instead of running.He chuckles and sits down under what we call our tree. I toss my bag to the side and join him on the soft grass

I think he wanted to make you quit an go back to running. Boy did you prove him wrong.I smile widely

I’m that awesome.” 

I was actually thinking it was due to some other thing, but that’s just me.I playfully push my friend’s face into the dirt and I swear I hear a growl echo from somewhere close by, but I shake it off

I thought we agreed not to talk about that.He rolls his eyes and tries to pry my hand from his head. Seeing what he’s doing I let go

I really dot think its a good thing to keep in. You’ve beenmoodier lately, getting angry at the stupidest things with everyone but me. I’d say your preggo, but I know that’s not it.I punch him in the arm. That’s what I thought. And believe me when I say this is awkward, but I’ve been around you when your Uncle Tom is visiting and even then you’re not this bad.I scrunch my face up in disgust 

First of all that’s gross and to talk about it with you is even worse. Second, I’m fine and I promise I will be in the future too.” 

it probably won’t go away even if you ignore it.He mutters and I lay back to look at the sky, throwing my hands behind my head

I can hope Shane. Now, I think I heard the ball so unless you want to get in trouble F suggest we go.” 

Saved by the bell kid.” He smirks and helps me to my feet

Yeah yeah yeahLets go” 

How was school today Hun?My mom asks as I wander into the kitchenFor a snack, you caught me

It was fine, as always.I respond before grabbing a bag of chip from the pantry 

Tala, you’re going to ruin your dinner.She scolds, brushing a stray piece of her dark bland hair from her face

It won’t.Believe me, I’ve tried to eat a lot so I can say I’m not hungry, but I always end up starving by the time dinner rolls around. Curse my appetite

It better not.She threatens before turning back to stir something on the stove. I take my chips and retreat to my room before she changes her mind. She does that sometimes and it’s annoying as hell

What to do today Ash. I already finished my homework, got my snack, can’t use technology.I scratch behind her ears and lay on my stomach on the floor next to her. “I could draw something.She barks which I take as a yes. Okay then,Drawing it is

I roll to my feet and set my snack out of the dog’s immediate reach. Grabbing my sketch pad and pencils from their secret hiding place under my mattress, I mentally prepare myself for the upcoming picture

I sit with my back against the wall, pencil poised to draw something. The blank sheet of paper seems to be laughing at me when I can’t think of something. After minutes of staring at nothing, I close my eyes and try to picture something, anything 

An image of what looked like as a wolf forces its way into my mind and I hesitate. It wouldn’t hurt since no one will ever see it and I might even be able to show Shane if its good enough

With a picture in mind, I set pencil to paper

The lines seem to flow from the tip of my pencil, almost like its doing all the work and all I doing it guiding it. Like the first time I drew here in 

Montana, 1 let my mind go blank so I can’t over think anything about the drawing

I barely hear a quiet knock on my door and telling me that the food is ready. I’m too caught up in what I’m doing to care too much, but my stomach begs to differ when it lets out a loud growl

Chapter 15 

+5 Bonus 

I look at what I have and decide that I could stop here. So far I have the entire body sketched out with more detail on the face and front legs, The eyes are my favorite part so far though. You can see every emotion I was feeling that night. All of the pain, sadness, confusion, anger and web a little happiness from when I was running

Tala.My door opens and I quickly shut my sketchpad an shove it into a random desk drawer for later. Barron peeks his head in. Are you coming down?” 

I was just about to.He nods, but looks like he almost doesn’t believe me completely. You have to move.I state, standing in front of my door that just so happens to have my gigantic brother blocking the exit

Right, sorry.Brianna is so lucky to have such a smart guy. Notice the sarcasm

I let go and allow my legs to carry me as fast as they want. There’s no one around and I don’t have to worry about being caught. The rest of 

the house is asleep and I’m free

The moon is almost to its highest point in the sky which means its just before midnight. Earlier then I usually sneak out, but it doesn’t make 

that much of a difference

The smells of the forest instantly calm me as we’ll as the sounds. All of the little creatures either run or get really quiet when I get close to 

them. Believe it or not I chase after them sometimes, almost like we’re playing a game

I slow down, almost to a walk, when I smell something that doesn’t belong in the forest. I follow where the smell is coming from and as I get 

closer, the distinct smell of blood registers in my mind

The wolf inside me goes into a predatory mode which in turn has me sneaking around I don’t plan on eating anymore raw animals, but tell 

that to my beast inside me. She doesnt listen to me most of the time

I stop and listen to the quick breaths of whatever’s bleeding so heavily and I take my chance to look through a bush to where the smell is 

coming from 

I gasp and immediately run to the persons side

Sir, can you tell me what happened?I shake the man awake and look over his body to asses the wounds 

It looks like a possible animal attack. He has deep scratches and bites all over his body that are gushing blood and his one leg is twisted at a funny angle. His face is contorted in pain as he tries to focus on my face 

Animal attack.He mutters, and then tries to sit up. I support his shoulders to help him, though I’m sure he shouldn’t be moving in the first place. If only I had a phone to call for help

“I need to get help.” 

No.He objects immediately and I look down at him. I already called for help. What I want you to do is reach into my chest pocket and pull out the metal whistle.As confusing as his request in, I do as I’m told and lace it in his cold hand

I really think I should get you somewhere else.” 

I’ll be okay until my people get here.” 

OkayI agree hesitantly and he lifts the whistle to his lips

Blowing into it, I imagine it would be a loud obnoxious sound referees use, but wrong. An extremely high pitch sound hits my ears and has me cringing away from the source. Is that a dog whistle

He stops and smirks at me

Thought so, but I didn’t think any of your kind would be stupid enough to walk right up to a hunter.I pull a confused face and try hear around 

the ringing in my ears

So fast that I even barely had time to see it, he pulls out a gun and aims it directly at my chest. I freeze and slowly drop my arm from around him. Shit, he’s like that other guy who hurt me while I was a wolf 

An unknown feeling washes over my body And I feel my wolf fighting for control

The second his finger twitches on the trigger, I roll out of the way. Pain shoots through my left calf and I lose my concentration over my she 

Chapter 11 

+5 Bonus 

A split second later, I’m on four was and fleeing away from the strange man. It doesn’t work as well as I want to since my front leg is oozing blood an leaving a distinct trail 

My ears swivel on top of my head to hear people running alter me. I can’t believe there are more of them and I true helping him

The situation is so bad that I don’t even care I shifted into my wolf. She seems to know what to do while I don’t Feeling that I’m in major danger and she has teeth and claws, I reluctantly stop trying to restrain her. She takes full control and let’s her instincts guide her

Unfortunately, her instincts missed the bear trap set up under a bunch of dirt and leaves 

My back leg catches in the metal teeth and I howl loudly in pain, collapsing roughly to the ground

She raises her head to the sky and let’s out a long howl, filling the silent night with a single note

!!!!! (Bonus :D

Bos Point of View== 

I turn over in my bed once again and open my eyes to stare at my door. No matter how much my wolf pushes me to go to her room, I hold myself back. I don’t know how shed react to fine me in her room one morning. Until she changes, she won’t understand the bond we have. As a human, she doesn’t feel the connection as strong as I do

From the first moment she screamed at Jason to shut up, I knew she was the girl for me

I close my eyes and picture my 

intle mate

With her long blond hair that makes me want to run my hands through it to her kissable pink lips. With her bright, blue eyes that have a mischievous sparkle to them almost all of the time and her fiery temper. Her long, tan legs and the cute blush that covers her cheeks when she’s tongue tied. I love everything about her

Man I am so whipped and she doesn’t even know what she has over me. I’d probably do anything she said except for leaving her alone.

could never do that

My mouth curves into a

a small smile as I picture my little mate running in the mornings. Whether she knows it or not, her love of running is probably because of her wolf. As far as I know, she hasn’t shifted yet. James has been keeping a close eye on her so we can make sure we’re there when it happens. I was lucky to have someone to talk me through my first shift, but I don’t want her to go through it alone 

My body finally starts to relax after thinking about my mate and sleep starts to take over, but a single gun shot rings out in the silent night. My wolf immediately goes on edge because only hunters would be out at this time of night. And if a shot has been fired then someone’s in danger

Feeling the desperate need to hold my girl in my arms, to assure me she’s alright, I jump to my feet and hurry out of my room. I don’t care if I wearing nothing but a pair of boxers. If anything, she might like it. Her room is down the hall a few doors and I throw it open, not caring if I accidentally wake her up. I just need to know she’s safe

I immediately look to her bed to see a form under the covers. Ash growls at me for just barging in here, but I growl at the pup and she cowers 

away from me

Striding across the room, I pull back to comforter to see pillows in the place of where my mate should be sleeping, but in her place are a couple of pillows. My head snaps to the open window, blowing the curtains around 

I begin to shake as the facts settle into my mind and I almost rip the door of its hinges, leaving to go to Barron’sroom across the hall 

He’s sipping on a shirt when I barge in and Brianna is sitting on his bed watching things unfold

It’s your sisterBarron looks me straight in the eyes, worry held behind the serious expression 

She shouldn’t even be out of the house!He states, walking towards me and checking her room for himself. Thear him swear loudly and meet me in the hallway. Get the Alpha.He orders and runs in the opposite direction to wake Jason and some others

NoneedMr. Asher steps out from his room and silently shuts the door behind him. I’m here. What’s gHe’s cut off by a long, single howl, It seems to shake me to my center and I’m moving down the steps and to the door in the next second. Bo, what’s going on?He asks again, easily keeping pace with me 

She just called for help. Turns out Tala did shift after all.I mutter and push open the door to the still night

I’m coming love. Don’t wo 


it’s Complicated

it’s Complicated

Status: Ongoing


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