it’s Complicated Ch 16

it’s Complicated Ch 16

Chapter 16 

Tala’s Point of View 

Why isn’t she waking up?!” 

She had numerous, severe injuries. It had to have taken a toll on her body. You just need to let her rest.” 

But it’s been four days. She needs to wake up!I’ve been out for four days?! It definitely hasn’t felt that long

Good. I’ll be back in a little 

I hear an agitated sigh. Goo 

If you don’t calm down I’m going to have to ask you to leave.Someone reprimands and I hear while to check up on her 

I hear a pair of heels softly clicking on the floor as the woman leaves wherever I happen to be at the moment. The only other sound is someone’s soft breathing and an annoying beeping sounding throughout the room

I let my mind wander back over the events of the last few days, but I can’t remember anything after I passed out in Bo’s arms. I wish I could forget all of the things that happened to me, but I’m not that lucky. I can remember every cut, every hit, every comment spat at me and about what I am in excruciating detail

Please come back to me.Someone desperately says. I hear the sound of a chair scraping against the floor close by and then a warm hand grasps my hand lightly. I feel sparks shoot through my body at the touch and immediately know who it is. I need you to be okay. You have to be alright.This statement is said quieter and I listen for him to say something else, but only his steady breathing can be heard. It’s only when I hear a soft snore that I realize he fell asleep

I don’t know how long I lay here, just listening to his steady breathing, but it’s oddly comforting. He would occasionally shift his weight, making the bed move slightly, but otherwise kept my hand in his own. He even made sure not to accidentally hurt me. It’s almost as if my hand is 

reassuring him that I’m here, but I’m honestly going no where fast in my condition 

It’s another while longer before I feel myself physically able to open my eyes

I have to blink a few to let my eyes adjust to the lighting, but they eventually focus on the plain, white ceiling of the room. I smell Bo everywhere and turn my head to see I’m in a guy’s room, most likely his. The walls are a dark reddish brown color with a few band posters and framed picture hanging on its walls. Most of them are pictures of a sports team he was on and I can easily pick him out from all of the people.. 

I tit my head to look down at myself and notice I’m tucked under the comforter from the waist down. There are thick, white bandages 

wrapped the whole way from my wrist to my elbow on both arms and a neon green cast peeking out from under the blankets at the end of the 

bed to take care of my broken leg. Someone dressed me in my pajama shorts and a purple tank top. Hopefully that someone wasn’t one of the guys because that would be awkward

Looking to the side of the bed, I see Bo with his head propped on one arm and his mouth slightly parted. I frown upon noticing a bandage around his shoulder from where he was shot on top of the purple bags under his eyes, it looks like he hasn’t slept in days, but it makes me happy 

to see him sleeping now

I unconsciously lift my arm and lightly trace the planes of his face; across his jaw, over his bottom lip and under his eyes where the purple half moons are located to show his exhaustion, He furrows his eyebrows in his slumber and i brush a loose strand of dark hair from his face

He suddenly jumps to his feet, letting my hand go and looking frantically around the room, growling low in his throat. Upon seeing no threat

he looks to me and finally notion that I’m awake. A small smiles makes its way onto his face and he quickly sits on the edge of the bed

You’re awake.” 

Yea.” I croak and a hand flies to my sore throat. He grabs a glass of water from the night stand and holds it up to my mouth to take a sip

How do you feel?He asks, keeping his voice quiet. I shrug and wince a little at the soreness in my muscles. He jumps to his feet, hovering 

over me and frantically looks over me as if trying to assess what hurts so he can help

Tm fine Bo. Just a little sore, that’s allHe looks like he doesn’t believe me, but I give him a look to tell him to drop it. Once he sits back downl 

continue. You look awful Bo. Why haven’t you slept? Did you at least eat?I ask, looking over his face. His smile reappears and he moves a little 

closer to me 

How could I sleep knowing that someone I care about is hurt?” 

Chapter 15 

+5 Bonus 

I didn’t know Jase is hurt. Is he okay?He gives me a flat look and I tum my face into an expression of pure innocence 

Very funny Tala,” 

I’m hilarious.I state, cracking my first smile and his eyes light up. He leans forward and cradles my face in both of his hands 

I’ve missed your smile. You don’t know what it was like for me when you were missing and it was only for a day He mumers, stating straight into my eyes, and I feel my heart melting

You took a bullet for me.I peer up at him through my eye lashes and he kisses me on the forehead. His ipsinger for a little longer then necessary before pulling back a few inches to be able to see me again

I would do anything for you Tala and you don’t even know it. I could be shot one hundred times and it wouldn’t matter as long as you’re safe.1 scrunch up my face, getting confused. No one should want to get shot, let alone for me. I’ve caused nothing, but trouble, I’m betting some people would be glad if I disappeared one day without a trace. What are you thinking so hard about?His eyes fit over my face, trying to figure out my pointless thoughts

Why would you put yourself at risk for me so willingly.He hesitates and it looks like he’s choosing his next words carefully 

There are things you don’t know about werewolves yet, but one of those things involves you and I. He replies, honesty shiningin his ey 

What are you talking about?He opens his mouth to reply, but the bedroom door is opened. He growls and quickly moves into a protective stance next to me. The woman, who I presume is the doctor, simply rolls her eyes and gives Bo a stern look

Young man, what have I told you?He reluctantly shuts up and sits back down in his chair next to the bed. He crosses his arms and gans de traits of a pouting child. A laugh bubbles up out of my mouth and i slap my hand over my mouth right after. Bo is looking at me with a glint in his eyes, otherwise looking happy again like he was before the lady walked in. It’s weird because I’m starting to feel like I’m the person making hin happy

Tala, how are feeling? Are you nauseous or do you have pain anywhere.She asks, getting right to the point

Um, I’m not nauseous, but my leg hurts.She nods and scribbles a few things down on her clipboard

That’s normal. Your wolf is currently working on healing your injuries and the pain you feel is just that. You’ll have too be in a cast for a week or two to make sure the bones set right, but your other cuts and bruises will go away faster Your eye is already looking better then it had which is progress, but you’re not allowed to move around just yet.” 

Do I just sit here and do nothing for two weeks or can i get crutches?I ask, eyeing my leg. I do not want to just sit here and do nothing for all of that time. I’m the type of person who can just sit and do nothing, but I have to willingly do it. Being told I can’t do anything doesn’t work quite as well 

I can get you some crutches, but you have to make sure to rest.She replies after thinking something over Inod

I make sure she takes it easy.Bo assures and the doctor smiles knowingly at us before leaving the room, promising to return with my crutches when she has them

What do you mean?I ask and he moves next to me once again, carefully settling himself next to me on the bed. He slings an arm lightly over my shoulder and leans against the headboard

Your not going to be doing anything that you could hurt yourself.He states softly, looking me directly in the eyes. 1 won’t let you hurt yourself anymore” 

Bo,He covers my mouth h with his hand to stop me from finishing my sentence. He must know what I was about to say 

Tala, nothing can happen to you again and I need to know before anybody else says anything that you’re my mi The door bursts open onor again, causing me to jump away from him. He growls and carefully pulls me back to his side. Now what?!He yells, causing my mother to flinch and even after all I’ve said and done, I don’t want her to be afraid

Bo.I scold, hitting him lightly on the shoulder and he looks back at me. His face is one of pure annoyance, but it softens as he sees me 



h my baby!” My mom coos, running to my side and wrapping her arms around me. Bo growls softly as she gets in between us again and i roll my eyes 1 didn’t know what happened to you. I was so worried!She pulls away, but keeps her hands on my shoulders. Tears are running down her face and I continue to listen to her blubber and hug me over and over again

Chapter 15 

Emily, give the girl some room. Asher says, walking into the room. My mom pulls back and wipes her face. She back leans against him for support. How are you feeling? I raise an eyebrow in surprise. Asher, the Asher is asking how it ending or I’m actually dead. Either one seems possible right now 

+5 Benus 

to his coen arms and 

cloing. The world must be 

Fine.He sighs and whispers something in my mom’s ear that even I can’t hear. She nods and kisses him on the chees before leaving the 


I know I’m not your favorite person, but there are some things we need to know.” He continues and give him the you’re stupidlook 

That goes both way.I reply, crossing my arms. He nods and hesitantly sits on the edge of the bed. When dont object he reluxes. Why didn’t you tell me?” 

About becoming a wolf or about us?Barron asks, popping up out of no where 


Well, were not allowed to tell humans about our existence and before you say it, we weren’t quite sure if you’d change or not.He tells me, leaning against the far wall

Tm only a quarter wolf so I don’t change. I’m basically human.My mom interjects with a sheepish smile as she walks back into the com carrying a sandwich Ashes opens his arms and she sits lightly in his lap after handing me the food. I frown, but don’t say anything about mer seating arrangements. Your father is a wolf so with a human and a wolf, you don’t know whether the kids will change or not 

Dad can’t be a wolf! He was always working and showed no signalLexclaim, throwing my hands up in the air. Bo catches them and sats them back in my lap, keeping a hold on one of them. “I know what they are now and they he never acted like a wolf

He was very careful Tala. I notice Asher’s grip tighten around my mother slightly, but she doesn’t seem to notice. That or she ignores it The 

want you guys to be in danger if you didn’t shift.” 

But don’t you think it’s important not to keep gigantic stuff like that a secret from your family?I pont out, leaning back against the headboard again, trying to get comfortable. Bo draws me against him and I seem to settle next to him easily without even trying

Tala, it may be hard to understand, but it was for the best at the time.” Her eyes get big and they’re begging for me to understand

Alright, Il bite, but what does me being forced to move here have to do with anything because I feel like that’s got something in all of the 

Your father technically isn’t part of a pack and it’s dangerous to live so close to another pack’s land when you aren’t in it.” Asher puts in his two cents. Inarrow my eyes at the both of them

So to keep me safe, you made me move against my will to this place. And I’m taking a wild guess, but arent we in pack land now?” 

Yes, but we’re all a part of the pack. No one here is going to be a danger to you 

“I never agreed to being a part of any pack I see Bo and Asher share a look and I know I wasn’t meant to see it. I also know a few things

about these people now that I can use against them if I think they’re lying to me in any way and beleve meI know

This is where you might find things a little complicated.I roll my eyes at the way Asher worded it

My life has been the epitome of complicated. I think I can take anything you say now.I challenge and he frowns

It’s my turn to ask you a few things

But you never

it’s a fair trade, a few questions from you and now it’s my turn. What did they ask you and what did you tell them?Everyone focuses intently on me and I sink down a little in my spot. I guess that is a fair trade

They kept asking me questions like Who’s your alpha? What pack are you a part of?, How many of there are you?“, that sort of thing.I stop and close my eyes, feeling tired all over again

And what did you say?He snaps, sounding impatient. I open my eyes to glare at him and gesture at myself

Does this look like something that would happen if I cooperated? No. If I answered every question, not like I could have truthfully, I’d be dead.His angry face softens slightly and I continue. How do you think I answered? I used every smart ass comeback I know! The only thing they got out of me was my first name” 

That’s all?He presses 

Chapter 16 

+5 Bonus 

Yes, now if you don’t mind, I’d like to know the rest of everything I reply, getting impatient. They’re keeping things from me again and I’ve had it. Starting with the questions they asked me. I think I deserve to know” 

Well, a pack is a group of wolves that will always stick together and fight by each other’s side no matter what. We’re like a big family and we’re always there for one another” 

Sounds like a bunch of crap.” I mutter and I get a glare from everyone in the room other then my mom, who probably didn’t hear it. Stupid wolf hearing

Anyways, every pack has an alpha who is like the leader and makes all the hard decisions, does the paperwork, handles all the pack affairs, all of that fun stuff.He stops talking and watches me closely

Well, who is this alpha?I ask, getting impatient

Tala,” Barron starts for the first time in a while, moving to stand directly behind Asher. Meet our alpha He rests a hand on my mom’s FIANCE’S shoulder and I can’t help the small sound of surprise I make

Seriously?I bite my tongue to stop the laughing or smart remarks that push their way to the forefront of my mind. If he’s as powerful as he’s made it out to be then I probably shouldn’t say half the things I’m thinking. Now that I think of it, him storming out of the house is probably the result of all the times I did insult him. Whoops

Are you alright sweetie?” My mom asks, looking concerned. Your face is turning red. Does something hurt?I let out the breath I’d been holding and hide a laugh by coughing into my hand

I’m fine. It’s justnever mindI settle for that response e and pull the covers up over my head. I can imagine the looks people are giving each other right now at my actions, but no one actually says anything

Um Tala, what are you doing?My brother asks, pulling the blanket back so I can see everyone once again

How about the pack’s name?Change of subject. Please work. Please work… 

Dark fire.He easily replies, taking the spot open on my other side. Just to recap, it’s now me, Bo, Barron, my mom and Asher sitting down on this bed. Where’s Jason to join the party? And if he suddenly barges in here and jumps onto the bed. I’m going to kill him

How many?” 

Two hundred thirty two” 

Dauh dang that’s lot of wolves.I run a hand through my tangled mess called hair and flinch when I touch a small bump on the back of my head Didn’t know that was there

And answer your next question, everyone in the house is a wolf so you don’t have to worry about hiding anything from anyone.Thatll be kinda nice. And my brother knows me so well. That actually was my next question. Speaking of, how did you manage to hide the fact you changed? You must have been a shifter now for at least a week.I purse my lips

*You remember when I slept at Shane’s house and you grounded me? Yeah, it was that night.I decide to omit the information about getting stabbed and shot by another hunter. I’ll have to hide that knife in a more secure place then my dresser. And I made sure to leave the room if I got too angry, I snuck out of my bedroom window to run, and I also got a snack every night around midnight to help with my increased need for food. That is by far the most annoying side effect.Barron cracks a smile

It was

you? I gave the boys a whole lecture about eating everything in the house.She states, giving me a stern look. I shrug a shoulder and rest my head on the nearest shoulder

Yup. I just wanna know how do you live like this? I’m either thinking about eating, sleeping or running and it’s annoying when I’m doing homework.Bo chuckles and the sound travels through his body and into mine. Hard to concentrate.” 

You learn to control it and that comes with shifting regularly. How many times have you actually run in woll form?I take a second to think before responding to The Man

TwoAsher shakes his head. Both were accidental,” 

more then that and as soon as you’re able, you’re going 

going to start trainingI raise an eyebrow

Youll need to let her out

And what if I don’t want to train?” 

You have no choice.” 

+5 Bonus 

Okay.I draw out the word, already thinking of ways to get out of it. I like to run, but whatever training involves I don’t think I’m going to like it. Continue with informing me about pack things.He looks a little annoyed that I ordered him to do something, but lets it

1 go

You’ll need to learn to control your wolf which includes your strength, speed andanger.I make a face

I do not need help with my anger.I defend, but everyone in here knows it’s a le. They give me pointed looks and I roll my eyes. You’re all 


Part of the job description. Barron teases from beside me and I frown. I haven’t quite forgiven him yet, but it’s making more and more sense as to why he chose the side he did and because of that it’s even harder to stay mad at him 

Accidentally shove him off the bed and he lands on the floor with a loud thump Groaning in pain, he sits up and playfully glares at me. I didn’t say I actually did forgive him yet

FunnyI smile innocently at him and rest my head on Bo’s shoulder. My mom smiles brightly at me and I’m starting to think she’s going insane. This isn’t exactly a happy moment… 

There are also a thing called mates. My wolf seems to perk up at the thought. They’re pretty much two people that are made for each other and meant to spend the rest of their lives forever. Some unfortunate people never find their mate, but most do. You make eachother feel safe, happy, loved and their only yours. There’s no worry about anyone cheating on anyone because our wolves could never do that.That’s good to know. I wonder if I have a mate out there somewhere. Your mother happens to be mine. He turns his head to face her and kisses her full on the lips. I scrunch up my nose and cover my eyes with my hands 

My brother laughs at me from the floor and I randomly fling my arm in his direction. It hits something hard before he protests about me hitting him in the temple

Please no PDAI exclaim and I hear my mom laugh quietly to herself 

Alight sweetie. You can look now I hear the amusement in her voice and peek through my fingers just to make sure. Like she said, the two of them have separated and they’re also looking at me like I’m the funniest person in the world 

Please continue TALKING about what mates are.I emphasize a certain word for some people, Asher actually smirks and that’s when I notice a bandage around his bicep. Don’t think I’m insensitive for not knowing sooner, but I honestly didn’t see it. I wonder what happened

Well, as soon as you see them, you just know they’re yours. You’ll feel a bond to them as you keep near one another and it’ll just get stronger over time. As soon as I saw your mother, I knew she was the one. I felt the instant attraction. When I hold her hand I feel tingles and sparks running up and down my arm. My heart beats louder in my chest and I want to hold her all the time. My eyes widen a fraction at every symptom he describes. You may not want to hear this, but when you kiss them, it’s the best feeling in the world. You just want to pull them closer and show them how much you love them.Not once did his eyes leave my mother’s face. She smiles softly at him and grabs his hand in hers

Finally getting the nerve to look at him, I turn to the one person who has made me feel special, safe, protected, happy and is staring holes on the side of my face. I tried to ignore him, but I couldn’t make myself do it. At least now I know why

His violet eyes stare softly into my blue ones and I feel something stirring deep inside of me. Without thinking, I brush a piece of dark hair from his eyes and a small smile graces his lips as he looks over my face

Are youI trail off, not knowing if I can just blurt out the rest of the question. He cups my face in one hand and rests his forehead against mine. His minty breath fans over my face as I wait for his answer which he seems to be taking a long time to answer. Anywhere he’s touching me I feel the tingles Asher just told me about and I can’t seem to look away from his intense gaze 

I pick up the soft footsteps of my family and Asher quietly leaving the room, but barely give them a second thought. All I seem to be able to focus on is the guy in front of me. He opens his mouth slowly and I anxiously wait for him to speak. The reply is short, but exactly what I was expecting to hear. Hoping is more like it 


it’s Complicated

it’s Complicated

Status: Ongoing


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