it’s Complicated Ch 20

it’s Complicated Ch 20

Chapter 20 

Tala’s Point of View 

I groan, which sounds funny since I’m still a huge animal on four furry legs. All of my muscles are burning and I didn’t even know I had muscles 

in some places

We’re not done yet. Come on

-Conrad, I’m exhausted

For the past, what, four hours we’ve done everything from basic defense, to speed, then to having a good offense and I just finished running 

the perimeter of our territory so I know where it is and to also test my endurance. However, the land Asher owns is absolutely HUGE. Having been running in my free time for years now, it wasn’t too bad until someone kept yelling for me to go faster*cough* *cough* Conrad. He seemed nice after getting past my growling at all of them. He also started off easy, but then things got harder and he got tougher on me. I did, occassionally, fight back just a little for being told what to do, but I actually tried not to back talk

In the time you’ve been complaining you’d have diedmultiple times actually. The enemy won’t pause because you’re tired

I huff and push myself back to my feet er paws. You know what I mean, I pushed myself upright. Yeahok

~We’ve been at it for hours. The sun is going down and I’m starving. Haven’t we done enough

I suppose. Same time tomorrow then

I snort, which sounds almost like a sneeze

-Alright then. Tell your lackeys to scram. They’re not needed anymore

He shakes his head slightly and I watch as his helpers begin to disappear into the trees behind the house, I wrack my brain to remember 

where I put my clothes, but can’t seem to remember which tree I hid them by. Want to know why? Cause Live in a forest. Enough said, right

The guys don’t really appreciate being called lakckys. They’re here to help you ya know

-I know, but if there’s one thing you should know about me it’s that I make fun of people or call them names. It doesn’t necessarily mean! hate you, but if you do anything to piss me off you should run 

Thanks for the warning. He mutters sarcastically

-Anytime, now, would you possibly 

assibly know where I put my clothes

Didn’t you put them by the back door

I look around and see my stuff in a pile by the door. How did I miss them and why did I think they were still in the forest? Stupidme, not 

Conrad. Or maybe stupid usor just himhe he

-nl be going now

He nods his big, furry head and moves to leave the way the others did. Maybe they actually live in the forest like actual wolveswel technically I live in the woods too so never mind

You do that. See you soon. 

-Uh huh

I don’t really hear him as I focus on finding a place to change back without anyone getting a glimpse of something they shouldn’t, Waitdon’t exactly know how to change back, Dol just have to picture myself as a human again


-Goodbye Conrad

I hear him laugh in my head before I get my thoughts all to myself once again, I have never, in my life, been so happy to be alone in my head and talking to myself. Before becoming a wolf, would have called myself crazy for my internal conversations, but I think being able to change into a giant wolf trumps everything else. I wonder if there are vampires or witches or any other supernatural creatures out there. I’ll have to ask Bo 

Chapter 20 


I trot a few yards into the trees and drop my crumpled clothes to the ground Here goes nothing

+5 Bonus 

I close my eyes and picture what I look like as a human which means no fur everywhere, two legs, two arms, my blond hair, my nose, my lips, everything. Honestly, I feel a little stupid thinking about what I look like, but as I feel a shiver pass through body I know something is happening. After a few moments, the feeling stops and I peek through one eye. For one, the world isn’t quite as sharp as it was a few minutes ago. I peer down at myself and flush when I realize that the change worked, but now I’m as naked as the day I was born and standing in the middle of the 


Thastily get dressed and then head back to the house. Asher says I have to shift more frequently, but that is going to take some getting used 

  1. to. And trianing just might kill me if Conrad makes every day like today. Although, I might be able to beat my brother up now 

With a mischievous smile, I walk through the back door and collapse onto the closest piece of furnature in the living room. The TV is on and someone is sitting in the one chair while I’m sprawled out on the entire couch, leaving no room for anyone else if they wanted to sit. My muscles cry out in relief when none of them are being used to lay there like a lump

Tough day?I grunt in response and the person chuckles. Anything I can do for you?” 

Stop talking.I grumble, tuming my head slightly to be able to breathe instead of having it pressed into the leather. He chuckles again and 

starts to flip through the channels. Apparently what was on isn’t good enough now

Aw come on. You love me.Jason shoots me a cheeky smile and I roll my eyes

Aren’t you supposed to be at school?” I ask, folding my arms underneath my head as a pillow 

Aren’t you?He counters and I smirk

Not allowed, but what’s your excuse

Do you happen to remember a brown wolf with spots of color from today?I look at him, wondering what exactly he’s implying unless 

That was you?!He nods and smirks, since I’ve finally figured it out. And that was you in the forest who protected me from that other wolf” 

Yup.” He pops the p, but otherwise doesn’t seem too warned about anything

What were you doing out there anyways? It was like five in the morning 

We told you how dangerous the woods were, yet you still went into it alone. So I told you to knock on my door every moming. Once you were gone, I shifted and followed you at a distance on the off chance you would be attacked.” 

I always felt like there was someone watching me.He shrugs

Your wolf was telling you that. Whether or not you knew you were one of us, she was there on more then one occasion.” 

I kinda figured that one out alreadyand thanks, I guess, for that day. I though I was going to be eaten alive.” 

You would have been killed, not eaten alive. That was probably your first encounter with a rogue unless you met one while it was in human 

form. They don’t usually take prisoners because most of them end up half crazed.I vividly remember the roque’s eyes, dead and crazed, I shiver 

at the memory

A loud growl echos throughout the room and in the next second Bo is standing in front of me. And of course, he’s blocking the television, Being as tired and lazy as I am, I opt for the simple fix

Bo, move.His response is another growl, but this one is softer then the first 


rogue attacked you?I shrug, but it looks weird because of the position I’m lying in 

It’s really no big deal.He kneels down in front of me so I can look directly into his eyes and his eyes are daring for me to look away. Unable to resist a challenge, I keep my gaze level to match his 

Were you hurt?” 


Chapter 20 

In the forest before I had known anything about werewolves,” 

Why were you alone?” 

I was on a fun.” 

He’s dead, if you wanted to know.Jason interjects with his bit of information. I notice Bo vaibly relax and he looks away first 

I owe you one man.I roll my eyes. Boys

Don’t worry about it. Oh Jeff Dunham is on!I perk up and use one arm to push Bo out of the way of the TV 

+5 Banus 

Oh my god I love him!I exclaim and watch as Bo rubs his side from when I pushed him down, il scramble to an optochton, ignoring the protesting of my sore muscles, I draw my knees to my chest and wrap my arms around my legs

Tala, we’re not done tal I shush him and burst out laughing when Walter cracks a joke. Bo signs loudly and stands on. I crate my head to see around him before he settles onto the couch next to me. I keep my attention focused on the screen, but that does mean pont notice my mate slowling getting closer to me on my end of the couch 

Secretely, I crave for him to be closer, but that information will never reach his ears. I don’t want to be that person who needs their mate with 

them twenty four seven so it is officially our little secret. Sure, I like when he holds me close or even when it’s just my band, but bet he feels the same way as idosol shouldn’t need to say anything about it

When I first was told what a mate was and that i of all people has one, I almost didn’t believe it. When Asher told me that my mother was his 

imate, I believed it. Just by the way he looked at her I could tell that he loved her. If not that then I heard them tell each other rapuatedly met less than a year ago and can already say they love each other. Will we be like that eventually

I shake my head to clear my head from the millions of thoughts that just suddenly popped into the space. As of now I will think of nothing and enjoy my free time

Do lightly throws his arm over the back of the couch behind me and moves the last few inches so that our sides are touching. Flock 

from the corner of my eyes, but he’s staring straight ahead of him

-Hey Jason

So did you figure this out or did someone tell you that you can do this

-Asher told me

Huh, I thought he’d have waited, but I think he wants you to trust him and you won’t if he keeps keeping secrets from you

~Not really what I want to talk about

Ok, well what did you have in mind?” 

Other then your voice, I was wondering if you have a mate yet

He pauses and I hear him shift in his seat

I haven’t, but I’ve been looking

Thear the sadness in his voice, no matter how much he may have tried to cover it up

-You don’t have to answer, but I was wondering what you’d do when you find herIt is a her night

He snorts which has both Bo and me turning to look at him. He’s shaking his head with a huge smile on his face. Bo glances at me, but I shrug 

like I don’t know what he’s laughing at. He could have blamed it on the show we’re watching, but it’s a commercial

Yes it will be a girl and when I find her, she’s going to be my whole life. I’m going to love her and never let her go. Of course I’ll ask, but she’ll 

bear my mark and satisfy me in every way

-Little too much information

His chuckle echos through my head and I can’t help but smile a little. Bo notices and frowns. Without even thinking, I smooth out the place between his eyes with my finger. His eyes never leave my face and when I move my hand, our eyes lock. I find myself unable to look away and 

we simply stare at one another 

Chapter 20 

You’re one of the lucky ones Tala. Don’t let him go

+5 Bonus 

Thear him stand and leave the room, but it’s like nothing matters right now. Till see him again but oght now, my main focus is my mate. Almost like there is a pull drawing me closer to him, I lean in his direction at the same time be coon Heeres dart so my pps for a second and his 

My eyes dose on their own accord once I can feel his warm breath on my lips and 1 want tochimices at rest of the dance 

His so los brush lightly against my own, sending a shock wave of emotions through my bodyty 

I literally jutro two feet in the air and yank out of Bos arm which somehow found itself around my steerde selfina lazy boy Jason hadvocated and try not to meet the gaze of non other then Asher, it would be him that walked in on us about tools. I don’t know whether to be happy be incarcted or if want to strangle him

Hope not marupingHe rames an eyebrow and looks from me, probably bright red to go who dock mad End as a most sulking

Of course not cough hoping to subtly clear my throat

How was training? Hekk taking a seat next to Bo, but at a more reasonable distance then we had been me 

As good as it could go Havent you talked to Conrad? I would think he’d give you updates.” 

He’s with his family at the moment, but was planning on speaking with him later in the week on your progress. Hot water your thoughts I shrug

1 kinda feel like my limbs are gorgofal off, but other then that it was fine.He nods and I see Bo scan my body from 100110ml twent he’s checking to make sure all of my body parts are still attached and trust me when I say there’d be more then coe angry personalitanovul happen

Training is difficult for the first few days up you become accustomed to.I narrow my eyes playfully at him, not even realizing icooni until after the words leave my mouth


that a subtle way to tell me out of shace? He shakes his head with a ghost of a smile on his face

Of course not, but I am saying it will get conven“ 

Thank god.I mutter but with their meaning 1 know they heard me. Their laughter confirms my thoughts

Conrad will come back a little before 

me tomorrow to get in some training before lunch so be up and ready. I have things to take care of and won’t be around, but Jason and the others wiibe there agam to help you.” I stand up from my spot and stretch with my arms above my head. I feel my shirt rise up slightly, exposing some of my stomach and would bet you twenty bucks Bo has his eyes on the strip of visible skin 

Is there anything else? I ask, intending to go salle a nap Adermy workout, I feel like I deserve oneand my assumption was correct. Someone owes me some money

For the moment, but don’t forget what we tailled about earlier mink back to our earlier conversation about giving Bo a chance 

What did you say?My mate asks, looking between the two of us as we share knowing look 

I’m working on it.I start upstairs, but not before hearing Bank our abha what he meant and what we talked about. Asher told him to ask me about it and it’s then that I realize what exactly that manis doing I’m supposed to ask Bo about his past and he’s probably going to ask me about my conversation. Asher is cleverly getting us to talk to one another about personal things to make us become closer. Maybe I didn’t give 

him enough credit in the brains category

Before my nap, I decided to take a shower since I had been working our allatemoon and probably smelled. It’s a surprise no one actually sid 

anything since our noses smell more then a human would

Anyways, I let the hot water run over my sore limbs and I feel all of my muscles loosen. I wash my hair quickly, using my favorite that smells

like vanilla and raspbemes and the body wash that goes along with it in all it was probably twenty minutes with half of it being me just standing 

in the scalding water

I grab my fluffy towel and proceed to dry my body. Then I tuck the one end under 

amand wrap around myself, allowing my hair to drip 

down my back. I open the door leading, intending to go into my closet for my dothes, but inmaad freeze two steps out of the steamy bathroom

Chapter 20 

What are you doing in here?I ask Bo, gripping my towel a little tighter around me. 

+5 Bonus 

l-uhI wanted to talk to you before you went to sleep, but you were in the shower lidoch tank you mind me waiting, but I also thought you’d take your clothes into the bathroom with you His eyes trail down my body to stare at my legs. His gaze becomes almost hungry and I slowly start backing into the bathroom 

I barely make it a step when he’s in front of me and he wraps his arms around my wasst. Pulling me fuch against him, he growls softly and nuzzles his face in my neck. Topen my mouth to say something when he starts to kiss the feverish dined my shoulder and my collar bone. The words catch in my throat and I bite my lip to stop from making any noise 

He slowly backs me against the nearest wall but doesn’t stop his openmouthed kisses on my skin tone hand is gripping his arm while the other is focused on keeping my towel in place. What’s annoying is my wolf in in my head telling my to let it drop and give myself to him. Like that will happen. I still know almost nothing about him… 

Bo-I stop when he nips at the place where my neck meets my shoulder. His hands start slowly trailing on my ligs. 1 think we need to stor oh!I moan, much to my embarrassment, when he starts sucking on my pulse. Why is this all feeling so goodv reacted this way to anyone before

He seems to like that spot because he doesn’t stop what he’s doing for what seems like forever Eventually, he releases my skin from his mouth with an audible pop 

I should get dressedI manage to say and he slowly releases me

I make my way quickly into my closet and throw on a pair of black spandex and a bright red, shortsleeved shirt. I pick up my discarded towel and squeeze my wet hair in an attempt to dry it better. Slowly, not sure what to expect, I walk back into my bedroom and my eyes inmediately find Bo sitting on my bed with his back against the headboard

What did you want to talk to me about?Lask, having to clear my throat from how husky my voice comes out. Had I been that tumed on shake my head and give up on my hair at the same time. Using a hair tie, I throw it up into a messy bun and toss my towel in the hamper 

Are you still sore?He asks, avoiding the question. I sigh and sit directly next to him

A little.” I admit, looking at my hands in my lap. Another thing i don’t understand is why I’m being so shy

Lay down.I blink, turning my head to look at him

Excuse me?” 

Lay down on your stomach.For a few moments, I don’t move, unsure of what he’s doing. Please?He states, but it comes out almost as question 

Slowly. I comply, laying my head on one of my many comfortable pillows, He move slowly over my body and sits lightly on my legs. His hands find their way to my shoulders and he starts to rub them. He works out a few knots on one side before moving to the other and I find myself relaxing under his magic touch

He works in silence, which is okay with me since my eyes drifted shut a few minutes ago. No, I’m not asleep, but this feels incredible. 1 dont think any words are needed

Feeling better?He asks and I nod in response

You should be a masseuse.I mumble and he moves to my lower back

Not the career I was looking for, but it’s nice to know you like it.I feel myself flush and then his fingers are tracing the back of my neck where the color came from.. 

It’s nice.I open my ey 

eyes roll over to be able to see him. He rolls off of me which allows me to sit up. If I ask you a question, would you answer it truthfully?I don’t miss his hesitation and I know then that I shouldn’t have brought it up. Never mind. It’s just-” 

No it’s alright.He takes a deep breath and carefully pulls me into his side, tucking me under his arm

Are you sure?I ask, just to make sure. I don’t want him to be uncomfortable

i have no secrets from you.He murmurs, burying his face into the crook of my neck once again. This time I take a deep breath, needing it to get my question out

What happened to your

it’s Complicated

it’s Complicated

Status: Ongoing


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