Chapter 23
+5 Bonus
Tala’s Point of View
creep through the hall ways to my room, hoping once again that I don’t get caught, I know Barron kept his mouth shut, but if anyone spotted me now I’d be in some deep shit with a lot of explaining to do. Bo is outside parking the car and I took the opportunity to go inside by myself. I have more of a chance of not being caught then the two of us would have if we came in together.
I have to admit that I’m a little surprised that I had so much fun. I never expected special reservations on a fancy restaurant’s roof top with a view of a town or an insanely expensive, but delicious, dinner. On top of that, he pulled out his phone and turned up the volume so it was loud enough to dance to. All of the songs were slow songs which made it easier to talk with him as he spun us in circles with the occasional dip. None of my dates in the past had ever tried so hard. It actually gives me a fuzzy and giddy fooling in my stomach when I reply my night over in my head
Creeping into my room, I shush Ash as she lifts her head from here paws. She blinks, but settles back down on the end of my bed when she realizes it’s me. She’d be growling very loudly if it was anyone else, but she’s my baby and wouldn’t growl at me.
I quietly set my heels in the closet and change into a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. Throwing my hair up into a messy bun, I walk back into my room and pause, trying to remember where I put my phone. Knowing my friends, they’ll still be up and waiting for the details.
Let’s see… I had it when I left Bos car and then I walked through the house and made a quick stop in the kitchen to… I let my thoughts trail off when I realize I left my phone on the kitchen counter. So sue me if I checked the freezer for ice cream. I’m hungry, but does that really come as a surprise anymore?
I pat Ash lightly on the head before walking barefoot from my room. I glance briefly over my shoulder at the digital clock on my bedside table to see it’s after eleven. Who would have thought i, of people, would spend four hours on a date. That goes to say that even knowing Bo for such
a short time, whatever we have is different. I say it’s because we’re mates, but I wouldn’t rule out the fact that I have a crush on the kid as wel
Relationships are complicated
Or maybe I’m over thinking it….
Oh well.
I roll my eyes at the thought and grip the banister lightly to make sure I don’t accidentally trip and fall down the rest of the stairs. again. In my defense, I was tired and my legs hurt from training. I just so happened to miss a step and my face made friends with the floor. End of that story.
I amble into the dark kitchen moments late and walk right to the spot I remember leaving my phone. Once it’s in my hand, my eyes flick to the fridge, and my hand automatically moves to rest on my quietly growing stomach. Damn, why does being a wolf mean I have to be hungry all the time? I mean, it’s cool I can eat all I want and not gain anything, but I swear fm going to eat the actual house soon.
make my decision and tuck my phone into the waistband of my sweatpants before grabbing a spoon. Pulling open the freezer door, I smile at the brand new tub of the fudgy chocolate ice cream I requested to be bought. I wasn’t actually sure if my mom would get it since we’re still not really speaking yet. When we do talk, it’s really only when necessary. I haven’t really talked to Asher, but I love Conrad. Who needs to talk to the big bad alpha when I have someone as awesome as Conrad?,
“Come to mama” I murmur, gripping the cold container lightly and shutting the freezer door. You know what? Who needs people when I have ice cream? It always makes everything better, even when there’s nothing to fix. Like now
“‘d love to.” I jump and almost drop everything onto the floor, but I guess that’s what I get for assuming that everyone is sleeping. Spinning around, I see Jason tiredly scratching the back of his head. He’s standing in the doorway separating the living room and the kitchen which would leave me to guess that he fell asleep on the couch again. He does that sometimes, but no one bothers to wake him up since he sleeps like a rock. “What the hell? You scared to crap out of me.” I take a deep breath and make sure to keep my voice low. “What are you doing down here?” | lean against the closest counter. Thankfully, he is wearing a shirt. The last time he didn’t, Bo nearly blew a gasket even though he walks around without a shirt on all the time: I see the possessive looks Brianna give him when he does this which then leads me to laughing at how whipped they are for each other. If I were to ever befriends her, I am so going to make fun of the two of them.
“I could ask you the same question.” He replies, breaking me out of my thoughts. Jason crosses his arms, looking more awake the longer we stand talking to one another. I open my mouth to reply when he lets out a huge yawn, Maybe he’s not so awake,
“Got hungry.” I tip the container in his direction and give him a ‘duh‘ expression. “Your turn.” He shrugs and moves across the room and pulls out a drawer.
Chapter 23
+5 Bonus
“Heard someone moving around so I woke up. Guess that was you.” He flashes me a tired smile and tries to swipe my treatin
from my hands, but I saw it coming since I noticed him grab a spoon. He pouts and I shake my head.
“I was here first.”
“Why can’t you share? You love me.” He whines, sounding like a little kid. I roll my eyes.
“You’re such a big baby.” I pop off the lid and take my first bite before tipping it in his direction. His expression lights up, and he eagerly starts eating my food.
*I am not a child and for your information, I’m almost twenty.” I stick my tongue out and jab my spoon back into the quickly emptying container. I get one bite and he gets like fony. Where’s the sense in that?
“You are a child and you’re eating all my ice cream.” I complain, swatting his spoon away from me as he tries to get yet another spoonful
“I didn’t see your name on it. He retorts, making another move at my treat, but once again I swat his hand away.
“It’s on my credit card bill.” He doesn’t answer and I know that I won since he can’t come up with a reply it’s totally untrue though. My mom did all the grocery shopping, and the credit card technically is my dads. He gave it to me because, let’s face it, I’m the favorite child. He never gave Barron a credit card because he’d spend most of the money on alcohol.
“I’m not eating it all.” He finally says, eyeing the tub. I smile and take an extra slow bite to tease him,
“You’re not getting any more. I start to walk aw
away, but he takes a few steps to appear in front of me.
“Why do you get to say if I can or can’t do?” I hide a smirk and hold out whatever’s left of the chocolaty goodness called ice cream.
“Fine. Take it. I had plenty of dessert tonight already. He raises an eyebrow and recrosses his arms over his chest.
“I noticed that you and Bo disappeared for the night. Would that have anything to do with the extra dessert?” I keep my face blank, but inside I’m cursing at myself for accidentally cluing Jason in on the fact that we went on a date
“Do you want it or not?” He immediately snatches it from my hands. “Thought so.”
“You never answ
You never answered my question “Damn.
“If I said yes, would you drop it?” He shakes his head with a growing smile forming on his lips.
“Not a chance.”
“You’re as bad as my friends”
“Better a girl than a baby.” I shake my head.
“You in the mood to watch a movie?” I ask, hoping to change the subject, but Jason won’t have it.
“No changing the subject.” I let out an irritable sigh, realizing that he will not let this go without an explanation.
“Can we at least talk from the comfort of the couch?” He eyes me warly, like he’s expecting me to run as soon as he turns around. “You know where I live so there’s no where for me to hide from you.” I flash him a smile which he retums.
“Funny” He comments before turning and making his way to the living room. I quickly grab the other container of ice cream. If I may add, it’s
I plop down onto the comfortable couch and watch as Jason slides a DVD into into the TV. 1 eye him curiously, but he simply smiles. As the beginning previews for other movies begin to play, Jason tums to me and finally says something.
“So where’d you guys go?” The light from the screen illuminates only one side of his face, but I can see him perfectly thanks to my new woll vision. I named it that myself. Other than the television, there are no lights on in the house seeing as it’s almost midnight now, but there are still
two people up.
“I don’t know the name of the place, but it was a fancy restaurant. He refused to let me pay for anything even after he rented the rooftop and
payed for the expensive dinner. To be honest, I ordered one of the least expensive meals because I felt bad that he was spending so much on
“Don’t feel bad. Our pack has a bank account that would keep a small country going for a long time.” I roll my eyes and take a bite of my
Chapter 23
“I don’t care.”
+5 Bonus
“Not used to having people do things for you.” I shake my head and draw my knees to my chest. “Well, you should probably get used to it with that boy around. He tends to spoil people. Next time we’re upstairs, ask me to show you what he got me for Christmas last year” I raise an eyebrow, but he only smiles.
“Okay.” I drag out the word.
“What did you talk about?” I give him a look.
*You don’t need to know that.”
“Fine. What did you w
“A dress and I was stupid enough to forget my jacket so he gave me his to wear. He holds his hand up for a high five, but I just stare at his hand.
“Well played Tala,” I still don’t give him my hand and so he picks up my hands for me and hits it weakly against his own.
“I didn’t try it.” I state, yanking my hand from his grasp. He chuckles and tosses his empty carton onto the coffee table.
“Sure you didn’t.” He smirks. “Anyways, did you guys do anything else other than eat and flin?” I look away from his face as a light blush coats my cheeks
“Um, we may have danced after dinner and then looked at the stars a little”
“Aww.” Jason coos and I silently wish my hair was down so I could hide behind it. I don’t do it often, but when I get really uncomfortable, I’l hide behind a curtain of my hair. “Aww you’re blushing!”
*Shut up Jason.” I mutter and he chuckles.
“It’s nice to know that you have a heart ignore the comment and move my gaze to the screen where the home screen for Pitch Perfect recently popped up.
*Senously?” I ask, finally looking back at him and he flashes me a smile.
“What? I like this movie.” I grab a blanket off the back of the couch and drap it over the two of us. We’re not too close to one another, but the blanket is extremely large to cover the entire length of the couch.
“Me to “I pause as he grabs the remote and clicks play to start it. “Hey, I bet you’ll fall asleep before I do.” He smirks and settles back against the leather couch. I lean on the arm to my right and send him a mirroring smirk.
*First to fall asleep loses ten bucks?” He bets and I nod.
“You’re on.”
Not even an hour later, I peer over at Jason to see his eyes drooping and his posture faling Me? I love staying up late into the early hours of the morning and then yell at anyone who wakes me up earlier than ten.
I smirk, happy to be getting some extra cash in my pocket, even if it is only ten dollars, but hey. With all the bets we have, the money is already starting to add up.
I snuggle into my blanket further and rest my head on Jason’s shoulder. It’s more comfortable than you think.
My eyes focus on the screen to watch the Trebles and the Bellas bicker over something completely irrelevant right before breaking into Pretty soon, I hear Jason’s quiet snores which mean he’s completely out. Until recently, I didn’t even know he snored.
I pull my head back to see his face relaxed and his mouth slightly parted. I brush a piece of hair from his face and he sighs, settling back against the couch. I then pull up the blanket to his shoulders before grabbing a pillow from where it had fallen earlier
If only he was this peaceful when he was awake. The day he finds his mate is the day I wish that poor girl good luck. He can be quite a handful, but I know he’ll treat her like royalty. I saw the look on his face when he talked about finding her. He wants that special someone who completes him. He told me that I’m lucky because I’ve found my mate, yet I still can’t get over my small abandonment issues. One of these days ril tell Bo how I really feel and the date he took me on is making me see just how much he’ll do to be with me. Yes, he’s annoying at times, but I’ve seen a sweet side of him that I can grow to love.
I let out a quiet laugh as Jason’s mouth falls open with a weird snort before laying down on my newly acquired pillow. I close my eyes, quickly
Chapter 23
+5 Bonus
losing interest in the movie now that I’ve won our bet. The couch is comfortable so I don’t mind sleeping here. It’s just a matter of sharing the couch.
I wake up who knows how much later to feel someone gently lifting me into their arms. The person gently rests my head against their shoulder before I feel him start walking. I easily recognize the warmth and soft tingles as my brain starts to become sharper and more awake. Why he’s up at this time is beyond me. I know I wouldn’t be up by choice.
“Bo.” I mumble, turning my face into his chest. I inhale deeply before even attempting to open my mouth again. “What are you doing?” His musky scent fills my senses and I feel my wolf beginning to surface. Now is really not the time for this. So, pushing her back, I limply wrap my arms around his neck.
“Taking you to bed.” He replies softly, starting up the stairs. I stretch as best as I can with him still holding me and open my eyes enough to look out the nearest window. The sun isn’t even peeking over the horizon yet which means it’s still very early in the morning.
“You don’t have to carry me.” My voice is thickly laced with sleep and even though I’m telling him I can walk, I don’t really think my eyes would stay open long enough to get to my room. Sad, but I’m exhausted.
“I don’t mind. Just go back to sleep. He murmurs, ducking his head to whisper the words in my ear.
“What are you even doing up?” I ask, fighting off sleep a little longer to have him answer my question. It’s difficult seeing as every time I blink it’s harder to keep my eyes open.
“Couldn’t sleep without you” He shifts me in his arms to be able to open the bedroom door. Upon entering. I realize one very important thing “This isn’t my room. He doesn’t say anything as he lays me lightly down on his bed
“Go to sleep sweethean.” He murmurs, lifting the covers and sliding the both of us underneath the soft sheets. My eyes shut on their own accord and I he firmly wraps his arms around my waist to bring me flush against his body. “Sweet Dreams. His breath tickles my ear and my ips pull up at the comers in a small smile.
His scent envelops me and his body heat keeps me warm as I drift back into unconsciousness. My last thought is how safe I feel by simply being in his arms. It’s like nothing can make this any better
For a girl who is afraid of letting people in. Bo is somehow weaseling his way
Into my
Irol over and press my face into my pillow What’s strange is that it’s hard and warm and possibly even moving a little. Frowning slightly, but still not awake enough to care, I bring my one arm from where it was previously resting and wrap it around to hug it closer to myself. Even if it is hard, it’s as comfortable as anything else I’ve ever slept on
I breath out a sigh of content and feel something tighten around me. Now thoroughly confused, I pry my eyes open, I have to blink a few times to get them to focus and when I do, last night’s memories all come back to me. What I hadn’t realized was that Bo isn’t wearing a shirt.
I allow my eyes to travel over his toned stomach, telling myself that I won’t drool over his six pack, and forcing myself to keep my fingers from trailing over his muscles. I then realize that my legs are tangled with his and what I felt around my waist were his arms. If I may, his arms are just as droolworthy as his abs, No wonder he can carry me as if I weigh nothing. I’ve always loved a guy with strong arms which is a reason I usually dated an athlete. I didn’t date solely for that, but it certainly helped the guy get my attention.
Next, my eyes trail up the curve of his neck to rest on his face. Much like Jason’s. Bo’s face is relaxed and he looks much more vulnerable in his sleep. His muscles are all relaxed and his lips are slightly parted. I don’t fight the urge to push a stray lock of dark hair from his eyes and his breathing picks up slightly at my touch.
I can’t help but smile at him.
This man is mine.
He’s mine.
I don’t care anymore that he’s breaking down my walls. After a night of just sleeping with him, I feel fully rested and not tired for the first time In a long time. Besides, I can’t just live by myself for the rest of my life so if I had to be paired with someone for the rest of my life, I damn sure glad It’s someone like Bo.
With that in mind, I press my cheek against his bare chest and close my eyes, my intent to get a little more sleep before I have to get up for the day. It’s the weekend. I should be allowed extra sleep. That’s what they’re for anyways.
In the silence of morning, I hear loud footsteps from outside the bedroom and then the door slamming open and bouncing off the wall.
Chapter 25
+5 Banus
“WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?I* 1 jump and my eyes fly open. Had Bo’s arms not been around me, I probably would have rolled off the bed in surprise. Speaking of Bo, as soon as my brother threw open the door, he literally jumped to his feet and landed in a protective stance in front of me. Bo backs up to sit on the edge of the bed and draws me suddenly into his lap. I let out a sound of surprise, but nothing more.
My heart feels like it’s beating directly in my ears because of how loud and fast it’s currently beating. Taking a deep breath, I calm the erratic beat in my chest before facing my angry older sibling. He’s looking between the two of us, but I can’t read the expression on his face
“Um… morning.” I start when he doesn’t say anything.
“Care to explain?” He crosses his arms across his broad chest and blocks the door with his body.
“W–w–hat?” I stutter, unsure of what he means. Barron gives me a look before turning his eyes over my shoulder to my mate.
“Want to tell me why after only one date you seduce my little innocent sister?” My face turns bright red as the words leave his mouth, and I try to scramble from Bo’s lap. He only pulls me back onto his lap and rests his chin on my shoulder.
“I didn’t. We didn’t- Nothing happened!” I exclaim, still trying to pry Bo’s arms from around me, but he has a steel grip
“Really?” He raises an eyebrow. “Why are you in here then?”
“H fell asleep downstairs and he carried me to his room. I swear, I didn’t sleep with Bo. I mean I did sleep with him, no, next to him, but ! promise nothing like that happened. I notice a glint in my brother’s eyes which makes me stop. Only then do I realize what he’s doing
After a freaking year, he’s still holding a stupid grudge! I cant believe him!
“You!” I point an accusing finger at him, narrowing my eyes at the same time. Sensing my anger, Bo finally releases me. I jump to my feet and stalk towards Baron. A smile stretches over his face which only makes me more annoyed. “I can’t believe you never let that go! Of all the things to do, you bust in here at this ungodly hour in the morning and embarrass me!”
“It’s after nine.” He replies, looking amused, but not for long.
“I don’t care if pigs grew wings and flew to the moon!”
“You only
embarrassed if you care. Care to share with the rest of the class?” He teases, looking from me to Do and than back, I ignore his remark and shove him out of my way to get to the hallway
“MOM!” I scream, and I hear something shatter followed by the hurried footsteps. She skids around the corner, shortly followed by Asher, and notices my furious expression.
“What happened?” She asks, coming closer and starts looking me up and down for injuries or something
“Thought you should know that last week, Barron almost cut my hand with a hunting knife, scratched your brand new car while taking it for a ride, and coated Ash in oil and turned her loose in the house like she was a greased pig!” My mother’s face morphs from shock to anger as she turns to my brother. His face had paled with every word I uttered and the smile he had quickly disappeared.
“You young man are in so much trouble! The all got on everything in the house the dog ran by! It took me days to finally clean everything!” Barron glares at me and I return it with one of my own. “What do you have to say for yourself?!” She exclaims, placing her hands on her hips.
It’s only because I saw him come home piss drunk with a lady friend after one of his senior parties. I told mom because he got sick on a new pair of my shoes that were by the front door and he’s held a grudge against it ever since. It would be poetic if I was drunk last night, but I wasn’t, but I made him look like a fool in front of his girl so he took the opportunity to do the same to me in front of Bo
“Tala slept with Bo. My eyes snap to face my brother and he smirks. My mother’s attention immediately goes to me and a smile forms on her face. I give her a look, asking if she’s crazy. That was a major mood swing.
“I did not!” I shriek and start backing down the hall in the direction of my room
“Don’t be ashamed honey. It’s a natural thing for wolves to experience! I cover my ears with my hands
“La la la la la! I’m not talking about this!” I hear her laugh as I reach my door.
“You used protection, right?!” Without answering, I throw open my door and lock it behind me. I quickly move away from the door and into the bathroom to wash my face.
God that was embarrassing. We’re in a house full of wolves and she’s yelling things like that for everyone to hear.
I peer into the mirror to see my face the color of a tomato. Oh my god… the color doesn’t help my case when I tell her nothing happened. She
Chapter 23
+5 Bonus
used to be able to tell when we were lying, but I guess she lost her touch.
Groaning. I brush my hair, wash my face and grab my iPod from the nightstand. I need to go for a run. Alone. I don’t want to see anyone right now because that was down right awful. At least when I told my mom about Bd’s night out it was just her and dad. I had an entire house listening and they’re all gonna think I slept with Bo.
I push open my window and skillfully slip out the small space. Being a wolf has helped with that immensely since I have better reflexes and I’m stronger than before.
Walking along the roof, the cool, moming air nips at my bare skin. It’s also that I realize I’m not wearing any shoes, but I just stick to the less rock paths. The truth is that I’ve run without shoes before. It was on purpose, though, to toughen up my feet. As a wolf, I don’t get to wear shoes so I thought a little extra training wasn’t hurting anything.
No one is outside yet at this time of the morning which means I don’t have to worry about anyone seeing me up here. Even as a wolf, my mother would have a cow if she knew I was on the roof,
Walking around to the back of the house, I swing my legs over the side and barely hesitate to jump. I bend my legs and land soundlessly on the balls of my feet. Sticking my headphones in my ears, I press play and take off at a good starting pace.
Two hours and many songs later, I finally start to make my way back to the house. Sweat is making my clothes stick to my skin and my hair is plastered to my neck and sides of my face. My feet are aching slightly from the run, but it’s not bothering me too much.
The fresh air and quiet of the forest had done wonders to calm me down. Yea, I’m still annoyed at my brother for starting everything, but I can see I overreacted a little bit as well. Either way. I’m hungry and could use a shower.
Starting up the tree on the side of the house, I make my way back to my room. Who needs a door when there’s a perfectly good tree and window to use instead?
I’m passing Asher’s office when I hear loud voices coming from inside. Curious as I am, I pause next to it to hear what’s going on.
“She deserves to know!”
“I forbade anyone from ever mentioning it and it applies to you as well!”
“She won’t forgive you for keeping this from her I recognize Bo’s voice as who is arguing with Asher.
“I’m still not her favorite person!”
“What about the rest of us?! It’ll be like we betrayed her.”
“Shell have to understand it was done for her.” There’s a pause I don’t see why you’re complaining. She’s your mate and if we wouldn’t have won the case, you never would have met her”
Okay, so this is obviously about me and I’m not supposed to know about something. Screw a shower. I want to know what’s going on and why I’ll be mad when I figure it out.
“I feel guilty having to pretend that I know nothing! She’s finally starting to open up to me and I feel too guilty to fully be happy about that!”
*If you tell her anything you will be punished! I will tell her when the time comes! Until then, this conversation never happened!” “Out Alpha-”
“No!” Asher’s voice booms, causing me to jumps slightly in surprise. “She never finds out that we made the court case go the way it did. Is that understood?!”
“Yes sir,” I hear my mate’s barely audible response, but it’s a shock since my heard is pounding loudly in my ears.
I was right all along. In the beginning I would have gloated about it, but all I feel is my heart breaking and my walls instantly start to rebuild themselves.
Asher rigged the court case over two months ago.
There’s a chance I could have stayed with my dad
What I find worst about the situation is that every single person here knew about it.