it’s Complicated Ch 3

it’s Complicated Ch 3


Tala’s Point of View 

Soon after I collapsed, all of my tears stopped flowing so I just lay there staring blankly at the ceiling

I just want to go home. And not the place I’m in now.. my only home back in California with my dad. He understands me and never pushed me into doing anything after mom left. It was just me and him. Most of the time I’d be the one making the food since he can’t cook to save his life. We mostly ordered takeout or I’d make something, but he would never cook me food at the risk of accidentally putting me in the hospital

I smile a little thinking about dad at the exact moment there’s a quiet knock at my bedroom door. It turns into a frown as i rol out of bed and move to door I press my ear against the wood and listen to the soft breathing of whoever’s on the other side. Shrugging, I back away and go into my bathroom to take out my contacts. They’re dry enough that I accidentally rip one while trying to take it out so I throw them away. I’ll grab a new pair tomorrow

The knocking becomes more consistant and to the point where it’s annoying. Grabbing my glasses, I slip them onto my face and open my door to glare at the person on the other side

What?Barron drops his hand

Can I come in? I wanna talk.I cross my arms

You can talk from here.He rolls his eyes, mumbling to himself and tries to push me aside to go into my room, but I lean against the door frame to block his path

*Come on Tala, why can’t we talk?He runs a hand through his short hair, getting it to stick up at a bunch of different angles

We are talking.I pretend to inspect my nails to subtly say that this is wasting my time

Mother oflisten, I just wanted to tell you that you’ll be starting school tomorrow.” My eyes snap to meet his in less then a second after he 

uttered those words

No.I slam the door in his face and lock it just as he hits it with his hand


Go away Barron! There’s nothing you can say or do to make me go to school tomorrow!” 

It’s a great school!” 

How would you know that? You’re in college.I retort, falling onto the bed stomach down. I adjust my glasses on my nose and grab one of my 

favorite books off the bedside table

1go to one of the colleges in the area, but I’ve heard great things about the place you’ll be going! Why can’t you give it a chance?I immediately get the hidden question of Why can’t you give us a chancein that phrase

Because, when I’m almost forcefully taken from a place I actually want to be, I have to right to be angry or even mad enough not to listen to anyone.” He’s silent and I pray that he’s walked away. Talking to him brings back all the good memories we had together and it’ll make it harder to stay mad at him. We’re really close for siblings of a few years apart and it’s harder then you think to stay mad at him even after he sided with my 


If you don’t go to school then you can’t leave the house. It’s not my punishment, but mom had a feeling you wouldn’t go.” 

Fine.I open City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare and pick up where I last left off 

I’m sorry.I hear my older brother say to the door before the sound of his footsteps fade into silence. Tears prick my eyes even after I told myself I didn’t care about what happens to him anymore. Each part of me wants forgive just him a little more each time I see him. The way his eyes hold such hurt and guilt is slowly eating me from the inside out that I’m the reason he’s feeling that way. No matter how much I say I hate him, I don’t 

The sunlight beating down on my closed eyelids stirs me from my sleep. I open my eyes slowly and shield my them from the sun with my 


En Chapter

hand. Rolling over slightly I hear the crinkling of pages and see my book partially underneath me. I pick it up and notice I bent a bunch of the pages. Frowning, I unfold them and set the book back on the table

Must have falien asleep while I was reading last night 

I take my glasses off my face and hold them up to the light to clean. Well, I fell asleep with my glasses on to. They’re a little crooked so now when I wear them, they’re just a smidge askew. Dang I was planning on wearing them today, but I hate when they’re not straight because they get uncomfortable

Grabbing a pair of dark jeans and a tshirt, I change into them and wander into the bathroom to brush my teeth and put my contacts in since my glasses need adjusted. Because I’m lazy, I put my blond hair up into a ponytale and grab a black headband. Done

For shoes I slip on a pair of converse with mismatching socks. Like I said, I’m kinda lazy sol just grabbed two socks and viola, they’re on my 

feet now

Having gotten board last night after Barron left, I used my computer to lock up the area. There’s a town with a mall not that far from here. It might be a little over a half hour if I walk, but unless I want to be caught, walking will have to do. Plus, having a credit card allows me to buy things without tipping my mom off I left the house since it’s not her account

I open my door just a crack to see if anyone’s in the hall and slip quietly out of my room since the coast is clear, Making my way as quietly as possible down the hall and to the top of the stairs, I strain my ears to listen for activity downstairs. I think the TV in the living room is on and there’s a sudden clatter coming from the kitchen. Sounds like both mom and what’shisface are home. There’s no way I can make it out the front door 

without being seen

I creep quietly back to my room to think. I can’t go out the front door and the only other ways out aer through the back door which is 

unreachable or through a window

Curious, I go to the window along the one wall and unlock it. Pushing it open far enough for me to stick my head out, the first thing I see is the roof sloping down towards the ground and if I were to jump, it would only be about ten feet. Then when I need to get back up later, I can climb the tree I saw on the other side of the house and just walk around the roof back to my window. Yea, that work 

I bring my head back in and stick my left foot out the opening. Then I duck my head under and make sure to hold onto the window sill as bring my other leg out after me. Counting to three, I let go and carefully slide on my butt to the edge of the roof. I dangle my legs over the side just 

as I hear voices. Paniking, I pull my feet back up and lie flat on my back

I don’t know what to do Rich. She’s so difficult.I recognize James’voice and I hold my breath. It’s not that I’m afraid of him, it’s that I don’t want to get caught and my attempt to go to the mall ruined. In fact, if I get the chance to hit that man, I do it without a second thought

Just give her time James. This can’t be easy on her.” There’s a pause and I’m afraid to let out my held breath, but my lungs are starting to ache from holding my breath for so long. You haven’t told her anything have you.Rich’s voice sounds full of question

I can’t just bring it up in a normal conversation. Who knows what will happen.What the heck are they alking about? The two men move in my 

line of vision and I pray they don’t turn around otherwise they’ll see me 

So you’re going to wait until she changes and then tell her.James shrugs and keeps walking in the opposite direction towards the forest. So 

he’s a nature person that goes for walks. How charming. And what do they mean when I change they’ll tell me?! The only thing it could be is when 

I change my mind about everyone here because I’ve already been through my teenage years. Grew quite a bit in middle school 

I’ll deal with it when it comes.” After he says this, the two of them are out of earshot and have disappeared into the trees. Letting out a HUGE breath, I sit up and lock to make sure no one else is coming

Seeing the coat clear, I count to three and allow my body to fall from the roof and to the ground. Bad news is that I misjudged the drop just a little so I’m now lying on my stomach trying to regain my breath for the second time in like two minutes. Yea, it was a smidge higher then ten feet

I dust myself off as I get to my feet and start walking quickly on the drive to where it opens into a street in about a mile. At the street I go left walk for a while until I see houses more frequently. Then I’m technically in town and take the next left and then a right at the light. And at last I’m 


ay so myself

I look at my phone to see it’s around lunchtime and I left the house around eleven twenty. Not bad time wise if I do say 

There are quite a few people walking around and into the building. It’s significantly smaller then the one I’m used to back in California, but it’s 

still a mall and I’m not about to go back to the house without at least going inside

The first

of my

senses to register everything is my nose. The smell of food from the food courts makes my stomach growl in reminder that I haven’t eaten yet today. Smiling to myself, I place a hand on my middle as if to silence it, but of course that doesn’t work. Finding a directory, I look for where the food court is and find that it’s straight ahead in an open area of the mall

I pass trees in squares of soil connected to parts of the floor. To make sure people don’t step on it, there’s a fence about knee high 

surrounding every plant

The ground is white, speckled tile with an occasional black tile thrown in here and there to make the floor a little more interesting, not that a floor is interesting in the first place. It’s only purpose is for people to walk on it

The mall itself is very open with maybe two floors and many stores lining the walls the whole way around the building. Store signs are lit up and trying to attract the attention of potential customers. I see bored employees sitting around inside waiting for someone to come inside. Since it’s a Monday and there’s school, the usual teen population isnt hereunless they would skip

Reaching the food court, I look around to decide what would be good for lunch. Pizza Hut looks like a good place to go not including the fact 

that it’s my favorite pizza place

What can I get for you?A guy, maybe early thirties, asks me as I approach the counter 

I’ll take two slices of pepperoni pizza and a coke.He punches my order into the cash register and glances at me from the corner of his eye

Is that all?I nod. For here or to go?” 

For here.I hand him my credit card from my back pocket 

Til just go get it. Give me a few minutes.” I nod and the man disappears to the back where the smell of delicious food is coming from. My stomach growls again, but I ignor it. Tuming around to look around, I spot a guy walking towards me. I tilt my head slightly to the side and silntly ask myself why I’ve seen him before. I roll my eyes, not caring enough to actually find put the answer to my question and turn around to get my order. Thanking the man, I head to one of the tables below a skylight and sit down in a plastic chair

Hey there.” The guy pulls out a chair across from me, spins it around and sits down with his arms resting on the back of the chalc Choosing silence I grab my first slice of pizza and take my first bite. I’m Jason and you are?I roll my eyes

Not interested.” 

I’m not hitting on you, I’m just being friendly I raise an eyebrow in question. He’s wearing a simple grey tshirt and jeans. His black leather jacket fits his frame perfectly and matches his black and white vans, Looks kinda like someone who would play a girl’s heart and leaves her after 

he’s gotten what he wented

Oh really? Why?I ask with my mouth half full of pizza

You look like you could use someone to talk to.” 

How would you know that?I finish off my first slice and move to grab the other only to find that Jason grabbed it for himself. Stupid boy…. 

that was my food

1 was kinda there at dinner last night, but you were focused on yelling at James to see me.It finally clicks as to why he looked familiar. I went into his room looking for mine and he was at the dinner last night where I called my mom a bitch and named my dog after James. Well isn’t 

that embarrassing 

Sorry you had to see that, but we’re having family issues at the moment.He nods, as if understanding 

I got that much. Do you want to talk about it?” 

They didn’t send you here to pretend to be my friend or anything did they?I ask suspiciously and he smirks

“Nope, but I can see why you asked since Brianna was supposed to do just that.” 

And you know that because?I take a sip of my drink and watch him warily. Anyone in that house isn’t to be trusted as far as I’m concerned

Bri is my older sister, by about a year, but still older then me. She tends to tell me things.That explains that, but it also gives me less of

reason to trust him

I can see the family resemblance.And It’s true. They have the same brown hair, but his is short compared to Brianna’s shoulder length locks

But I really don’t want to talk about it.” 

I understand. Just thought I’d offer.” 

I wish you would have offered to buy me another plece of pizza since you ate mine.” I give him a look and he at least has the grace to look 


Right, sorry, I was hungry. Don’t go anywhere.He stands up and hurles off to get me more food. Hey, If he’s paying. I’ll definitely stick 

around. It’s free food

I’m still wondering if he’s got a purpose behind this visit or if it’s really coincidental, Technically he should be in school and not the mall, but 

then again so should 1. He saw what happened yesterday and hasn’t bugged me to tell him what it’s all about. I respect him for that, but I can’t 

look over the fact he’s Brianna’s brother, if she was so easily persuaded to my my familythen what proof do I have he isn’t the same way? He could have already told my mom that I snuck out and came to the mall, but I woulddn’t know that until I get home

He comes back a few minutes later and sets a fresh slice of peperoni pizza in front of me

Kinda surprised you’re still here.I shrug

I’m not about to pass up free food.He smiles 

“A girl who knows her priorities. Now I wish I would have done something to win your affection.A smirk follows his words to tell me he 

doesn’t really mean it

Har har. You’re hilarious, but if you really want to know, the court awarded me to my mother and I was brought here. I’m completely against 

It must be hard.He rests his elbows on the table

You don’t know the half of it.” 

I don’t, but I’m not one to pry either.” 


You have nothing to thank me for. Not yet at least. His smile turns mischievous and eye him warily

What do you mean? And don’t make me regret asking.” 

You haven’t been here long enough to experience the fun things in town. Lucky for you, you have an awesome guy who will show you how to 

have fun in this place: He grins and stands from his chair. Bring your food, but be prepared for the best afternoon ever.” 

Two things. One, you never answered my question. And two, why would I go with you? I’ve don’t really even know you. You could be some 

serial killer.” 

You watch way to many movies. And I promise, if you don’t have fun then I won’t tell your mom you snuck out of the house.” 

Blackmail ehHe crosses his arms over his chest, daring me to oppose him. Fine, I’ll do what you have in mind, but I really need to go somewhere here first. This time he raises an eyebrow

“I guess that’s ok, but make it quick. What I have in mind starts in an hour and a half,” 

“Whatever. Tell me then which way the lenscrafters is?” 

Why?I give him a duh look

I need to fix my glasses and that’s the only place within walking distance of my house.” 

You wear glasses?He leans closer to me, analyzing my face and probably imagining me with them. I can’t see it” 

Stick around and you might see them very often. I like them better then my contacts.” He doesn’t respond. Instead he takes my trash to the nearest trash can and throws things away

Let’s get moving then shall we? We haven’t got all day.” 

You’re kinda pushy.” 

And from what I’ve seen, you’re stubborn. I think we’ll get along fine.” 

it’s Complicated

it’s Complicated

Status: Ongoing


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