Chapter 8
We stopped outside our mothers bedroom and my sister stood in the way of the door.
“I need you to be prepared for this. She is not herself at all. It was all so strange, she went out for a run and came back like she was not all there. She has been going downhill ever since. Dad had to put an order on her to not shift because of what she was doing to herself.” She explained in a hushed tone, as if she was afraid someone would hear her.
“Alex never mentioned this much detail.” I shook my head, trying to make sense of it all.
My sister took my hand as she pushed the door open and we went through it.
Nothing could prepare me for the way my mother was laid up in bed, she was asleep when we arrived in her bedroom.
My sister grabbed my arm and I took a deep breath. “Aurora, he really does not like to talk about it. He only called you back to this house because it was what mother wanted.”
I raised an eyebrow and glanced at my sleeping mother.
She was so beautiful but she looked so different from how I remembered.
“She looks so weak and frail.” I mumbled in disbelief.
She nodded and bit her lip.
“We can’t just leave her like this.” I felt awful, all my training to become a nurse made me desperate to make my poor mother better again. I longed to feel her hug me.
“Where is our father?” I was surprised that he had not come to greet me or even be here with our mother, his mate.
My sister lowered her gaze as if not wanting to answer such a question. I knew then that something was not being said to me.
What was she keeping from me?
“Arla? What are you not telling me?”
Alex suddenly burst into the room, looking panicked. His eyes went from me to Arla and he growled.
“Out. Now.”
I pushed myself towards him.
“What is going on?” I almost forgot that our mother was asleep on the bed.
Alex reached for me and pulled me out of the bedroom followed by Arla, who attempted to close the door as quietly as she possibly could.
He then turned to her and banged his fist into the wall, so much anger in him that it startled me.
“What are you doing? You know that we should not be disturbing our mother when she is resting. Do you want her to die? Can you not see that she is so fragile?” Alex shouted in her face, causing Arla to burst into sobs of tears.
I felt awful for my sister, never had I seen such aggression in my own brother.
How could he treat anyone this way?
“Alex. You came all the way to Layla’s pack to call me and bring me home. Yet, why am I getting the impression that nobody is telling me the whole truth?”
I eyed them both suspiciously. Alex avoided my gaze while Arla was riddled with guilt. I could see that she wanted to tell me everything, but Alex’s presence was making her uncomfortable.
“Why is our father not here? Where is he?” I needed to know. I needed answers.
They both remained silent and I stormed out having had enough of this ridiculous game of guessing the answer.
“Aurora, come back here at once.” I heard my brother shout after me , but I carried on walking, sticking my finger up over my head so he could see I was pissed off.
I broke into a slow run as I exited the packhouse.
Luckily for me, Alpha Tyler and his stupid fake mate were not around to bother me as I was certain that I would not be able to keep my mouth shut if she even breathed in my direction.
I swore to myself three years ago that I would never walk these woods again, yet here I am doing just that.