Mothers love is like a landslide Ch 4

Mothers love is like a landslide Ch 4

Brittany was shocked. Dad, you cheated

She’s pregnant?” 

Great! A boy or girl? I always wanted

sibling! ” 

Dad, divorce her! Then we can live with the 

baby and stepmom!” 

You make a lot of money! We’ll be fine

You’ll make more later!” 

I believe in you!” 

I said, Yeah, your dad makes a lot, you won’t 


But I knew the mistress was a lowpaid intern 

who depended on sugar daddies

Tom was turning red, and he signed the 


I smiled. See you at the courthouse.” 

I told them to pack, and move out

Then I packed my things, and went to a fancy 


The restaurant was a mess, and I didn’t want 

to deal with it

They would clean it up themselves

I didn’t have to worry

I took a hot bath at the hotel

I remembered taking care of them, and 


I was so stupid

But I was back

It wasn’t too late

I planned my new life

Tomorrow would be a new start

The next day, we got divorced

I watched them move out

Tom took the TV washer dryer microwave 

I didn’t care, it was all old anyway

I was going to get new stuff

After they left, I looked at the empty house 

and sighed

It was over

I packed up the supplies, and called a realtor

I bought a small apartment downtown

On the way home, I bought a gym 


In a few days, the house was sold

I saved two thirds of the money, and saved 


the rest

Finally, I quit my job

My old job was boring, and that’s why I could 

balance family life

But there was no room for growth

I wanted to live for myself

I used half the money to buy an art studio

I saw the ad last time, and wanted to buy it

But I didn’t have the money, or the time

If I quit, I couldn’t pay for art classes

Someone else bought it, made it successful


A month later, a new train station opened

I had money, and no Brittany to worry about

I had contacts, and I knew how to run the 


I also loved art

My parents said art was useless, and refused 

to let me do it

That’s why I made Brittany do it

But I knew that I could do it too

I hired some talented teachers

I cleaned and redecorated


Instead of grey, I used warm colors

Every room had snacks and water

I wanted it to feel welcoming

Most of the students were preparing for art 


I wanted to help them destress

I wanted them to feel at home

It worked

In a few days, I made more than I expected

Many students liked the vibe, and wanted to 

sign up

I ran a promotion

I made my money back in two weeks

A month later, the train station opened

My studio was packed

I bought the floor above it

It was a bookstore, so it was mostly open 


I kept the bookshelves, and filled them with 

art books

I wanted to make a study area

The downstairs was for classes, the upstairs 

I doubled my space, and made five times as 

much money

Everyone knew about my studio

It was cheap, and they could eat snacks

They could even sleep on the couch

My business exploded

I hired staff to manage the studio, and 

relaxed a bit

Now I could go to the gym, and paint

I sat in the room, and listened to the pencils 


I knew I had the life I wanted

After a while, I noticed one girl

She sat next to me

Her art was amazing, and she was fast

She was so absorbed

But it was her art supplies that caught my 


I recognized them

They were some of the supplies I sold

The easel was cracked

remembered shipping them 


She was using my oldest supplies

I thought no one would buy them, but I still 

sold them for a hundred bucks

She bought them

I sold them by type, so everything was there

She messaged me, thanked me, said I was

good person, helped her a lot

She told me she was from a poor family, and 

her parents didn’t want to waste money on 


She had to practice in secret, hoping for



A month ago, her parents found out, threw 

away her supplies, and hit her

She didn’t give up, so she bought my old 


When she left, I stopped her, Are you 


She looked confused. How do you know 


I smiled, and explained

She was shocked, grateful, and sad

Her real name was Christine

She liked the atmosphere, and loved the 


But she couldn’t afford it

I felt bad

I felt like that kid who had to give up their 


I patted her shoulder. “Come anytime, I’ll take 

care of it.” 

She shook her head. I can’t. It costs so 

much, and you already sold me the supplies.” 

I said, It’s free.” 

She was stunned. What?” 

I smiled. I own this place.” 

I let Christine come for free. and told her she 


could use any supplies, and ask the teachers 

for help

She cried

I said, I don’t need anything back.” 

If you want to repay me, win first place at 

the art competition.” 

Then I can advertise that a student from my 

studio won an award.” 

It wasn’t true

My studio was already popular

But she believed me, and said, I will. I’ll win 

the award.” 


After that, she came to the studio every day

The teachers said she was the most 

promising student

Days went by

It was a few weeks before the competition

I saw Brittany again

It had been two months, a short time, but

felt like I’d almost forgotten about her

It was strange

Blood relations didn’t mean anything

Mothers love is like a landslide

Mothers love is like a landslide

Status: Ongoing


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