Chapter 13
“Besides, I’m really busy right now! Brother, can you stop bothering me with these small things?”
Stephen could no longer hold back his annoyance and shouted, “Jasmin! Do you even hear yourself? Mom is sick, and you’re calling this a small thing? Don’t you remember the last time when you just accidentally cut your finger? Mom canceled her board meeting and came rushing home to take care of you!”
Jasmin paused for a second, and then her voice quickly turned into a cry. “Brother, how can you be so harsh to me? You‘ ve never been like this before! I’ll never talk
to you again!”
Hearing Jasmin‘ s crying voice,
Stephen’s heart softened immediately. But before he could say anything, Jasmin had already hung up.
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Chapter 13
The beeping sound on the other end of the line was the same as it had been in the morning. A strong sense of helplessness suddenly surged in Stephen’s chest.
As he turned around, he realized that Amanda had been standing in the doorway
the entire time.
His first instinct was to hide the phone, but when he saw the sadness and helplessness. fleeting across Amanda’s face, he realized how foolish his action had been.
He didn’t know what to say to comfort her, so Amanda spoke first.
“Jasmin is still young. She’s been pampered since childhood, so just let her
- be. Don’t hold it against her.”
After speaking, Amanda walked back to her room alone.
It would be a lie if Amanda said she
wasn’t hurt by what Jasmin said.
Whether it was from the headache or
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Chapter 13
something else, Amanda couldn’t sleep as she tossed and turned in bed, constantly thinking about Jasmin.
She thought about how she had raised Jasmin, how Jasmin would sweetly act spoiled in front of her, and as she kept thinking, Jasmin‘ s face suddenly transformed into Sheena‘ s.
She remembered that before Sheena turned eight, she had always been very fond of her. But those memories were so
distant now that they had become a blur.
In a moment of impulse, Amanda had sent Sheena to the countryside, and though she regretted it at times, she gradually forgot about her as Jasmin filled the void left by losing her daughter.
When Sheena returned to the Brooks family, she found that this daughter had become so distant, almost frighteningly so.
She didn’t act spoiled towards her, didn’t confide in her, and her every action.
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Chapter 13
and word seemed so careful and reserved, bedeven when talking to the servants, her head.
would always be lowered.
Compared to Jasmin, she seemed nothing id slike the Brooks family’s daughter.
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Amanda felt guilty towards Sheena, but more than that, she was angry at her for not living up to her expectations.
She often wondered, why couldn’t Sheena
be more cheerful, lively, and confident like
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Perhaps because of these prejudices,
verything Sheena did appeared to her as a
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alculated attempt to please, even when
he proactively gave her massage.
She remembered how Sheena would beam
with joy whenever she showed even the ightest sign of satisfaction, just like a
hild who had been given candy as a eward.
very time she saw that expression on heena’s face, Amanda would feel
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Chapter 13
secretly smug, but mostly, she felt disdain.
There were too many people trying to please her, and Sheena was no different. from them.
But it wasn’t until today that Amanda realized that Sheena had never gained anything from her.
She saw the room where Sheena had been
staying. Even the servants‘
rooms were
better than hers, and the furnishings in her room were nearly nonexistent. Even the clothes she took with her were made of the cheapest fabric.
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