I gave her a nice room, bought her tons of
clothes, and enrolled her in the best elementary
On her first day, I walked her in.
Of course, I ran into Chloe and Sarah right at
the door.
All the first–graders were crying and freaking out except Chloe, who just stood there, looking
at the other kids with this placid expression.
One of the parents was immediately gushing
about her. “Whose kid is that? So well
Corah nuffed out bar abort and braggod
Sarah puffed out her chest and bragged,
“That’s my Chloe! She’s destined for MIT.
She’s way better than all these other kids.”
Chloe looked up, a serene smile on her face.
“Mom, you’ve got to be humble.”
“Look at that kid, she doesn’t talk like the rest
of them. Like a little adult!”
“Such a pretty and well–behaved child! If only
my kid was half as good. It’s such a shame
about the leg…”
Sarah’s face fell immediately. She pointed at
the parent and screeched, “What do you know?!
Chloe’s the smartest kid I’ve ever seen. You
think your kid is as smart as Chloe?! You’re just
The parent wasn’t one to back down and they
started bickering.
A normal kid would be mortified by their loud
But Chloe just watched the whole thing,
Yep, that’s exactly what you’d expect from a
twenty–eight–year–old woman.
In the car, Mia tugged on my sleeve, her voice trembling. “Mom, I’m a little scared.”
I ruffled her hair. “Don’t worry, I’ve got your
Last time, because of her shy personality, Mia was constantly bullied, but Sarah never cared.
She would say, “Mia is so sensitive. She cries
over the smallest things.”
I’d tell her to protect her daughter, but she’d say I was sticking my nose where it didn’t
In middle school, to stop the bullying, Mia
started hanging out with the wrong crowd and
went down a bad path.
Not this time.
On her third day, Mia came home in tears.
The class bully had thrown her pencil case in
the toilet. She hadn’t been able to finish her
work, and the teacher had yelled at her.
I was furious. I went straight to the school,
demanding to see that boy.
But the first person I saw wasn’t her teacher, it
was Chloe, the class president.
She’d ended up in Mia’s class.
She looked at me with that same calm, slightly
creepy smile.
“Ma’am, kids get into little fights. Don’t worry,
the teacher will be here soon.”
No kid talks like that.
When I looked in her eyes, a shiver went down
my spine.
Last time, she drugged me and sent me to that
old pervert’s bed.
She made sure I could never escape, that I
would be tortured.
This time, she wouldn’t hurt me or my daughter.
Soon, Mia’s teacher and the boy’s parents
showed up.
The boy’s parents were reasonable. They
apologized, and the teacher scolded him.
After they left, I pulled the teacher aside.
“You knew he threw my daughter’s things
away, so why did you yell at my daughter?”
My voice was frigid.
The teacher was taken aback. She looked at
Chloe. “Didn’t you tell me that Mia was talking
during class and that’s why she couldn’t finish
her work?”
My chest tightened.
Chloe had just lied about my daughter.
I wanted to expose her right then and there.
But I knew, Sarah still needed her karma.
I calmed myself, and before I could speak,
Chloe said, “I’m so sorry, teacher, I must have
misunderstood. It’s my fault. I apologize.”
She then gave me a deep bow.
Chloe had turned it all around.
She was so mature and the class leader. Of course, the teacher would favor her.