NO LONGER MS. WEAK Chapter 204

NO LONGER MS. WEAK Chapter 204

Chapter 204 

Team Sirius jungler jumped directly into the turret, trying to kick Samantha out

The jungler of Team Sirius was very sharp

He caught a very good opportunity

Moreover, he reacted very quickly and fought impressively

The problem was that he was dealing with Samantha

Not only did Samantha dodge the jungler’s skills by positioning, but she also struck back and used a stunlock on him, keeping him in her turret

This was almost a fatal blow for the professionals

Those who couldn’t understand the game would think that the jungler of Team Skyblade made a mistake

Even the jungler of Team Sirius thought that it was because he didn’t have time to use his skills, as well as not pressing the buttons fast enough, that caused his skills to miss

It was because Samantha was so good at predicting that she dodged it by positioning

With the help of the turret’s automatic attack, the jungler of Team Skyblade was killed by Samantha

At the same time, Team Siriusmidlaner stepped back slowly

However, she was ambushed by both the bottom laner and top laner of Team Gorgeous 

The two teams suddenly confronted each other in the middle lane

Since Samantha just killed the jungler of Team Sirius, Team Gorgeous had an bbvious advantage in this 5v4 fight

However. Team Siriusbottom laner had a particularly high attack damage in the early stage

Therefore, Samantha warned her teammates not to start a team fight for now

Samantha said, Stand at the front, Darwin, Let’s wait for them to start a fight. Lawrence and Leila, pay attention to them. You can start a fight when the time comes, but remember, do not jump into their turret while starting the fight.” 

Why?Howard blinked in confusion. We’ve outnumbered them. Why can’t we start a fight first?” 

Samantha said casually, You can try if you want.” 

Howard suddenly felt a chill on his back. Never mind, I do what you told me, Samantha. I’ll wait for it, 

However, as soon as Howard finished speaking, the top laner of Team Sirius jumped in and started a team fight

At the same time, Team Siriusbottom laner got a perfect position

The two worked perfectly together to attack Team Gorgeous

Besides, the bottom laner chose a character with high attack damage in the early stage, so he did Team Gorgeous a lot of damage

Leila, who chose a character with poor survivability, almost died when she jumped out to try to get him




Chapter 201 

As a result, although Team Sirius was outnumbered by Team Gorgeous, they killed three of them with their bottom laner’s highattackdamage character, and their amazing performance

Two of Team Sirius died in the fight

Plus the jungler who died first, they also lost three men

Basically speaking, they were even now

However, Team Sirius had a little advantage

Because the one who killed three of Team Gorgeous was the bottom laner

After he went back to change his equipment, the damage he could do was even more terrifying

Howard was very frustrated after he went back to the bottom lane

Because the bottom faner of Team Sirius was 

He could only hide in the turret

stronger than him so he didn’t dare to mess with him

Honestly, although Howard had played many times, this was the first time he had felt such a strong frustration. It had been over ten minutes and he wasn’t making any progress

In his previous competitions, even if the bottom laner he was facing was very aggressive at the beginning, he could turn the 

table in ten minutes

And he would be the aggressive one

He never expected that he would be so oppressed one day

Having noticed Howard’s impatience and his unstable positioning, Samantha had to comfort him

Take it easy, Howard. I’ll help you regain the upper hand.” 

Howard curled his lips and said, I know. I’ll be careful. I don’t believe I’ll be kept down all the time.” 

In the next few minutes, the players of both teams were focused on laning

The top laner and midlaner of Team Sirius tried to start a fight, but Darwin and Samantha avoided it deliberately

Samantha said, “Their archer is going downhill in about four minutes. Let’s hold on for a few minutes and then help Howard maximize the advantage. Remember, do not fight with them and get killed in the next several minutes.” 

Darwin said, Okay” 

Got it,said Leila

Howard said, Take it easy. The winner must be me!” 

In the next four minutes, Team Sirius kept harassing them to try to pick up a fight, and all of them gathered in the middle lane, ready for a team fight

However, Team Gorgeous ignored them directly, which was at odds with Team Siriusexpectations

Soon, Team Sirius got angry and went to kill Baron Nashor

They wanted to force Team Gorgeous to fight with them by doing this 



Chapter 204 

Now their archer was at his strongest, and if a team fight broke out at this time, it would be very favorable for them to eliminate the whole Team Gorgeous

As long as they started a perfect team fight and used their ult at the right time on the right people, they could ace Team Gorgeous, and they would win the game

Unexpectedly, Team Gorgeous didn’t fall into their traps

And they already came up with a plan

Samantha told all her teammates to gather in the middle lane

While Team Sirius was dealing with Baron Nashor and waiting for Team Gorgeous to fight with them, Team Gorgeous was attacking their turret in the middle lane…. 

They only sent the jungler to come to the dragon pit


In several seconds, Team Gorgeous destroyed two turrets successfully

Then just as Baron Nashor was about to die, Dusk The Monster Slayer jumped into the dragon pit again

She got Baron Nashor again

Everyone was exclaiming

Since the monster that Team Sirius had been fighting for so long had been snatched away, they were so pissed that the five of them worked together to attack Leila

Leila died in a second

However, died with honor and greatness

Because her sacrifice gave the rest of Team Gorgeous a buff of Baron Nashor

And it helped them drag the game out until the archer of Team Sirius went downhill

Samantha smirked at the screen and said. Keep pushing the lane 

Come to the bottom lane to help Howard

Kill the neutral monsters and change your equipment, Howard. Then you can fight the archer of Team Sirius headtohead. You can do this

Hearing Samantha’s words, Howard felt much more comfortable

I can finally start a fight!” 

After Team Gorgeous destroyed two turrets with the buff of Barn Nashor, Howard fought with the archer of Team Sirius directly in the bottom lane

He couldn’t wait another minute

The midlaners and top laners of both sides also rushed to the bottom lane

However, while they were still on their way, everybody was screaming

Because.. Howard killed his rival


13.06 FM, Oct 

Chapter 201 

It was a hard fight. He was down to two percent Health Points and Lawrence died protecting him, but he got a double kill

When he was competing on skills with his rival, he made a right guess and dodged the fatal attack with a flexible positioning. Then he eliminated the archer and support of Team Sirius with an ult

This shocked everyone

Team Sinus archer had been swaggering for thirty minutes and be kept leveli



Status: Ongoing



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