Chapter 134: Journey to the Scarlet Peaks–1
The moment we step out of the fiery portal, the intense heat of the Fiery Realm hits us like a physical bere. The landscape stretches out before us, a vast rane of molten rock, towering volcanoes, and rivers of flowing lova. The sky is a brilliant orange–red, streaked with fiery clouds, and the air is filled with the scent of sulfur and ash. It’s a harsh, unforgiving environment, but there’s a nine, untamed beauty to it.
I take a deep breath, trying to steady myself. This place is so different from the Night Realm, where the air is mol and the sky is always dark. Here, everything is bathed in a warm, reddish glow, and the ground beneath our feet is warm to the touch.
Aleksandr, Konstantin, Laika, Bloodbane, and Pyra are all with me on this life and death quest to retrieve the artifact that will ow me to fuse my Blood Wraith powers with the new powers I will give when I become a vampire, without turning into a monster. It’s a daunting task, but with my friends and loved ones by my side. I feel a surge of determination.
Luka, in his silver wolf form, pads ahead of us, his keen senses alert for any danger. He’s born our secur for most of the journey, using his enhanced abilities to keep us safe. After a few minutes, he shifts back into human form, his expression one of frustration.
“Why couldn’t you just create a portal that opened directly in the Blood Scribe’s temple?” he asks Pyra, a hint of exasperation in his voice. This journey is taking forever, and I want to get back to Mircea as soon as possible.”
Pyra gives him a sympathetic smile. The Blood Scribe’s magic prevents anyone, even her priestesses, from portaling within miles of the temple. It’s a protective measure, to keep it safe from intruders.”
Luka sighs, noning a hand through his silver hair. “I get it, but it doesn’t make it any easier.
Aleksandr places a reassuring hand on Luka’s shoulder. “We’ll get there, Luka. And when we do, we’ll find what we need to make this frensformation safe for
We start walking, the rocky terrain making our progress slow and difficult. As we journey to the temple of the Blood Scribe, we talk about the hardships of living in the Fiery Realu.
Bloodbane walks beside Pyra, their footsteps echoing against the mxky ground. The two of them have been stealing glances at each other for most of the journey. their mutual attraction evident to everyone. Despite the tension and danger surrounding us, I can’t help but smile at their awkward attempts at conversation.
“Pyra, how are you holding up?” Bloodbane asks, his voice uncharacteristically hesitant.
Pyra blushes, her cheeks turning a deeper shade of red than the fiery landscape around us. T’m doing okay. This place it brings back memories.
“Good ones, I hope?” Bloodbane’s bone is hopeful, but there’s a nervous edge to it.
Pyra nods, tucking a strand of fiery hair behind her ear. “Mostly. I served the Blood Scribe for many years before I left to help Arianna. It’s strange being hack, but in
Bloodbane looks down, kicking a small rock out of his path. “I’ve only ever been here once before. It’s… Intense.”
“It is,” Pyra agrees, her eyes brightening with enthusiasm. “But there’s a certain beauty to it, don’t you think?”
Bloodbane nods, his gaze softening as he looks at her. “Yeah, there is. It’s kind of like you.”
Pyra’s blush deepens, and she laughs nervously. “You’re just saying that.”
“No, I mean it,” Bloodbane insists, his voice sincere. “You’re strong and fierce, but there’s a softness to you too. It’s
Pyra hites her lip, glancing away shyly. “Thanks, Bloodbane. That means a lot.”
They walk in silence for a moment, the awkwardness between them palpable. Finally, Pyra speaks again, her voice thoughtful. “You know, I find it hard to understand it. Our people have always hated each other. Blood wraiths and fire wraiths have been enemies for as long as anyone can remember.”
Bloodbane sighs, his shoulders slumping slightly. “Yes, it’s madness. We’re not so different, really. We both have our strengths and our weaknesses.
“It’s forbidden for our kinds to marry,” Pyra continues, her tone wistful, “I’ve always thought that was such a shame. Love shouldn’t be limited by old grudges and rules”
Bloodbane looks at her, his expression serious. Tagree. Maybe one day, things will charge.”
Pyra smiles sadly. “Maybe. But it’s hard to break centuries of tradition
Blondbune hesitates, then speaks, his voice soft. “Have you ever heard the story of lynis and Sanguis?”
Chapter 134. Journey to the Scarlet Peaks 1
Pyra’s eyes widen in surprise. “You mean the fairytale about the fire wraith and the blood wraith who fell in love?”
Blodbane nods. “I’ve heard bits and pieces, but I don’t know the whole story.”
Pyra’s expression turns thoughtful “t’s a story I heard as a child. I know it well.”
Tell me,” Bloodbane says, his eyes locked on hers…
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Chapter 134: Journey to the Scarlet Peaks–2
Pyra takes a deep breath, then begins to recite the tale from memory. “Once upon a time, in a land divided by hatrest and fear, there loved a fur waith named and a blood wraith named Sanguis. They met by chaner on night, drawn together by a shared sense of loneliness and longing
They won both outcasts in their own tribes, misunderstood and shunned for being different. Ignis had a gentle heart, despite his fiery nature, and Sanguis was kind and compassionate, despite her bloodthirsty reputation.”
They fell in love quickly, their connection deep and powerful. But their love was forbidden, and they had to meet in secret, stealing moments together whenever
“As their love grew, so did the danger. Their tribes discovered their secret and were furious. They saw their love as a threat, an abomination that must be destroyed.”
Tenis and Sanguis fled, hoping to find a place where they could be together in peace. They wandered through the realms, always just one step ahead of their pursuers, But no matter where they went, they couldn’t escape the hatred and fear that followed them.”
“In the end, they found a hidden valley, a place of beauty and serenity, where they hoped to start a new life. They thought they were safe, but they were wrong,”
Their love bore a child, a beautiful boy who was half fire wraith, half blood wraith. But the tribes found them, and in their fury, they declared the child an abomination. They said he was a monster, a curse upon both their kinds.”
The child, confused and frightened, lashed out with his newfound powers. In his rage and fear, he killed his own parents, unable to control the destructive force within him.”
The tribes used this tragedy as a warning, a tale to scare their children into obedience. They said that love between fire wraiths and blood wraiths was unnatural, and that it would always end in tragedy.”
Pyra finishes the story, her voice filled with sadness. “It’s a story meant to instill fear and hatred, to keep our people divided.”
Bloodbane looks at her, his expression pained. “But it doesn’t have to be that way. We can change things,”
Pyra smiles weakly. I hope so, Bloodbane. I really do.”
Their conversation leaves us all in a contemplative silence. The story Pyra told has striking parallels to my own fears about becoming a blood wraith vampire hybrid. The idea of hybrids being dangerous, capable of causing destruction, gnaws at me. I can’t help but wonder if I’m walking a similar path, and if I’ll be able to control the power within me.
We walk for hours, the heat and rough terrain taking its toll on us. But we press on, driven by the urgency of our mission. As we climb higher into the rugged mountains, the temperature drops slightly, and the air becomes thinner.
Finally, after what feels like an etemity, the Scarlet Peaks come into view. The rugged mountain range is bathed in n reddish hue, the peaks towering above us like ancient sentinels. The temple of the Blood Scribe is somewhere within these mountains, hidden from view by powerful magic.
“We’re getting close,” Pyra says, her eyes shining with excitement. The temple is just beyond those peaks.”
Loka shifts back into his wolf form, ready to scout ahead. “Let’s keep moving. The sooner we get there, the better.
As we make our way towards the Scarlet Peaks, I can’t help but feel a mixture of excitement and apprehension. The Blood Scribe holds the key to my transformation, and with her help, I hope I can safely find a way to fuse my blood wraith powers with becoming a vampire.
But there’s still so much that could go wrong. The prophecy spoke of dangers and sacrifices, and I know that the road ahead won’t be easy. But with Aleksandr, Luka, Konstantin, Bloodbane, and Pyra by my side, I feel ready to face whatever challenges come our way.
We press on, the rugged terrain growing steeper and more treacherous. The Scarlet Peaks loom closer, their jagged edges cutting into the sky. As we climb, the air grows cooler, and the scent of sulfur and ash fades, replaced by the crisp, clean smell of mountain air.
Finally, we reach the base of the peaks, the entrance to the temple hidden somewhere within. Pyra leads the way, her familiarity with the terrain guiding us through the narrow, winding paths. The mountains rise around us, their sheer cliffs and towering peaks a testament to the power and majesty of the Fiery Realm
“We’re almost there,” Pyta says, her voice filled with determination. “Just a little further.”
As we make our way through the Scarlet Peaks, I can’t help but feel a sense of awe. The landscape is both beautiful and intimidating, a reminder of the power and unpredictability of this realm.
Finally, we reach a hidden valley, the entrance to the temple just ahead. The valley is bathed in a soft, golden light, the air filled with the scent of wildflowers and herbs. It’s a stark contrast to the harsh, fiery landscape we’ve journeyed through, a serene oasis in the midst of chaos.
Chapter 134 Journey to the Scarlet Peaks–2
“There it is,” Pyra says, pointing to a massive stone archway carved into the mountainside. The entrance to the temple of the Blood Scribe.”
We stand before the archway, the weight of our journey pressing down on us. The temple holds the answers we seek, the key to my transformation and the future of our worlds.
Taking a deep breath, I step forward, ready to face whatever lies ahead. The Blood Scribe awaits, and with her, the hope of a new beginning.
We step through the archway, the cool air of the temple a welcome relief from the heat of the Fiery Realm. The interior is dimly lit, the walls adorned with ancient symbols and intricate carvings. The scent of incense fills the air, mingling with the faint aroma of burning herbs.
As we make our way deeper into the temple, I can’t help but feel a sense of anticipation. The Blood Scribe holds the key to my transformation, and with her help, I can finally find a way to fuse my blood wraith powers with becoming a vampire.
The journey has been long and arduous, but we’ve made it this far. With my friends and loved ones by my side, I feel ready to face whatever challenges come our
The Blood Scribe awaits, and with her, the hope of a new beginn
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There’s a lot of the same sentences repeated..