Second Thoughts After Divorce Chapter 24

Second Thoughts After Divorce Chapter 24

Chapter 24 

Rose’s POV 

I admire my final look in the mirror, brushing my hands down the black dress I had decided to wear. It was tighter than the other two, however I liked how it looked the best 

I had settled with a size small for two of the dresses, and a medium on the sparkly one which didn’t have much stretch to the material around my hips. The other two dress options were both gorgeous tooit seriously did take me a while to settle on just one

practiced walking around a little in the black heels which matched this option, and felt that i was doing an ok johat least I thought so

mp and turn around when hearing Ashton clearing his throat from behind me… 

I jump 

I the blackbut I don’t think

He makes his presence known, as he eyes me from head to toe slowlydrinking in my appearance. I know w I said I liked t can let you wear thatAshton mumbles, as my heart cracks slightly

Does he really hate it that much? I thought this one was nice too… 

You look too fucking good in that!He states next, as my eyes widen in realisation of what he was saying

Oh!I manage to say, as he smirks and eyes me playfully stepping closer to close the distance between us

You look incredibleHe tells me sincerely, causing my cheeks to heat as his gaze traces over the outfit again

it was

was a simple and elegant choice, that helped accentuate the little curves that i haveI’m glad he likes it too

Thank you. You don’t look too bad yourself.I comment, my voice harely above a whisper as he flashes me his pearly teeth

He chuckles lightly, before reaching out to take my hand in his. Shall we?He states, as I smile and nod, placing my hand in his much larger one

I’ll seriously need to try and control myself tonightmy walf is practically yelling for me to rip that fabric off of youAshton mumbles, as my eyes widen

I don’t think I could repeat last night so soonI wouldn’t be able to walk for the next week if I didI needed time to heal from the monster hiding beneath his slacks

I hear him chuckle, gathering amusement from my expression as he shakes his head at himself and leads us downstairs… 

We head towards the main entrance, stepping out into the breezy afternoon, seeing the sun slowly setting from above….. 

Ashton leads me to the car, keeping me steady in my heels on the rocky path, before helping me to climb in to the passenger seat. He does my belt up for me, as I take note of how it is donehaving never been a passenger in a car before until now… 

Sure, I had been thrown in the back of vans and carts to travel short trips, but never bad I been welcomed to sit on the leather luxurioın seats inside of 

the vehicle

Heated seat?Ashton offers, as I eye him oddly

What?I ponder

before I watch him top a few settings on the touch screen device

Your seat will heat up nowyou II like it, it’s nice.He comments, as I nod and hum feeling the seat do exactly that

This was for cosier than I had expected….. 

The engine roars to life, before Ashton puts it into drive and speeds off on the main mad. We tum in the opposite direction of the town, a direction which I had no clue where would lead, as he drives at an intense part

You knowdid I ever get 

anund to telling you my age?Ashton eyes me curiously, as I think on it briefly

I don’t actually think you haveplease don’t say you’re like farty! I announce, giggling at my own words as Ashton scolla 

Do I look that ancient?!He takes being offended, as we tum down onto a busier road nowlined with note can

Chapter 24 

Not at all! I’m only joking! What age are you though? I’m eighteen. I inform him, as he nods, already seeming to know that fact about me

I’m twentysix.He announces, as I nod once at his answer in content 

I knew he was a little older than me. I could always tell, however I just didn’t know exactly how much olderand I never wanted to ask. Twentysix seems like a good age though. He wasn’t even old, but he was mature enough to not act silly and foolish like some of the guys my age back at my old pack

You approve?He comments next, laughing slightly again as I nod franticallyrealising that I hadn’t actually answered him

Sorry! Uhhyeah I think that’s a great age! You aren’t even old.I state with a shrug, as he glances over at me and smiles before returning his attention back to the road

Where is it that we are going exactly?I question next, glancing out of the window at the passing cars and lights

Not far, it’s one of my favourite spots to eat and I’ve booked a private room for us there too.He informs me, as butterfly’s erupt within my stomach

You know, I’ve never actually been out for a meal before?I admit, as he nods once at my admission

Of course he already knew that about meIt doesn’t take a genius to work that one out! Judging by the state I had turned up to his pack in, he knew I hadn’t experienced much until I got here

This place won’t disappoint you thenHe states confidently, as we turn into a carpark leading up to a restaurant building named The Palms

The sign alone was luxurious and glowing, with white artificial flowers lining the outside accompanied by twinkling fairy lights. Ready?Ashton asks, parking up and bringing the car to a final stop

I think soI smile at the welcoming vibe of the place, as he opens his door to climb out, before coming around to open the door to my 

We both walk inside, being greeted immediately by a smart looking waiter who offers to show us to our dining room

  • us to 

I tuck myself behind Ashton, allowing for him to lead the way, as he does so proudly keeping a grip of my hand


We reach the space, as the waiter pushes open the door revealing the well fit, well set up dining table, as my eyes instinctively find Ruth’s

I give her a smile, as she flashes me a grin and waves to greet meI then move my eyes to the next familiar face, who I now knew as Oliver, as he nods and smiles at our arrival too 

I gulp slightly when taking note of the other two people filling the table, as 1 recognised them instantly. Those were the two scary guys from the train that day I had first arrived at the pack… 

One of them looks to us as we fully enter the room, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Well, well, if it isn’t the lovebirds. About time you two showed up!” 

I look to Ashton warily, noticing him roll his eyes at the man’s teasing. Don’t start your shit, Hunt.He states, earning a chuckle from the man, which I can now name as Hunt

Ashton leads me 

other two guys…. 

a free spot at the table, pulling out my chair as I waste no time in sitting down on it thankful to be beside Oliver and not the 

Guys, this is Rose, my new mate. Rose, this is my two closest friends Hunt, who is also my Beta and Sawyer who is also one of my best warriors here?” Ashton speaks to me, as I nod and smile at each of them, trying my upmost hardest to be brave

Pleasure to meet

you Roselet’s just erase the first encounter we had at the train then eh?” Saw 

smile shyly at him

Sawyer st 

states with a lighthearted chuckle, as I nod and 

Olper here……. who you have aterady met, is Hunts younger brother. He’s nineteen, so the closest to your age Ashton adds, as I turn to give Oliver a more genuine sinile

I liked him alreadyhe was kind to me when others were too scared to even speak to me…. 

teah, and a right pain in my asst Hunt states loudly, gaining my attention, as Oliver scoffs at his words

The feeling is mutual asshole!Oliver artorts, as i all but force myself to keep my laughter in Brant laugh, not yet! They will disrespectful already

Chapter 24 

Hello, everyone.I decide to attempt to speak, knowing that this dinner meant a lot to Alpha Ashton, and that the least I could do for him was try

Hey sweetheart! I just knew that you two had a spark the second you got here!Ruth announces, as I blush at her words

She’s bluffingthere was no way she could have predicted this for us! It was totally out of nowhere

The sweet girl who seems to have this grumpy Alpha wrapped around her little finger Hunt speaks out again, seeming amused as his gaze burns holes through me

I couldn’t tell if he was trying to make a joke, or if he was testing 

g mehis gaze was far too intense to tell

That’s a good thingby the way!The other, Sawyer, adds next, as I nod at him in understanding

ThThank youI’m still shocked about it all myself. I admit, as Ashton smirks at me from beside us

I just hope I do well and leave an ok impression on the ones who seem to matter most to himI would hate to fuck this up so soon

The walter arrives, cutting the nervous tension, as we order drinks first. We then are given menus to choose from, as my mouth practically starts salivating from the numerous descriptive choices… 

Ashton and Ruth both give me their recommendations, which helps make things easier, as we order our main courses

Silence fills the room again, as I feel Sawyer and Hunts hot gazes on me from across the table… 

So you like our pack better than your last one? Sawyer asks, as I glance to Ashton quickly for comfort

s, as I clear my throat awkwardly

Sawyershe doesn’t want to talk about that fucking nightmare of a place tonight!Ashton fumes, as 

NNoit’s ok! Yeah I love it here. it’s much betterthe people are nicer, and things are run properly!I explain, earning a surpassing smile from Sawyer ned one more genuine

Good, I’m glad you like it. I can only imagine how bad it was thereI’ve heard rumours.He comments, as 1 steady my breathing- 

This isn’t too badthings seem to be going well…. 

So I was thinking that Oliver could maybe go to the mall with you at some point? Get you the stuff you need for living here permanently?Ashton suddenly announces, gaining my attention as my eyes widen in surprise

YYou don’t have to do that…” I begin, as he waves me off

You’ll go tomorrowwhilst I catch up with workOliver has already agreed.” He concludes, leaving no room for argument as I turn to face Oliverthe guy I had only met brielly outside the towns pub

It’s set in stone angel! No use arguing with him on this one! Oliver laughs, as I find myself laughing with him quietly, feeling engrossed in his wake and inviting personality

Ashton obviously trusts him, or be wouldn’t be here, and I trust Ashton so of course 111 spend the day with him……… 

My first day out with someone my own age who isn’t repulsed by me… 

So far, this sounds good

Second Thoughts After Divorce

Second Thoughts After Divorce

Status: Ongoing Native Language: English

Second Thoughts After Divorce


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