Second Thoughts After Divorce Chapter 40

Second Thoughts After Divorce Chapter 40

Chapter 40 




Rose’s POV 

Ashton…. what exactly do I have to do when we get here?1 questioned, my voice trembling slightly as i fidgeted with my fingers in the backseat of the car. Lydia, who was also sitting beside me, looked equally as nervous

Just smile and wave. You’ll do fine. I’ll do all of the talking, Rose, Ashton reassured me with a firm nod, glancing back at me in the mirror, but his words did little to ease my racing heart

The weight of this moment was starting to sink in, and I couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease at the sheer thought of being showed off to the whole of his pack

I wondered if the entire pack would actually even turn up for this event? Was it compulsory for them to come today? I didn’t know the pack’s customs very well yet in order to predict their response… 

We are almost therethere will be a small stage for me to stand on to speak out to the full pack in order for them all to hear meI’ll park the car up behind it.Ashton begins to explain, as my palms grow sweaty

How many wolves does he expectis a stage really necessary

If I park behind the stage that means that you both won’t be seen until I bring you out. Better option for Lydia to stay more out of sight too from Nathan. Ashton continued to tell us his reasoning of how the event would unfold, his voice calm and reassuring

However, the idea of a stage alone still continued to send shivers down my spine

This all so far soundedterrifying

My mind raced with thoughts of standing before a crowd of werewolves, all eyes on me, as they judge me silently

It was a daunting prospect, and I couldn’t help but worry about how I would handle it. Sure, Ashton’s presence was a comfort, but I couldn’t shake the feeling of being thrust into the spotlight when I had never in my life been there before… 

I was a complete nobody, ever since I can remember, yet now I am what some would refer to already as a Luna, however I didn’t feel worthy of such title. The Alphas mate sounds a little less formal

You’ll do amazing today Rose! You have me now too! In worst case scenario, we can shift and runbut I just know that Ashton will keep us safe! Our mate loves us!” 

My wolf, Auroras, sweet tones flood my mind as I chew my lip anxiously and listen to her words

I wouldn’t say he loves me just yetmaybe neverthis was a deal at the end of the day, one which was set to benefit us be 

both in different ways

Lydia, sensing my anxiety, reaches over to give my hand a reassuring squeeze. You’ll do great today, Rose. From what I’ve gathered in the little time that I’ve spent with you, you’re a natural for this! Just remember, we’re here together too.Lydia whispers her words softly, as I nod along at her kind and pure nature

After everything she has been through, here she was comforting little old me…. 

Her words were a source of strength, and I offered her a grateful smile. We had both faced adversity and challenges in our own ways, and now we were facing this new chapter ahead somewhat together

This is us over here.Ashton crashes me back to reality with his words, as I perk up to look further out of the window approaching a large gravelly spur filled with masses of park members

From what I could see so farthe gathering was like nothing I had ever seen before. It was mobbedand I couldn’t even see the whole of the area yett 

lot of……… pack members1 blinded, shrinking back into my seat, despite knowing that they couldn’t yet ace inside our vehicle due to the 

Linted windows

say? I’m the Alpha to a pretty big pack princess,Ashton chuckles to himself, an attempt at lightening the mood which tailed incredible

I felt sick with nerve

ar into a park, as I tense at the 


the back of a large metal structure

This is us in our spot. Do you want to stay here for a moment noise of his engine coming to a still

nt whilst I go tell my guys the plan? Ashton pulls the 



YYeah. I stutter, as he turns in his chair to face me now


Rose listen to me, you’re going to be great! Just smile and wave when it’s time and I’ll handle the rest ok? I’ll be back in five.Ashton speaks with a final nod, which I find myself returning hastily, before watching him unbuckle his belt and climb out of the car leaving Lydia and myself to crumble under the pressure

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. This was a momentous occasion, and I knew I had to find the inner strength to face it head on for Ashtons sake 

As Ashton disappeared into the crowd, leaving lydia and me alone in the car, the weight of the impending moment hung heavily in the air. Nerves pulsed through me like a relentless drumbeat, and I knew I had to steady my racing heart

Lydia, sitting beside me, offered a small, encouraging smile. Rose, you’ve got this. We’re here together, and Ashton believes in you. Just take deep breaths.” 

Her words were a lifeline in the storm of my thoughts. I closed my eyes briefly and followed her advice, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly, willing my anxiety to subside. It was essential to remain composed for Ashton, who was undoubtedly navigating his own responsibilities at this moment

The sound of distant chatter from the gathering crowd echoed around us, making my nerves surge again. I wondered how many eyes would be on me when the time came. It was both exhilarating and intimidating

Minutes felt like hours as we waited in the car, the anticipation becoming almost unbearable. Every second that passed brought us closer to the moment Ashton would introduce me to the pack, and the thought made my heart race once more

I turned to Lydia, whose kind presence was a source of comfort. Thank you for being here with me, Lydia. Your support means the world.” 

Lydia offered a warm, reassuring smile. Of course, Rose. We’re in this together, and we’ll get through it together. Just remember to breathe.” 

Her simple yet profound advice resonated with me, I took another deep breath, finding a semblance of calm within the storm of my emotions. Whatever awaited me, i would face it with determination, knowing that I had Lydia’s unwavering support and Ashton’s protective presence

As I waited for Ashton’s return, 1 couldn’t help but wonder how this new chapter in my life would unfold

What if they hate me

It was a step into the unknown, a journey into a world with new werewolves and new traditions. But one thing was clearI wasn’t alone on this journey, and that made all the difference

Time seemed to stretch as we remained in the car, waiting for Ashton s return. With each passing moment, my apprehension grew, but Lrefused to let it overpower me. I was determined to face this challenge headon, no matter how daunting it felt

The distant hum of conversation from the gathering crowd served as a constant reminder of the impending introduction. I imagined the pack members, their anticipation building as they waited for their trusted Alpha’s announcement

Would they eventually accept me

Would they see me as a worthy Luna

I doubt itbut it is what Ashton wanted

Lydia’s presence beside me was a soothing balm for my current nerves. We exchanged reassuring glances, silently reminding each other that we were 


1inally, after what felt like an eternity of waiting, the car dog opened, and Ashton climbed back inside for a moment. His eyes held a teassuring warmth as he turned to face us again, his presence working to ease some of my anxiety. Alright, it’s time, everyour is ready.He states calmly, his voice incredibly steady

I case one last shake incalli before I nod, summoning my resolve

Chapter 40 

There was no turning back now



I’ll go on stage and welcome everyone first, you will wait at the side with Oliver until it is time for you to come on stage with me. Just smile and 06:3 and stand by my side. It will be over in five minutes.Ashton continues, running the plan by me once more before tuming to reach for the door handle 

gesturing for us both to follow

Ashton was the first to exit the car, and Lydia and I eventually followed suit slowly after him

us towards

the side of the stage some 

Ashton immediately came to my side, grabbing my hand in his much larger one giving it a squeeze as he 

be walks u of his men soon coming into view

The men greet us kindly on approach, smiling and nodding as I instantly grow shy not recognising a couple of their faces

I could hear the chattering of the crowd, as the thousands awaited the Alphas oh so special announcement

The gathering was massive, from the little space I could see out, with wolves of all ages and sizes scattered across the gravelly expanse. The scent of the earth and the forest mixed with the distinct wolf musk hung heavily in the air, creating a obnoxious atmosphere that was both intimidating and Invigorating

The stage, a simple yet quite large metal platform, stood beside us, a decent distance from the crowd however not far

It was elevated enough to allow everyone in the pack to see and hear the Alpha when he calls them all together in times like this… 

Ashton ascended the metal platform with grace and authority, his presence commanding the attention of the entire pack. The crowd hushed as he reached the center of the stage, his deep, resonant voice carrying through the open air

My loyal pack members,He began, his voice strong and unwavering. “I stand before you today with a heart full of gratitude. Your unwavering commitment to my pack has always been the bedrock of our strength. I want to thank each and every one of you for the sacrifices you’ve made, for your dedication, and for the unity That defines our pack.He announces in to the mic, his Alpha tone shining through, as I instinctively shift closer to Oliver for comfort who offers me a small simile Lydia by my other side 

The crowd listened intently, their respect for their Alpha evident in their rapt attention. They knew that whenever Ashton spoke to them collectively, it was a moment of great significance

Ashton continued, Today, I have a special announcement. One that I’ve been eagerly waiting to share with all of you.He paused, allowing the anticipation to ripple through the crowd. I would like you all to meet someone new in my life, someone very dear to me. Someone who will help brighten our packs future that little bit more.Ashton states, as my heart swells at his words despite them probably being just for show

He didn’t have to speak of me so highly, especially in front of his entire pack. Heck! He didn’t have to make me his mate at all

A collective murmur of curiosity suddenly spread throughout the crowd as they leaned in, eager to hear more. The tension was palpable, and the crowd’s anticipation grew

With a proud smile, Ashton declared, I would like to introduce you to my new mate Rose.Ashton goes for the kill, saying it and making it final

I gasp in shock, along with the crowd, as despite knowing this part was coming I still was not at all ready to face it

Ashton’s gaze shifted to the side of the stage, where I stood knees shaky and palms sweaty

With a little push of encouragement from Oliver, and an encouraging nod from Lydia, I began to slowly ascend the steps approaching Ashton slowly as if under his spell


y heart raced as 

as I stepped forward, hesitating for a brief moment before making my way to 

Ashton’s side completely

I felt the thousands of eyes studying me, judging me, but Liided my best to focus

The crowd fell silent, their collective gaze fixed upon me, as the woman who now stood beside their Alpha. It was a moment of profound significance, and I wasn’t sure if I would make it without passing out

With Ashtons hand finding the small of my back, I suddenly remembered my task, as I steadily lin up my hand to offer the vast crowd a smull, yet reserved wave followed by a toothy smile the best in which I could muster

Then, as if the worlds largest dam had burst, the silence shuttered before us

hapter 40 


the pack suddenly erupted with praise and applause, a thunderous cacophony of support and excitement, Cheers and wolfish whistles filled the air, and was fully caught off guard by the overwhelmingly positive reaction

ears welled up in my eyes a little as 1 realised that my deep routed fear of rejection had been unfounded

The pack’s enthusiastic welcome overwhelmed me more than I can say, and I couldn’t help but smile

n this moment, I felt an unbreakable bond forming between myself and the pack, a sense of belonging that I had never known before

Ashton’s hand found mine once more, his gaze filled with what looked to be pride

did itthe first part is over… 


Chapter Comments 


Second Thoughts After Divorce

Second Thoughts After Divorce

Status: Ongoing Native Language: English

Second Thoughts After Divorce


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