Second Thoughts After Divorce Chapter 43

Second Thoughts After Divorce Chapter 43

Chapter 43 

Ashton’s POV 

2 Days Later……




Two days had passed since Nathan’s disappearance, and there was still no sign of him. Every corner of the pack territory had been searched, and turned upside down. We have had every contact questioned, but it was just as if he had vanished into thin air

The frustration within me had grown into a relentless fire, a need to bring justice for Lydia and to ensure that Nathan would never harm her or anyone else ever again

The only possible option now is that he has run off, and left the pack completely… 

Since he is still technically a member of my pack though, that only means that he can waltz back idea of 

Today, I had scheduled a meeting with Lydia having given her a few days here to rest and recover

to our land undetected and that, I did not like the 

I needed to hear her side of the story, in full, to understand the horrors she had endured during her time with Nathan

Rose slept in our room last night for the first time in days, putting my wolf at great ease as he was only growing restless with her absence. Lydia seemed ok, and felt safe enough after I had asked Hunt and Sawyer to stick around for a few days using the bedrooms downstairs beside Lydia’s

current one

As I sat behind my desk, tapping a pen against the hard oak, my mind was filled with a mix of emotions. Anger toward Nathan for the pain he had caused Lydia, guilt for not realizing or being told about it sooner what she had been enduring, and determination to protect her now and in the future

So far, Lydia had also been a great friend for Rose, and I already noticed a shift in her confiderice just by having a girl around to talk to now… 

I heard a gentle knock on the door, before I yelled out for them to come in

Rose poked her head around the door first, flashing ne a soft smile, before entering as Lydia followed in behind her slowly. They both approached the desk, taking seats opposite me and getting as comfortable as they can. Lydia fidgeted with her hands, clearing her throat, as I took in her appearance today

The bruises had faded greatly, and her face held a bit more colour than before- 

Lydia,I greeted her gently. I know that this is difficult for you, but I need to understand everything that happened between you and Nathan. Every detail is important and might help for us to find him and bring justice to this whole ordeal.I explain

Please, whenever you are ready, tell me as much as you can from start to finish about your relationship and what sort of stuff Nathan was involved in?I press on, as Rose remains silent beside her only here for comfort and support

Lydia nodded, her voice quivering as she began to recount the horrors of her past relationship. She described the isolation, the constant fear, the physical and emotional abuse she had endured

My heart ached with every word she spoke, and the rage within me intensifiedbut I forced my wolf to remain at hay as I nodded along 

Hehe made me feel like I was nothing.Lydia whispered, her eyes downcast. I thought I was trapped, that I would never escape him. It was only when Rose came into my life, and you, Alphawhen you saved me.” 

Rose reached out and gently placed a hand on hers, offering what little comfort she could. You are safe now, Lydia. You are part of this pack, and I will du everything in my power to protect you. But I need to know if Nathan ever mentioned any allies, any other wolves who might have been involved in his behaviour.I add, as she sighs

Lydia hesitated, as if afraid to reveal more, but I urged her gently. Please, Lydia, it’s crucial for your safety and the safety of the park anything you say won’t look bad on you this is all his fault.I continue, before die sniffles

She took a deep breath next, as though mentally preparing herself, and nodded, her eyes filled with little spark of determination. He has three cousing, Karl, Wamten and Luke. They knew about what he was doing to me. They……. they almost encouraged it, and sometimes they even pruned in Lydia breathes, as my mouth physically drops open

That little bastard Luke pretending he’s a viction to his cousin just lae hert F’in going to wring his fucking scrawny neck when I see him today

Chapter 43 

My fists clenched at the revelation, anger coursing through me like a storm. It seemed that Nathan was not the only one who needed to face the consequences of his actions here

Luke?I question again, as she nods and chews her lip nervously

Yeah they all didI was like a fun punching bag to them sometimeswhen Nathan was mad at

at me, and told the others, they would also get mad as agree that I deserved to be punished.Lydia’s voice is barely above a whisper as my heart cracks at her words

That explains why 

y we can only find one of the four of them! They are all fucking guilty and have gone on the run

Where they ever involved in anything sketchy Lydia? Anything you thought was odd or suspicious? I then ask, working through my list of questions help get to the bottom of this

Well uhthey would always leave the pack every week for a couple of days each timesaying that they where going to visit Nathan’s Mom. I think she lives in the Shadow Pack not too far from here.Lydia shrugs, as I perk up a little

The shadow pack? That’s it

Do you think if Nathan was to run off somewhere, that’s where he would most likely go?I write down a few notes with what she has said

Yeah I guess? I’ve never heard him going anywhere else besides there and this pack.Lydia confirms, as I smile to myself in accomplishment

We might just have found the little fucker and his fucked up cousins

Thank you, Lydia. I promise you that they will be held accountable for their actions. I state, as Lydia looks to Rose who nods and smiles to confirm what I say

Lydia’s eyes filled with tears once more, but this time they were tears of relief. She had taken a step towards healing, towards justice and towards a life of freedom and happiness

Lydia, you are not alone in any of this,I assured her. We will protect you, and you will never have to endure such horrors again do you understand?I question, as she nods happily

Thank you Alphayou really are greatboth of youLydia nods her gratitude to myself and Rose

As we continued to talk, I couldn’t help but feel a renewed sense of determination. Nathan, Karl, Warren they would all face the consequences of their 

actions and soon

After my conversation with Lydia, the pieces of the puzzle were finally starting to come together. Nathan and his cousins, Karl, Warren, and Luke, had committed unspeakable acts of cruelty and violence within our pack 

Their actions had left Lydia scarred, both physically and emotionally, and it was clear that they were a danger to everyone around them at this point

was on the n The mention of the Shadow Pack had ignited a spark of hope. It was just over an hour’s drive away, and if Nathan was on run, It was a likely 


I needed to act swiftly to bring him and his cousins to justice, not only for Lydia but for the safety and reputation of our pack

I stood from behind my desk, my mind racing with plans and preparations. Rose and Lydia exchanged a look of concern, sensing the urgency 


in my 

“I have to go to the Shadow Pack,” I announced, my tone firm. Lydia, I need you to stay here where it’s safe, Hunt will stay here with you to make sure that you will be taken care of. I announce my plans, as the girls both look to one another

I turned to Rose, my eyes filled with worry and determination. Bose, I need you to accompany me, just to keep my wolf at hay. We’ve been apart for too long this werk and I don’t want to go over there and wind up destroying a whole pack of innocent people.I admit, as Roses eyes widen

Hose nodded, her

expression resolute

  1. tr. OOkyeah sure.……. when do we leave?Hose questions, as inhale a deep breath

In an hour I state, as both Rose and Lydia’s eyes widen

I wasn’t messing around with any of this. I wanted it organlurd and fast! I wanted them fuand and returned to my pack to be punished

As I made the decision to head to the Shadow Pack, both Rose and Lydia looked at me with a mix of concern and determination

Chapter 43 


I couldn’t let Nathan and his cousins escape justice, and I needed Rose by my side to keep my wolf in check


Rose’s agreement to accompany me relieved some of my worry. Her presence had a calming effect on me, and I knew that together, we would makeQ6 

formidable team

We couldn’t afford any mistakes on this mission though, especially since I had decided to take her with me… 

With a sense of urgency, I moved swiftly to make the necessary arrangements. Hunt would stay behind to protect Lydia and ensure her wellbeing. I trusted him completely, and I knew he would keep her safe, Sawyer would accompany me along with some of my other pack warriors ensuring our full protection travelling

1 returned to my desk and began to gather the information I needed about the Shadow Pack. Their territory was just over an hour’s drive away, and I knew the Alpha there well. He was an older man, who wouldn’t be too happy with me just showing up, however he needed my alliance to strengthen his pack so he won’t say shit

As the minutes passed, the tension in the room grew. Rose and Lydia remained quiet, their eyes occasionally meeting as they exchanged unspoken words of support and understanding. I appreciated their strength in this difficult situation

Once everything was in order, I stood from my desk and looked at Rose, determination burning in my eyes. Rose, we need to leave soon, go to our room and pack a bag. I want to catch them off guard, and the element of surprise is our best advantage.” 

come with challenges, but she faced them 

Rose nodded, her expression resolute. She had known from the beginning that being the Alpha’s mate would come w headon without hesitation. Ok I’ll go get my things ready, Ashton.She nods, standing to leave

I walked over to Lydia, who had been through so much in such a short time. Lydia, you stay here with Hunt. We’ll do everything in our power to bring justice for what you’ve endured.” 

Lydia looked up at me with a mix of gratitude and hope. Thank you, Alpha. I trust you’ll do what’s right 

With that, Rose and I left the room, making our way to our bedroom to throw some things together before heading downstairs to the waiting vehicle outside

The journey to the Shadow Pack would be filled with tension and uncertainty, but we were prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead… 

At the end of the day, those three fuckers belong to me

As we left our pack territory behind and ventured out, I couldn’t help but think about the significant events that had transpired over the past few days

Nathan’s disappearance had opened a Pandora’s box of secrets and revealed the darkness that had lurked within our packthree horrific men living right under my nose that I had no idea about until now… 

I was determined to bring him and his cousins to justice, not only for Lydia but for the safety of our pack and the reputation of our kind to make example of them to show everyone that this behaviour won’t be tolerated

The Shadow Pack was small yet still a formidable force, but once I explain the situation, they would soon learn that they could not protect those who had committed such heinous actsespecially if that meant going against me.. 

This journey would change everything, and we were prepared to face whatever lay ahead in our quest for justice

Chapter Comments 

Should that not be four horrific men as he now knows Luke is involved

Second Thoughts After Divorce

Second Thoughts After Divorce

Status: Ongoing Native Language: English

Second Thoughts After Divorce


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