Chapter 67
Rose’s POV
Time in the cold, damp cell seems to stretch on endlessly.
The echoes of distant screams and the clattering of chains resonate through the dimly lit corridors – making me realise that I wasn’t in fact, the only prisoner locked up in here…
My senses had been dulled by the lack of natural light in here, along with the main issue being that I had currently lost all connection to my wolf who still hadn’t returned
Losing Aurora after only just meeting her was the final nail in the coffin…
I was a goner…. they had taken everything from me….
But why?
The only interaction with those on the outside of my cell was through the eerie silence and occasional footsteps of the passing guards patrolling the long corridors.
I began to shiver – both from the cold and from the pain that coursed relentlessly around my body as my skin itched and ached in rejection to the fresh stitches that had just been sewed in.
After what felt like agonising hours of waiting for my final end, the metallic clank of keys signals the arrival of the guards – as they seem to halt outside my very door for a while longer this time….
Are they coming in?
The cell door eventually creaked open, answering my question, with the harsh yellow lights from the corridor spilling in once again, momentarily. blinding me as 1 hiss out at the intrusion.
Two bulky guards, faces obscured by masks, begin to untie my limbs from the bed – as I instantly panic and fight them back
Not this… please….
I find no luck against them, as my adrenaline spikes – a cold sweat forming on my forehead due to the terror I was facing.
They waste no time before they grab my arms roughly, pulling me over and on to my feet – causing a piercing scream to leave my lungs as I attempt to put pressure on to my bad leg for the first time since being shot!
“Move!” One of them barks, shoving me forward as I stumble and land on the hard concrete floor–causing him to g
groan in annoyance.
“I–I- cant!” I sob, as he suddenly spits down at me – before sending a boot in to my back as I yell out once again–hoping for someone to step in and save me from the torment.
“She can’t just walk… she was shot in the leg Dave!” The other guard seems to step in and scold, before his hand reaches out to haul me back up.
Was that a sliver of kindness? Maybe he will find the heart to set me free?
“So what do you suggest? We drag her the whole way?!” The other (now named Dave) shoots back, as I swallow the lump in my throat and blink through the thickening tears.
“Take an arm each she can hop! The other states, hooking his arm in mine tighter than what is necessary as the other follows suit – allowing me to at least take pressure off my bad side.
I do the only thing I can do, and begin to hop my way through the dull compound in disorienting agony praying that wherever my end location was isn’t far.
Narrow corridors lead to more dimly lit halls, and the scent of despair hangs heavy in the air. The place in general looked as though it hadn’t been built with much effort or thought at all… holding only the minimal necessities needed to make a structure.
The plaster was still smeared across the walls, showing that they hadn’t even bothered to paint the place and the floors consisted of nothing more than dark laid concrete.
d in the daylight to catch a glimpse
As we approach a door–leading to the outside – I blink a few times to adjust to the new light before looking around in of the compound’s surroundings.
I notice many different zones, holding a number of what seems to be workers as they carry out many tasks ranging from food growth to working the machinery.
But something eerie quickly catches my attention as we walk closer… causing the very hairs on my arms to stand alert.
The workers… they weren’t just your average workers…
Their faces were young…….
They were children – all of them!
g from around eight and nine all the way up to t
up to the teens!
This was Derricks doing it had to be! I remembered reading about this sort of thing on his criminal file that I had stumbled upon on Ashtons desk when I had first arrived at his pack… illegal child labour!
As the guards forced me to move forward, a sickening feeling reached my gut – even threatening to crawl up and spill out as I gagged a little.
What is this place?!
How could these people be so damn cruel?!
The sooner Ashton finds me, the better! For the sakes of all of those poor children!
int give up looking… for their sakes…
I just hope that he doesn’t gi
In various corners of the compound we passed through, children and young people again worked tirelessly–cleaning, gardening, washing and cooking you name it.
Their eyes were hollow, their expressions void of the innocence that should accompany their youth – as they eyed me briefly before returning back to their task, scared to look at me for too long.
It’s a haunting sight that sends shivers down my spine and I couldn’t quite believe that this had been going on right under every Alphas noses….
What kind of place is this?!
Hell? Because if it is, I’m convinced!
The guards drag me forward as I blink through my tears, and attempt to make a conscious effort to observe my surroundings as best I can – looking for a potential exit or escape route but finding none.
We approach a gate, as my brows pull together in sudden confusion… seeing that the clean grounds behind the fencing leads to an incredible mansion structure… like nothing I had ever seen before!
The grounds were pristine, as the electric gates opened for us as though the owner had been awaiting our arrival – which only terrified me more.
Who lives here…
The guards trudge me up the crystal white pebbled drive, passing a large gold fountain with a statue of what looks to be the Moon Goddess herself in the centre…
Well that’s rich!
The Moon Goddess would be totally disgusted if she could see what was going on around here with all of their child slaves and illegal operations!
“Move faster!” The guard jolts me hanhly, noticing that I had been staring up at the statue for a moment too long causing me to slow in my movements.
As we approach, the grand doors to the mansion are pulled open exactly on cue and I frown to see the two teenage children dressed in smart clothing that greet us.
They stand on either side of the door, one boy and one girl, both around the same age as they avoid our gaze–facing only inward.
Well, well, Rose, Look who’s hnally woke up from their surgery to grace us with their presence!‘ Elza walks in to the light, taunting me completely as
insides churn at the sight of her.
was now freshly showered, hair down and curled and dressed in a fully white floor length summer dress… which simply screamed satanic cult.
Is that what this place is? A gathering for all of the
the sick fuckers of the world who think they are entitled to something greater?!
“Bring het in.” Elza motions with her hand, before the guards force me up the white marble steps and in to the grand entrance to the building/ We follow her through the building, the place in general seeming well kept and spotless however holding a dreadfull presence all in the same breath. The children and young workers move around here like shadows, their eyes avoiding ours at all costs.
A sense of fear and hopelessness lingers in the air, and it becomes clear that this place is not just a prison for me; it’s a compound designed for mass suffering
I brace myself for whatever Elza has planned…
The bosses want to see her alone.” Elza turns on her heels, halting outside of two wooden doors with what looks to be a gold family crest mounted on each door.
Who lives here?!
With that, she sighs briefly, turns again and places a gentle knock against the oak. We wait momentarily, as the sweat continues to build on my forehead from the suffocating fear and anticipation of who I was about to meet…
“Send her in!” A male voice booms, before the doors creak open- revealing the flickering light of candles accompanied by a sliver of the outside rays that spill through the cracks in the curtains….
Before I know, I am shoved forward–landing on all fours with a cry, with the heavy doors being slammed behind me to cage me in.
My breaths come out in pants, terrified to look up knowing that whoever was in here… was currently watching me….
iting to meet
“We’ve been waiting to meet you…” I tense to hear a
females voice, unfamiliar y yet so familiar at the same time.
sit with us…” She continues on, as my mouth grows dry and my palmu become sweaty.
What do they want with me?
“You heard her! Come over here and SIT! The man suddenly booms, his tone irritable and impatient.
1 decide not to enrage them further, as I instantly push myself up to my feet with the understanding that my fate seems to now lie in their hands…
1 hobble to keep my balance, having my sore leg lifted to avoid any unnecessary pain as I reach out for a nearby chair to stable me.
As I finally lift my gaze, my heart skips a heat, coming face to face with those who hold the strings to my very future.
Seated on a luxurious, blood–red velvet couch, a sinister smile playing on the females lips, she gestures me over with a sharp nailed finger.
They both sit side by side, dark red hooded cloaks covering their bodies which causes me to gulp.……
Do vampires exist? Because if they do, I would bet my life that these two are ones!
I hop my way closer, taking my time not to fall, as they watch me in amusement – each inch towards them causing my blood to run cold.
I finally make it to the sofa opposite them both, my hands reaching out to touch the soft fabric which contrasts against the current painful situation I had found myself in.
I pause, chewing my lip and fighting back the waterworks as I await their next order.
The female slowly reaches for her hood, pulling it back to reveal her ley (almost white) blonde hair. The man remains hooded, however I can still see his face all the same. If I had to guess, I would say they were both around the ages of forty but it was hard to tell for certain…
“You must be wondering what’s going on? Who we are and why you are here with us, yes?” The female purrs out her words as she speaks, as I remainy standing – using the plush sofa to keep me upright.
as she reaches up to push a long strand of her behind her ear.
“Please sit… we have much to catch up on.” She orders, as I gulp- allowing myself to hobble around and sink down in to the sofa across from them
What is going on…
“My name is Seraphina… and this here is my husband, Tarrick. The woman, now named Seraphina, introduces them both to me, as I nod once and refrain from speaking- deciding that it would be the safest choice of the two.
“Believe it or not pet… you’ve actually met us both before.” She then adds, causing me to still completely my face contorting to show my sheer confusion at her words,
I do? But how?
They both glance at one another, looking amused with themselves, before the man named Tarrick nods once (as though he were giving his approval of something) before Seraphina returns her attention back to me -clicking her tongue once before speaking up again.
“I should have introduced us to you properly pet… and this might come as somewhat of a shock to you…but I, in fact, am actually your birth Mother and this man here, is your Father. She states briefly, completely monotone, as my jaw slackens and practically hits the concrete floor beneath me.