Second Thoughts After Divorce Chapter 68

Second Thoughts After Divorce Chapter 68


Chapter 68 

Roses POV 

For crying out loud pet! You look like you’ve seen a ghost!Seraphina chuckles, as the man Tarrick joins in with whatever humour they seemed to find in my current situation

They cant be my parents.. 

They can’t be 

I don’t believe them! Perhaps they are trying to toy with me

But the fact that I had never met my parents, scared me. There was in fact, still a slight possibility that what they were saying could be truebut why 


It’s true.” The man speaks bluntly, catching me off guard with his words as he finally chose to join the conversation for the first time pulling his own hood back to reveal his light brown shaven hair

WWhat? NNo?I whisper, the disbelief finally reaching its way up to my tonguespilling out past my lips

Seraphina chuckles, her glittery white teeth pulling up in to a wide smile as she watches me curiously

There’s much to catch up on! How about a drink to ease the nerves?She holds a finger up in thought, before reaching over to press a little red button on the coffee table

A couple of minutes pass, the silence becoming suffocating, as the pair of my psychotic parentsstare across at me in what inoks to be fascination

A small knock is heard

d, before the doors are pushed open to reveal a trolley. I move to see who is pushing it, however squint when only noticing the top of a head my heart hammering in my chest violently

*Ah perfect! Thank you, Wendy.Seraphina chirps, standing to her full height, before I watch the young girl move out from behind the large trolley- curtsying before turning to leave

My mouth drops open in horror, disbelief swarming around in my thoughts, as I watch the child (who was of around nine) exit the room

Why are they doing this?! 

Pet you seriously have to close your mouth! That horrified look on your face does not suit you one bit!She mocks, as I blink through my tears to look up at her watching her steadily pour three drinks

The colour of the drinks, being of course a blood red, was enough to make me queasy but when the woman offered it to me, I reached out with shaky 

hands and took it from her

I was far too scared to piss them off, with a dreadful feeling that they could switch on me at any moment… 

Seraphina returned to her seat, handing the other drink to Tarrick, as they both took long sipsglancing at one another briefly in their short silence

They would no doubt be mindlinking one another in private to discuss their next move whilst I sat here oblivious and without my wolf to even keep 

me company

Rightwhere do we begin? Seraphina leans forward, placing her drink down on the small table, as I continue to hold on to mine tightly

YYou can’t beI shake my head, as she chuckles loudly in amusement

Well we arewe gave you away as a babyto the Moon Lust pack.Tarrick states with a meek shrug, as though it weren’t even a big deal

Maybe they’re just making all of this up… 

BBut why?!My lip trembles, my mind racing to play catch up with the story they were telling


you always do that? Stutter when you speak?Seraphina questions, tilling her head to study me as though I were nothing more than a caged 


They have got to be derangedthe pair of themcomplete sociopaths

SometimesI mumble, attempting not to stutter just to prove a point, despite the fact that it didn’t even matter in this moment

Well thenI guess considering the circumstances, it’s only fair that we fill you in on the blanks and answer any questions you might have for us? Before we progress with our plan.Seraphina nods once, encouraging me to ask away, as my brows furrow

What is seriously going on 

What do they have planned for me? if they really are my birth parents, why now are they coming forward to answer my so called questions

I think on it briefly, my heart hammering from within my chestwhat if they plan on killing me? Perhaps Ashton knows them, and they want revenge for something in the past? Who knows…. 

But for now, I need to try my best to give Ashton more time to figure out where I am! Maybe Lydia will reach him soon and he can use her to piece things together

It’s my only hope…. 

WWhy did you give me away?I begin with a low voice, giving in to their amusement with my first question not fully settled on whether they were telling the truth yet or not

they have cr 

The prophecy.Tamrick answers, only confusing me more as they both evidently enjoy this whole cat and mouse situation they 


I ask a questionthey give a short answerwhich only leads to more questionsit was agonising, but I was willing to play their game if it meant buying us more time

What is that? Thethe prophecy?” I feed in, as Tarrick straightens up to speak once again

You must understand, that we, your parents, are both great leaders of a type of organisation that a lot of our loyal wolves rely on. Tarrick chooses his words carefully, as I nod once to show him that I was still listening

By the looks of itthis organisation was more like a satanic cult… 

Years ago, when my wife became pregnant with you, we sought out a powerful witchknown for reading prophecies and helping to guide successful futures. Tarrick states, as Seraphina moves to take another drink glancing at my still full glass in my hand

Don’t worry dear we aren’t going to poison you! That would be a terrible waste!She jokes, as my eyes flicker to hers causing me to gulp nervously

She couldn’t have poisoned meI watched her pour all three from the same bottle…. 

With that, deciding to not enrage the ticking time bomb of a female, I put the glass up to my lips and take a small drink

To my surprise, the taste was only fruity, as I watched her smile in accomplishment from my action

Sorry dearplease continue!Seraphina ushers her mate to go on, as he clears his throat and inhales his next breath in order to speak

To cut to the chasethe witch gave us our prophecyand the whole thing revolved around our u unborn child which was you.Tarrick states, his eyes seeming to grow a little darker with each word

I suddenly felt uneasy, knowing that whatever this so called prophecy stated about me clearly wasn’t good if they were both willing to give me away like they did

WWhat did iit say?I stammer, hands shaking slightly with the glass in it as my nerves piqued

It stated that you would quite simply kill us and completely ruin our lives to say the least!Semphina cackles loudly, hoisting her glass up as though it were a world class joke she had just told

My eyes widen, unsure of how to react to her stale humour, as she reaches a long finger up to wipe away a fake tear her laughter eventually beginning 

to die back down

She’s insaneshe has to bel 

MMe? But I’m only a runt woll! I couldn’t harm a By! HHonest! I would never do ththat!I beg, not wanting them to think that I was some skilled killer who at any moment could take them both out

I was helpless in this situation, even if I hadn’t been shot in the leg, I would still be completely defenceless. I was seriously the least of their trouble 

No! We know that! In fact, we find it totally insulting that you were born a runt considering that you come hom such a strong blood line! But anyway, the prophecy stated that you would be mated to a strong male wolf who wild eventually take in both out in the long run! Tarnick pits out his wood, sharing his irritation, as Seraphina rolls her eyes at the memory

But my mate rejected me within seconds……. so how would 

prophecy even be true? Unless

Now we left yo 

you at the Moon Lost pack with the plan to monitor you over the years. We then wanted to find out who your mate would be, so that we could kill bath him and you before things could escalate Tamrick continues on, as may chest rises and falls dramatically 

How can they talk of killing the own daughter se fierly? They must be lying

Derrick and his father, being loyal followers of suurs, were both in on it of coursethat is until it timed out that Derrick was actually your destined mate! Seraphins adds, futting at the most recent memory

Yes, but Derrick did the right thing by rejecting and banishing you from his landand the idea was, that you would be rejected and sent out in to the unknownwhere some rogues would find you and rip you apartmaking our job easy!Tarrick confinns, as my cars begin to ring with sheer 



was all just a massive plan? To have me killed

The whole thing…. 

I was post a walking experiment this whole timebeing watched and probed until it was finally time for slaughter

How could they?! My own so called birth parents? If that’s what they even deserve to be called

We assumed you would turn up dead somewhere eventually… but things had to take a drastic turn for the worst when we found out that you were actually mated to someone new.. another Alplusone of the strongest at that just to top things off for us! Tarrick fumes, his expression growing heavier as the anger fuels his speech

This isn’t going wellhow was I to know any of this

Yeswho knows why Ashton would ever mate himself to you? But it happened, and we were completely caught off guard by it all! He was the Alpha that the prophecy had warned us about all alongnot Derrickand despite the numerous measures we had put in place to prevent all of this, you still managed to worm your way out of our grasp?Seraphina pinches her nose between her fingers as my body trembles at the truth of it all

I wormed my way out of their grasp? I had no choice but to leave Moon Lust! I was banished by Derrick himself

But it’s all back in order now! Ashton won’t know where to find us and by the time he even comes close, you will have been sacrificed. Tarrick concludes, leaning back again in his chair as I gasp at the statement


NNo! YYou don’t have to do that! I won’t tell anybody about thisor about you both being my parentsnot even AshtonI just want to live in peace! PPlease just let me go I won’t say a word!I find myself begging helplessly, as the pair stare right through me with little emotion at all

They don’t care or feel a single thing towards me… 

Pet it’s settledthe prophecy reads that the only way to end this, is if you die! We have both been incredibly generous by letting you live for this long- We plan on sacrificing you to our beloved Moon Goddess to show our loyally to her and the ceremony is set to go ahead at eight tonightSeraphina explains, trailing off to look at her watch

That’s exactly four hours from now! There is still much to have prepared we better get a move on!She adds, clapping her hands together as though things had been settled

I plead with them, desperation consuming me. Please, there has to be another way? I won’t tell anyone about you. I- I won’t interfere with your plans. Just let me live.I bargain with a desperate sobs, as they both smile eerily and shake their heads

Do you really think we’d take such a risk with both of our lives on the line here pet? The prophecy is clear. It must be done. You’re a pawn in a game much bigger than you can comprehend.Seraphina trails off, as I shake my head feeling the wetness fall on to my cheeks

This has to be a dreamhave I already died from the gun shot? Maybe I’m in that much pain that I’m hallucinating?! 

BBut if I am your daughterhow can you not feel anything towards me at all? PPlease?I continue, as Tarricks hard stare bares holes in to my face

Yes it is a shameI had plans to name you Lucy and everything before we found out the terrible news! Tragedy was the only name that the Moon Lust pack could see fit for a child like you! And now you go as Rose, am I right? True misfortune and unknown identity it will make for such a tragic story one day!Seraphina hums her thoughts aloud, as though I was no longer even in the room, causing me to squint

It was confirmedthey are both totally and completely insane

I glance between the heartless pair, realizing the gravity of my situation. But what about the other children you have here? What about their innocent lives? YYou can kill me but why them? Let them go home at least!” 

Well how else do you suggest that we keep our organisation going?! The children are a great asset here and the best part is they do all of the work for free! They will grow up here and one day, will become loyal members all the same! Tarrick states, as I shake my head, realising that the pair of them. where too far gone for reasoning 

They gave me away as a baby for fuck sake

My mind races, searching for a glimmer of hope…. 

Ashton will find me. He’ll stop all of this and you’ll regret it allI whisper through my teeth

Seraphina chuckles dismissively. Your Alpha won’t even know where to begin looking. We’ve taken careful measures to conceal our location. By time he realises, it’ll be far too late.She jokes, as I shake my head

The prophecy has been right thus farwhat makes you think that the ending won’t be? You both will still die! I fume, losing my temper with the unbelievable couple as the tears continue to fall

It is then, that I see the switch before my very eyes.. 

GUARDS! HAVE THIS BITCH ESCORTED OUT OF HERE AND TO THE PREPARATION ROOM IMMEDIATELY? Seraphina bellows, temper snapping as she stands to her full height aggressivelyknocking over the drinks tray from beside her a sudden fire burning within her eyes

There it is… 

I only hope that Ashton does find mebefore it’s too late… 

Chapter Comments 



The name was chonghi tu send my mutual in tu complete

poom to prepare our for slaughtert 

a ton of lujcka as I was led boside by the two guards from before, my mety Impending doos with the Ticking of the clock counting down in my mind incling closer and closer to my final end

step erhring back in 

Cumber of leators. The walls were adorned with 

with peculiar red painted symbols

It was clear to or as the son began to set that the whole place didn’t seem to have any electricity and I would be surprised if they had running het 

This must be part of 

Hir tu stay hidden living in complete diskurss and disconnect from the rest of the country

place and how do they manage to stay hidden this well

The thought alone only made me wonty fonde

What if Ashton really can’t find me here? If he fosa’t been alde to find this kecation for months, then what chance de I have of him ring so now?

The alt 

med thicker, and every breath I look felt like a struggle against cunseen force pounding down my throat and in to my tightening lungs 

The pounds wasted no time bielour securing my hands and feet, chuining me to an ornate chair in the center of the room. I was done fighting them off, finding no luck each and every time now I was simply defenceless and weak against them

The cold metal bit down into my wists, and a sliver run down my spine as I watched them turn to leave me in here alone once more

i sat still, enjoying what little break 1 lund away from the chaotic day I had endured meeting my sadistic parents and learning about my planned and fast approaching sacrifice“, 

My head pounded from what f’in assuming was overwhelming stress and fear, as I allowed my shoulders to slump and my head to flop forward releasing a shaky leath 

I’m going to dieHils is seriously it for meand just when I was finally happy in this life too…. 

My attention is grabbed after a brief ten minutes alone, by Seraphina herself as she entered the spacious room, her eyes gleaming with an unsettling 


I look up, my eyes tired and empty, as I glance at the four young hooded women who enter In from behind her carrying a variety of equipment with 

Time is of the essence, my dear. Our Moon Goddess waits for no one! She declared loudly, a wicked smile playing on her lips as she waltzed circles around my current position sending a horrifying chill through me each and every time she would disappear behind me, out of my sight.. 

She could do it right now……. kill me, I meanIf she really wanted to

I gulp at the thought, sniffling a little to fight back another breakdown of fears which would get me no where at this point


of hooded figures continue to move around the room to set up, showing me unly glances of their features from time to time with the help of the candle light surrounding us

They were still young, however older than the rest of the workers I had encountered so far If I had to guess I would probably say they were around 

This whole place was 

resembling nothing more than cult behaviour and a lifetime in hell. Such behaviour in which was very much 

banned and illegal in this day and age yet here we are! I still couldn’t quite process

Second Thoughts After Divorce

Second Thoughts After Divorce

Status: Ongoing Native Language: English

Second Thoughts After Divorce


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