The Tycoon’s Remorse Pursuing His Unforgettable Bride CHAPTER 18

The Tycoon’s Remorse Pursuing His Unforgettable Bride CHAPTER 18

Finally, some time alone with Tot husband 

+35 BONUS 

Finally, some time alone with her husband


I stormed into the house, and Sofia was seated in the living room watching a reality show on the TV

She stared at me momentarily and returned her attention to the TV. Well, if she wanted to play the ignore game, then I was up for it too. I continued on my way, ignoring her as well, as I made for the stairs. I was just about to ascend, when I heard her exclaim Jared!” 

I stopped in my tracks and turned back around. Jared had just stepped into the living room, and she had shot up from the couch to lurch into his arms

I have missed you. Are you okay? Are you stressed?She fussed, trailing her hands all over his body

I was disgusted by the sight, and even more angry when Jared did nothing to caution her. My eyes met with Jared, and I quickly averted my them, hurrying upstairs

I was too tired to worry about Jared and Sofia, I decided, shoving thoughts of them aside. I shrugged out of my work clothes, and walked into the bathroom for a shower

Returning to the room, I met Jared unknotting his tie. He paused, a musky look appearing in his eyes as they trailed up my legs to stop on my thighs, where the short towel I had on, stopped

Well, well, is Mrs. Smith trying to seduce me tonight?Jared teased, approaching me, his eyes still pinned on my thighs

My face heated up, as I tried to stop the blush I was sure, was fast spreading across my face. Stop it, Jared.” 

I can’t, dear wife. You look edible,he said in a husky tone, as he traced his fingers


on my chin

The tingling feelings were back to my thighs, and I could feel my core throbbing with 

need. I suddenly felt ashamed at how easily aroused I had become lately. It had to be the pregnancy hormones because I once stumbled on an article online that stated that most women’s libido increases in pregnancy

What are you thinking about, Mrs. Smith?Jared asked, his fingers now on my lips

I closed my eyes and moaned softly. That felt so good, and I didn’t wish for him to 

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Finally, some time alone with her husband 

stop. Jared continued with his seduction game, touching me in significant places that got my body fired up with need

Suddenly, he stopped, and I snapped my eyes open in disappointment. Why did your stop?” 

What’s the fun if I do the things I want to do to you during our little trip by weekend, now?He asked, a mischievous smile tugging at the corner of his lips. I would save them until then,he added, and stepped away from me

Not fair,I pouted. How about we do a little now, and then do the rest later?” 

No,Jared shook his head. The fun will be ruined. I want to do a lot of wicked sweet things to you. Trust me, dear wife, you can’t imagine them.” 

I stifled a moan, more liquid gushing out of me, as I tried to create a mental picture of the things Jared was planning

knew he was not bluffing. With our sexual experiences in the past, I was well aware of what Jared was capable of. And tell you what? I can’t wait for the weekend

And by God, I hope nothing ruins it

It was finally the weekend, Saturday, precisely. I had packed a bag for Jared and I the previous day when I got back from work. I was so excited about the trip that I couldn’t hide my happiness

You have to take it easy, Arielle. You’re acting like a teenager going to a summer camp for the first time,Jared had teased me last night, as he watched me fuss about the clothes to pack

lignored him and held up a swimsuit. What do you think? Do you think this is nice for a dip in the pool?” 

It’s nice, but not as revealing as I want.” 

My brows shot up, while I tried to hide my blush. What do you mean? People are going to be at the pool, you don’t want me revealing too much skin, do you?” 

There will be no people. You underestimate your husband, dear wife. The hotel belongs to the Smiths corporation, and I already informed the manager. We’re having the first wing of the hotel to ourselves, the pool included.” 

I gasped. That’s too much, Jared. Not even a floor, an entire wing.” 

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ly, some time alone with her husband 

I want you all to myself. As a matter of fact, I want you in no clothes at all. You’re going to be walking around naked the whole time, and to achieve that, we need a great deal of privacy,Jared said with a naughty wink

This time, I could not help the blush that spread on my face. I liked it when Jared was goofy and naughty. It was a part of him, only I got to see

How about Sofia? She has known him for twenty years, remember? How sure are you she hasn’t seen this part of him? A voice in my head whispered

For a moment, my mood was almost ruined by the thought, but I did what I always did; I shook it off. I was not going to let Sofia or thoughts of her ruin the moment for 

  1. me

Arielle, are you ready?Jared’s voice echoed from downstairs

I jolted out of my thoughts. I hadn’t realized that I had got caught up, reminiscing on my conversation with Jared yesterday

A minute,I called back. I’m coming down now.” 

I hurriedly patted my hair to ensure it was in good shape. Jared had gone down with our bag, while I put finishing touches to my look. Satisfied that I looked good, I grabbed my phone and hurried out

I met Jared in the living room, with Sofia hanging around him as usual. She had a sober look in her eyes, like she didn’t want us to leave. Well, it was more of she didn’t want Jared to leave than it was about me

Can’t I come along? I can stay on another floor, far away from the one you two will be staying on,she pleaded, tugging at Jared’s arm

It’s not possible, Sofia. Arielle and I want some time alone. Come on, quit whining like a child. We are only going to be gone today. We will be back by tomorrow evening,Jared said, his voice tender

But leaving me by myself in this big house is not ideal. I’m pregnant, remember?Sofia said, patting her stomach

trolled my eyes. I thought we talked about this last night at the dining? Why was she making a fuss now, like she was hearing about the trip for the first time today

Nothing is gonna happen to you, so quit being pessimistic. We will be back before you even realize we were gone. The credit card I gave you is loaded with enough 

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Finally, some time alone with her husband 

money. I gave you my driver’s number, just in case you need to go anywhere. That should be about enough, Sofia.” 

Fine,she murmured reluctantly

Can we leave now?I asked, unable to hide my impatience

Sofia ignored me, and said to Jared, we’re friends, right? Can I at least get a hug?” 

Jared paused to look at me, like he was seeking permission. I threw my face away. They should get over with it, and let’s be on our way

Jared consented and Sofia walked into his arms. A minute passed, and she still hasn’t let go. She clung to him tightly, like a leech would, to a rock. Jared noticed my impatience and annoyance, and gently pried her off him

We have to go now, Sofia,he said softly

This time, I couldn’t wait anymore. I matched over to Jared, grabbed his hand and 

I pulled him along. Goodbye, Sofia. See you tomorrow,I called out over my shoulder

Jared and I got outside, and into the car. He burst into laughter, immediately we settled in

What?I asked, unimpressed by the laughter

You look cute while angry. At the same time, you have to take it easy on Sofia. She’s pregnant, remember?” 

I rolled my eyes. Yeah.” 

Alright!Jared exclaimed. Are you ready to embark on one of the shortest, yet amazing trips of your life, Arielle Smith?” 

I smiled sheepishly. You bet, I am.” 

Let’s do this then,he said, and turned on the car’s ignition. He drove out of the compound, and I sighed in contentment as we hit the road

Finally, some time alone with my husband

The Tycoon’s Remorse Pursuing His Unforgettable Bride

The Tycoon’s Remorse Pursuing His Unforgettable Bride

Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Released: Sep 29, 2024 Native Language: English
The Tycoon's Remorse Pursuing His Unforgettable Bride


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