- 2.
The first memory showed the hospital room.
Andrew’s mother, Mrs. Hamilton, was
recovering from a heart procedure. I had a
lunchbox, ready to share my food. As I
approached her room, I heard voices, a
heated argument.
It was Mrs. Hamilton arguing with Dani! Her
voice weak, barely above a whisper, “I will not
let… you marry into… this family…”
“You’re a snake… you don’t deserve this…”
“Old hag, once you’re dead, I’ll waltz right
into this family!”
My heart jumped. I pushed the door open.
And there, I saw Dani holding Mrs. Hamilton’s
oxygen mask. Her hands were turning blue.
I stared, horrified. “Dani, what are you doing!”
Dani, her eyes wide, tried to recover, her
words cool. “I was just helping Mrs. Hamilton
with her oxygen.”
I grabbed the mask, my fingers shaking. I
tried to put it back in place, but the heart
monitor was already sounding an alarm.
“Dani, you had no business touching Mrs.
Hamilton’s oxygen! She didn’t need it
Dani just smirked at me, “You think marrying
into this family will make you a rich wife?
Dream on. I’m Andrew’s first love, all I have to
do is bat my eyelashes and he will come
running back.”
At that moment, the medical team burst
through the doors, followed by Andrew and
“What happened?”
“Andrew, Dani, she-”
“Andrew, Mr. Hamilton, Sarah murdered Mrs.
Hamilton! She pulled the plug!”
Dani sobbed, pointing at me. I stood there,
“I didn’t, I swear-
Andrew’s eyes turned red when he saw me
still holding the mask.
Dani, behind him, sneered.
“Why did you do it, Sarah?” Andrew roared at
- me.
“It wasn’t me, Andrew, please believe me!” I
begged. But Andrew’s rage was a physical
thing, his hand cracking across my face.
Mrs. Hamilton died soon after.
The first memory ended.
Everyone in the courtroom was frozen.
Andrew’s jaw was on the floor.
“How is this possible? Dani said that she saw
Sarah pulling the plug from her own eyes!”
He mumbled in a state of shock.
Andrew looked at the screen, his face pale.
“Dad, are we wrong? Memory Extraction is
supposed to be flawless, right?”
His father looked as shocked as Andrew.
They had both burst into the room to see me
holding the mask, but it was all different. The
memory showed that the truth was something
completely different.
The courtroom was in an uproar.
“She’s innocent! This is a frame job!”
Andrew snapped out of it, shouting at the
judge, “What about Dani’s sister? And her
broken legs?! Was that all Sarah too?!”
The judge nodded at the guards, and they
started to extract the next memory.