Her face flushed red. She stammered, trying to
find words, but nothing came out.
“Okay, everyone, relax. Tiffany, don’t go
overboard.” Brittany had to show off her angelic
side again.
I smirked and put the bracelet back on my
wrist, then said, “Yeah, you probably can’t
afford it anyways.”
The girl was so angry that she started jumping
up and down, but couldn’t do a thing.
Back at my seat, Jason sat down next to me.
I was surprised that he’d helped me out like
I was surprised that he’d helped me out like that. He and I hadn’t spoken much in the last
three years. He was one of those guys that
everyone talked about
school heartthrob,
handsome, rich, and smart.
He was quiet most of the time, and kept to
himself, though I did remember him sticking up
for me once when Brittany’s crew was making
He seemed like a decent guy.
“Tiffany, your family is loaded, aren’t they?”
He just said it straight, his eyes locked on mine
like he was trying to look right through me.
I guess he’d finally figured me out!
I sighed and looked at him, finally deciding to
spill the tea.
I pointed at the tallest building downtown, “You
see that building? Yeah, that’s my family’s.”
The room felt dead silent. I thought I could hear
some crows in the distance.
I knew it — I was being roasted.
- 4.
Our principal told us to go out to the football
field for our graduation photos.
As soon as we got outside, there were a couple
of vans from the local TV station parked near
the entrance. People were carrying cameras
and lighting equipment. The principal was out
there, greeting them like they were royalty.
“Brittany, they’re probably here to interview the
kids who got into the Ivies, you’re going to be
on TV!” One of Brittany’s minions was natting
kids who got into the Ivies, you’re going to be on TV!” One of Brittany’s minions was patting her on the back.
“Oh please, it’s not just me who got into an Ivy League school,” Brittany said, trying to sound humble, but she was already fixing her hair and adjusting her outfit.
“You’re right, and Chad, too! You two are going to look so perfect on TV!” The girl said, as Chad came over and grabbed Brittany’s hand.
“The principal asked me to do an interview, Brittany, do you wanna go with me?”
Chad looked at Brittany with hearts in his eyes,
they were an adorable couple.
I stood there, watching the whole thing and
rolled my eyes. What a jerk. He broke up with
me yesterday, and already moved on.
We were going to apply to the same school, but
he went and chose a different one with Brittany.
He called me a fool to think he was ever
serious, and blocked me.
They deserve each other!
The reporters were getting set up. The principal
led them over to the love birds for the interview.
Brittany looked graceful with a big smile on her face. Everyone was jealous.
That’s when more cars pulled up.
They had to have been for bigger TV networks because ten people got out of those cars
carrying fancy equipment. The principal greeted
them with open arms.
Brittany and her cronies got all giddy and
I straightened my dress and glanced over at
Brittany noticed me fixing my outfit and
snickered, “Tiffany, do you think they’ll
interview you, too?”
“I mean, not everyone is good, they need bad examples too, right?”
Brittany’s sidekicks laughed loudly.
I ignored them and kept doing my thing.
Suddenly, a hand reached above my head.
“You had a leaf,” Jason said, removing the leaf
from my hair. Then he brushed down his own
Brittany and Chad went up, smiling, ready for
their interview.
“Thanks for coming,” Brittany said, being super
friendly. The reporter smiled back and said, “No
Brittany and Chad were in their position,
holding hands and ready for the cameras.
But then, the reporter paused, then smiled
super wide, “Are you Tiffany and Jason? We’re
from (TV network) and we came all the way
here to interview you two.”
“Your school is amazing, it’s so rare to have
two top students at the same school. This is
going to be incredible.”
- 5.
The air went dead silent.
practically scraping the floor. Brittany and Chad
stood frozen, their outstretched hands still
hanging there like they were waiting for a high
five that was never coming.
“You guys must have gotten this wrong,” Chad
said, wrinkling his nose, the first to break the
silence. He’d always hated Jason’s guts, so it
was the first thing he thought of.
“Yeah, that other channel already interviewed
us, are you sure you’re not here to talk to the
Ivy Leaguers?” Brittany was pale, her voice a
little shaky.
The reporter frowned, clearly annoyed. “I was
very clear: we’re here to interview the two
students who tied for first place in the state.
And, by the way, the crew you talked to was
from the local access channel. We are the
statewide network.”