Chapter 0135
I never see Willow outside of the castle, and I want to have a picnic, so I convince her to have lunch with me one day. She’s reluctant at first because she doesn’t like leaving the books alone, but I tell that the books will be fine for an hour. They can’t get up and run away.
Emory isn’t feeling well that day and is resting in her room. She tells me not to stay cooped up with her.. so Nellie is there to make sure I don’t get lost on the castle grounds. Sometimes, I get lost in the castle because it’s way too big. Emory doesn’t agree that we should move to a smaller castle or at least install an elevator in this one. I point out to her that she’s going to have a tough time with the stairs once she gets a big baby tummy, but she just laughs at me.
Nellie carries a picnic basket with us as we make our way to the rose garden. She and Willow know each other as they used to work in the kitchens together. They are making idle chit–chat as I look for the perfect picnic spot. Once I find the best place, Nellie lays down a blanket for us to sit on. She opens the basket and takes out the food.
There are sandwiches, fruit, and a pitcher of freshly squeezed orange juice, as well as some blood for the vampires. Willow nibbles on some strawberries as I eat the sandwich Nellie had made. The sandwich is layered with chicken, bacon, veggies, and mayo. It’s very tasty. I’m glad that Willow and Nellie eat some of the food and not just their blood. It’s still gross to me to see people sipping on something that might’ve came out of someone just like me.
The weather is nice today, not too sunny and not too cloudy. It’s a little windy which keeps the temperature cool. I want to climb some trees, but Nellie insists I finish my food first. She and Helga are very strict when it comes to food and cleanliness.
I’m halfway done with my sandwich when Rainer appears past the copse of trees. He’s wearing his military jacket, but it’s unbuttoned, revealing his white undershirt. Willow instantly stiffens when she sees him.
“Hello.” He smiles a very charming smile at us, especially for a vampire. “Am I interrupting something?”
“We’re having a picnic,” I declare.
“I can see that. It is perfect weather for a picnic.”
I’m wary around most vampires because they’re mean, but Rainer is always nice. Emory likes him. She says he’s a friend. He is always smiling and sneaks me sweets out of the kitchens.
“Do you want to join us?” I ask. “I think we have enough food.”
“I am actually famished,” Rainer replies. He takes a seat on the picnic blanket between Willow and I. Nellie hands him a sandwich, and he takes a big bite out of it. With a mouthful of food, he says, “This is really good, Nels.”
Willow has stopped eating. She looks down at the picnic blanket and scoots away from Rainer, He notices and smiles at her. After swallowing, he leans closer and whispers something in her ear. She doesn’t react to whatever he tells her and ignores him by pulling out a library book she brought with her and beginning to read it.
“What are you reading?” he asks.
Chapter 0135
She covers her face with the book so we can’t see her expression. I can tell from how stiff she is that she’s annoyed. Any time Rainer is around, Willow tenses up. I don’t know why that is. I should ask her
After failing to get a response from Willow, Rainer looks to me and asks, “Where’s your sister?”
“The baby’s making her feel sick,” I answer. “She’s staying in bed today.”
He looks worried. “Has she gone to see the doctor?”
“She has. The doctor says it’s normal pregnancy stuff.”
“That’s good.” He picks a blueberry from a bowl and bites it. A bit of juice stains his fingers. “You’ll tell me if there’s something unusual, right?”