I’m the King of the World
I’m the King of the World
I am a fool,
Everyone knows that. In fact, it’s quite the topic of discussion at court. It’s a joke, really. Kane is the serious, responsible brother, and then there’s Lex, the playful, irresponsible, woman-or is it man-chasing w** who will never be able to accomplish anything of significance in his life no matter how many centuries he may last.
Yes, it’s all something to chuckle over while sipping sherry and wondering about the weather.
The possibility of Luther Alexander doing something foolish is almost as certain as a chance of rain at the castle. Both things happen nearly every day
So… it shouldn’t have been a surprise to anyone that I did something that was likely to get me into trouble or get me killed. I didn’t find it surprising at all when I pulled my sports car to a stop outside of the massive gates of the Maxwell castle later that same day that Kane had come to me to say that I’d f**ed up for real this time.
When the guards at the gate demand to know who I am and what business I have there, I snicker at them. “Just tell His Majesty King Peter that Lex is here. He’ll want to see me.”
The guard raised an eyebrow but within-five minutes, I am strolling down the halls toward King Peter’s private office. My stomach is permanently situated somewhere behind my eyeballs, I’m so terrified of what is about to become of me, but under no circumstances can I let it show.
I have to continue to maintain that aura I often have about myself-nonchalance, carefree, playful.
What would my brother do in this sort of situation? Well, he would never get himself into this sort of a situation, but if this were him, he would walk in and demand that King Peter see things his way.
I can’t do that, so I have to take a different approach.
When I reach the door, a guard in a regal blue uniform with a large plume attached to his hat that makes him look a bit like a rare bird signals for me to wait there. He goes into the office while two other guards in similar uniforms without the headgear stand at attention.
Unlike the guards in our castle, they are actually looking at me. One of them is kind of handsome, and I might actually do a little flirting under different circumstances. For now, avert my eyes, keeping them trained on the door.
A moment later, the door snaps open again and the large, angry birdman walks out. “His Majesty, Vampire King Peter Maxwell will see you now.”
I arch an eyebrow at all of the unnecessary pomp. This fellow is beginning to make my brother look
I walk in to find King Peter situated behind a large desk, a pen in his hand. I wait
or him to acknowledge me, my hands folded behind my back. It seems quite clear to me, considering all of the large maps on the table against the wall that he is either about to use this room as a war room or he’s been perusing his
I’m the King of the World
options alone.
After a lengthy wait, Peter puts his pen upon the table and looks up at me. “What in the devil’s name are you doing here, Lex?”
I c***k a smile. I’m Lex… that’s what I do. “It’s a pleasure to see you again, Sir,” I say with a twirl of my
hand and a bow.
He grumbles at me. “If this is your brother’s way of trying to make peace, I’m afraid he’s sent the wrong a**, I wonder if he will still think I’m an idiot when he discovers that his grandchild has half my *DNA, but I do not respond to the rude comment.
“I’ve come to speak to you about your daughter,” I tell him.
His stare is heavy as he replies, “Unless you also brought my son along with you, I’m afraid I have nothing to discuss with you.”
I shake my head. “No, I’m afraid I did not. In fact, my brother doesn’t know I’m here.”
“That doesn’t surprise me. It does seem like something a babbling idiot would do to drive into what should now be considered enemy territory right after an act of aggression, and my daughter did mention that you were one of the two who pursued her after she was thrown out of the kingdom, unceremoniously.”
I clear my throat.
“While it is good to hear that your daughter has given you some information, I’m afraid that she hasn’t told you everything. Your Highness, and that’s precisely why I’m here. To make amends. To make the situation right.”
He continues to glower at me for a long moment before he asks, “Whatever the f**k do you mean?*
I chuckle because I am nervous. “Your daughter has told you that she is with child, yes?” I ask him. He nods. “That’s right. Opal has told me that she is carrying your brother’s baby, that they consummated. their relationship before the pending nuptials, and that he threw her out in favor of some… feeder or something. While he claims he was unaware of the child’s existence, I can’t help but think that’s not true. I believe he simply doesn’t want a child to become the next king of his lands who was conceived out of wedlock.”
When I laugh this time, it almost sounds natural because what he’s said is almost funny. “Oh, King Peter, I’m so afraid to be the one to tell you that your sweet daughter is not at all who you think she is.”
His eyes narrow even further until he’s staring at me through little more than slits. “You’d better have a satisfying explanation for slandering my little girl, or else, what you and your whorish brother did to my son is only the beginning of what I will do to you.”
Only one word springs to mind, so I let it out, though I may soon regret it. “O***,” I tell him. “Lots of them. Almost every night. I was present for dozens of them, as was your son. And most of the ladies Opal left behind at our castle. I’ve had all of them several times, including other people from your kingdom and mine… including your children. Both of them. I’m sorry to be the one to tell you, but-”
“Enough!” Alpha King Peter shouts at me, standing as he sinks his fist into his desk. “This is all f**g
I’m the King of the World
bu**it, and I will not hear you speak so poorly about my children anymore!”
“It’s true,” I say, keeping my chin up. “There are plenty of witnesses back at Castle Graystone that can tell you.”
He shakes his head, his eyes sending daggers through me. “This is just an attempt for you to try and weasel your way into power, both in your own kingdom and here.”
That makes me laugh out loud, and in fact, I am laughing so hard, he looks about to toss me out as he comes around the desk to stand toe to toe with me. “Belleve me, Sir, coming here was about the most dangerous thing I’ve ever done. I certainly wouldn’t do it in the off chance it might give me some power. Why don’t we get Opal in here? See if you’re good at detecting lies.”
He leans in very closely to me so that I can feel his warm, stale breath on my cheek. “You will not continue to sully the name of my daughter.”
“Sully my name how?”
Opal’s voice from behind me makes my stomach churn. I’d been bluffing. There was no way expected Opal to take my side.
hell I
But now that she was here, I needed her to confirm what had actually happened, and I needed her to see -how it benefited her.
“The baby,” I say, staring right into her face. She looks a lot more put together than she did the last time i saw her, running through the forest, scaling a wall with her fingernails.
“What of the baby?” she asks me, and her glare is almost as sharp as her father’s.
“This poor excuse for a prince has come here claiming that the baby in your womb is his. He’s saying all sorts of vicious things about you, darling.” King Peter says as he goes over to his daughter and kisses her
I see Opal’s throat moving as she swallows hard.
“It is possible to prove paternity,” I remind them both. “Opal, you and I both know that Kane didn’t sleep with you, so….”
“That’s not true!” she says.
I turn my head to the side and stare at her for a moment. “So you’re saying that a man slept with you but prefers a werewolf in bed now instead?”
Her mouth drops open, and her father wears a confused expression. He won’t understand why this is so horrifically offensive to Opal.
“Well… he’s just trying to hurt me!” she stammers.
I shake my head. “Why? He wants your head for attacking her. He had Rainer hunt down your brother and nearly kill him and was trying to do the same for you. That seems a little unlike love to me.”
“That’s enough!” King Peter shouts.
“Fine,” I say with a shrug. “Go ahead and go to war on behalf of your lying daughter. Risk our child’s welfare to prove that a man who does not love you has impregnated you. He won’t marry you now. You already know that.”
I’m the King of the World
I start to walk away, but King Peter’s demanding voice shouts. “Where the f**k do you think you’re going?”
I turn to look at him. “Home,” I say. “Why would I stay here?”
He is finally smiling at me, and it is a devious grin. “Because… you’re my guest now, until I get my son
A chuckle escapes my lips as I tell him, “Now, come on, King Peter. Do you really think I’m of more use to you here?”
His head tips to the side. “What do you mean?” I ask him.”
I look from him to Opal and see she’s already figured out what I’m saying. Her smile is toothy and bright as she says, “I always knew you were the smarter brother.”
I smile back at her and wait for her father to catch up with this scheme. When he finally gets there, he chuckles. “Oh, I see. Well, if you’re willing….”
Looking at Opal, I force a charismatic look upon my face and pledge, “There’s absolutely nothing l wouldn’t do for the welfare of my child and the beautiful woman carrying my baby.
Whether or not I’m willing to hold up my end of the bargain will remain to be seen. Perhaps, I’m simply ensuring my way home.
Or maybe I really do want to take over the world.
Vampire King Chapter 33
Vampire King Chapter 33
Posted by ? Views, Released on October 5, 2024
Vampire King
Status: Ongoing