The Scene of the Crime
Whether or not my brother is lying remains to be seen. Our forces drove out from the castle in large transport vehicles that were designed to get us closer to the launching off point, but then, we would travel by foot through the thick forest, moving in on the enemy, using our speed, dexterity, and stealth to try and get the upper hand on another group of vampires attempting to do the same thing.
Lex had been told differently than what we were actually doing, and I’d sent him to a different position than the one we were moving toward. If King Peter moved his main force to our eastern border, then I’d know that Lex had betrayed us. If he continued to go to the locations Lex had told me his insider at the castle had revealed to him, then he was telling me the truth.
Either way, we had our bases covered for what would happen wherever Peter came out to meet us. I’d managed to secure alliances with all of our neighbors. It hadn’t been easy because some of them were reliant on Peter’s sex trafficking ring to get their jollies.
It turns out that some things are more important to greedy old vampires than sex. Like money.
And blood.
I had promised them so much blood, my own coffers would be empty soon. I’d need to find a source to replace what I’d given away soon, or else my own people would end up suffering for it. I had a few ideas in mind, but I didn’t have time to go about that at the moment. It would have to wait until I fought off the Initial threat.
Still, thank the powers that be that I’d had the foresight to keep such a massive stockpile of blood frozen, In the royal freezers stationed across our lands in secret locations known to only my most trusted advisors.
Not having Rainer with me as I went into battle felt like a detriment, but I’d had to leave the payoffs to someone I could trust, and I didn’t trust another vampire in the world the way that I trusted him.
It took a few hours for us to get into position. By then, night had fallen, and the sky was an inky black. Cloud cover kept the stars at bay, and that was a good thing because I wanted to sneak up on Peter if I could. If the bulk of his forces were where they should be, according to Lex, then I should be able to take him by surprise and force him into a position where he would be seriously thinking about whether or not it
was worth it for us to continue with this ridiculous war.
The dirt road we were traveling on became less gravel and more dirt until the grass overtook it, and the trees closed in on us. The driver brought the transport vehicle to a stop. “Your Majesty,” he said, turning to where I was sitting in the passenger seat, “is this the correct location.”
“Yes,” Lsaid, my fingers reaching for the door handle. This will do. Thank you.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
I got out of the vehicle, and the commanders climbed out of the backseat, letting the other warriors out of the back of the transport. Immediately, my soldiers lined up, all of them wearing the black version of our military uniforms. They would be able to move quickly through the trees on a night like this and sneak up on the enemy undetected, assuming he didn’t know we were coming.
Of course, King Peter’s troops could do the same to us
The Scene of the Crime
Once the thousands of soldiers had poured out of the vehicles and lined up behind me, I took a moment to address them, letting the stillness of the night remind me that we had to move like the wind. We had to strike before we were discovered, and we had to be deadly with the first blow.
“Noble members of the Crimson Peak army, I thank you for assembling here today.” I spoke aloud, but I used telepathy to make sure that everyone present could hear me without raising my voice. “This night, we embark upon a mission to preserve our lands and ensure that hostile forces are not able to overcome
No one spoke, but I could see in their eyes that they understood the importance of what I was saying.
“Tonight, we will move through the trees unimpeded, inflict mortal wounds on our enemies, and disappear into the darkness before they know what hit them!”
Through telepathy, many of the warriors sounded off in agreement with a loud, “Huzzah!”
“Now, let us forge ahead, let us fight bravely, and let us be victorious. Today, we fight for Crimson Peak and for all of the vampires in the world who stand for all that is good and just!”
More cheers erupted in my head, and many of the troops raised a fist in solidarity.
With that, I turned on my heel and moved quickly ahead, leading the troops into battle, and they followed me, taking on the proper formation to slip between the trees at full speed, keeping our feet light, as we searched the darkness for King Peter’s troops, ready to destroy them, demolish his forces, and end this hostility once and for all.
Kane is gone.
He’d left earlier this afternoon. For some reason I don’t quite understand, Rainer is still here, but he’s busy, in his office, doing something.
I feel alone. Helga and Nellie are here with me, but it’s not the same as having Kane nearby or even being able to spend time with Rainer.
I’d wanted to go with him, but he’d said absolutely not, that since I couldn’t shift, I wouldn’t be able to move quickly enough to keep up, and he would be too worried with me on the battlefield.
I understand. I do. Still, it’s hard to know he’s out there fighting a battle to protect the kingdom, a battle that I feel at least partially responsible for starting. The situation between Kane and Opal might not have been ideal before my arrival, but I certainly made it worse.
I decide to use my time wisely while I am waiting for word of Kane and the battle that may have already started since night has fallen. So… I go to the one place in the castle that makes me the most uncomfortable.
The feeders‘ dungeon would be one such place, though I’m told I wouldn’t even recognize it if I went there now, but that’s not where I’m headed to.
The hallways are empty as I make my way down the familiar path, my slippers quiet on the stone floor. I’d just as soon do this fully on my own. I don’t want anyone to see me and ask a lot of questions about
The Scene of the Crime
whether or not I’m okay or how I am feeling. No, it’s best if I just do this on my own.
Reaching the double doors, I pause for a long moment, breathing in through my nose and letting it out through my mouth slowly. I do that a few times before push the door open and walk in.
It’s quiet, perhaps a little too quiet. The scent I noticed the last time I was here hits me immediately. Paper and book glue. That fragrance when it mingles in the air has always been one of my favorites, but right now, I’m not as pleased with it as I used to be.
I smell something else as well, something that wasn’t present the last time I walked into this room.
It’s not strong. Only the faintest tinge of it hits my lungs every time I inhale, but it’s there.
And it’s mine,
My blood.
I’m sure that Kane had everyone come and scrub the area where the two vampires ripped my neck apart and slurped up my essence, but it would be impossible to get every trace out. I have to wonder if it’s soaked into the wood of the balcony where the reading nook has not been restored. I can see that from the entryway. The bookshelves and seating are all gone. It’s just a barren area now, and it sticks out because it’s no longer warm or inviting.
I won’t go back up there to see if perhaps that’s the source of the blood, but I do take my time, walking through the rows and rows of books toward the place where I saw Lex standing when I’d looked over the
Looking up at the balcony at this angle, I can imagine he didn’t have a perfect view of what was happening, but he had to have known. He heard my screams. I’d been begging for his help.
At least, when they tossed me over the balcony, he’d been there to catch me. In my mind, I can see that, see my body in that dress that’s been disposed of fluttering down from the sky like a bird with a broken wing. Like an autumn leave, spent, and no longer of any use to the tree that has expelled it.
Where had he been standing when I’d hit his arms? When had the guards burst into the room? How had Opal and Jacob gotten down? I imagine they’d leaped, rather than taking the stairs. My eyes go to the side door. Is that the escape route they use?
“You truly are a brave woman,”
I hear him speak before I notice he’d crep the room, my mind registering his voice, steps, and scent at the same time. I need to be more aware of my surroundings; I can’t risk being assaulted again with Kane gone and Rainer so busy.
Lex doesn’t come over to where I am standing. Instead, he hovers back by the door.
My mouth hangs open for a second as I lock eyes with him, unsure of what to say. When I finally do speak, I only say, “I don’t feel brave.”
He smirks, and I notice that his laugh sounds a bit like his brother’s. It’s about the only thing about Lex that reminds me of his brother, “You are brave. But then… you’ve got nothing to fear here now, I suppose.”
I would almost take his statement as a threat, but I know he won’t hurt me.
The Scene of the Crime
“You did something brave, too, I hear.”
He looks down at the ground between his shoes as I leave my spot by the balcony and cross back to him. “Brave or stupid.”
“Kane thinks it was stupid.” It’s not a question but he nods. “I’m not sure. I don’t think you would betray your entire kingdom in the way he’s afraid you have.”
He raises his eyes and looks at me. “I don’t want to be king, Emory. I’ve gotten a little taste of what it means to have power, and I don’t want it. All I want is a little estate by the beach where I can hear the crashing of the waves against the sand.”
Images of what he speaks of come to mind. “I think I’d like that, too. But… I have a feeling Kane wants other things.”
“Kane was born to want other things,” he reminds me, which I understand to mean that he might have naturally wanted other things if he hadn’t been born to be a vampire king.
“Well, I hope that all of this works out for you, and you get what it is you are looking for, Lex,” I smile at him, and I mean what I’ve said.
“You, too,” he says, and we stand there in amicable silence for a few seconds before the door behind him opens and Nellie comes in.
“There you are!” She’s looking at me, and her tone makes me think something is wrong. “You have a telephone call, Miss Emory.”
My forehead knits together. “A telephone call?” I didn’t even think that was possible. “From who?”
She doesn’t answer me, only grabs my arm and tugs me into the hall and toward Kane’s office with her, and my heart lurches into my throat.
I pray to the Moon Goddess that he’s okay.