The Long Walt
The days blur together in that dark cell. I can barely do anything but sleep. Somebody brings me blood on occassion bs are broken, and they are
trying to heal, but I need more blood.
My nose has healed, and it feels crooked, which will marr my looks forever if 1 don’t have it reset soon. There are bruises on my torso that make it hard to rest. Whenever I move in my sleep, the broken ribs and the bruises awaken me with pain. I’ve never been this uncomfortable in my life.
I pay attention to what I can in my cell. The tiny window is too high for me to reach, but it’s the only thing that can tell me about the passage of time. The guards change a few times a day, and that’s usually when a servant brings me a pitifully small goblet of blood. No one wants to talk to me, and they place the tray with the goblet on the ground before closing the cell door quickly.
I try to bribe the guards, but they laugh at me. I offer the expensive watch Kane gifted to me for my twenty–first birthday, but they merely took the watch and ignored me. The servants won’t look me in the eye. I am stuck waiting for Jacob to add to my injuries or be forgotten here to die a slow, painful death.
After a week, the guards begin murmuring to each other. Most of them are being assigned to leave the castle. Some are excited, but others are wary for their safety. They mention Crimson Peak, and I know this means the war is truly starting.
If Kane loses, will I be stuck here in this cell forever or executed? I don’t know which fate is worse. I’m lying on my back, trying to take shallow breaths to ease the pain in my ribs when a visitor arrives. There are barely any lights in the dungeon, certainly not any in the cells. It’s night time, so not even the few beams of light from the sun that sometimes make their way through the window are there to help. A female silhouette unlocks the cell door and enters, closing it behind her.
The woman pockets the key and moves toward me. She doesn’t have a goblet of blood with her. That’s a shame because I’m thirsty. Her scent makes me pause.
She kneels down on the ground beside the thin mat I’m lying on My superior eyesight makes it easy to make out her features She’s plain with dark blonde hair and brown eyes. She looks young with a round face, maybe nineteen or twenty. She’s unmistakably human with fer olive complexion, and after a week of not having enough blood, my eyes trace the s on her exposed neck.
“Your Highness,” she whispers. I’m here to help you.”
“Escape?” I ask almost in disbelief. “I don’t think you’ll be much help against the guards.”
She shakes her head, taking the key out of her pocket. She shoves it
underneath the thin mat I’m lying on.
“You’ll get your chance to escape soon. The battle is about to begin,” she says. “You must not try to escape before then. You will not get another chance.”
“How do you know this?”
7 was sent by a friend to help you.
I sit up too quickly, my ribs making me grimace in pain. “I appreciate your help, but I can barely walk. Even if I get out of this cell, I won’t be able to fight anyone
I won’t go down easily, but I know I’m too weak for a prison break. If only Jacob hadn’t broken my ribs. If I had just stopped myself from provoking him and his fragile ego, I would be strong enough to get myself out of here. I can practically hear Kane admonishing me for my impulsive, bad choices once he hears about this.
“There will be a car in the woods by the north tower waiting for you tomorrow. You must get out of Scarlett Thunder,” she says.
I stare at her suspiciously. “Who sent you?”
“A friend,” she answers.
She doesn’t answer, and she pulls out a needle from her pocket and begins to attach it to a bag. “You need your strength for tomorrow. You need to feed.”
I watch in shock as she places the needle in her vein, andcrimson blood starts dripping into the bag When it’s full enough, she offers it to me, and the hunger spurns me on, practically burning my throat. Ite the bag and drink, her blood salty and vibrant. After starving for days, her bloc tastes better than even the best food in the world.
I empty it and then lick the blood that has dripped down the bag. I want more. I’m still hungry even though the bag is empty. I have to be careful not to take too much from her, though.
“Who sent you?” I ask again.
“It doesn’t matter,” she replies. “You only need to focus on getting stronger.”
I should ask more questions, but all I can think of is tasting more of her blood. The meager portions they’ve been serving me will not give me the strength I need if I want to escape this castle alive. Even with the mouthful of blood I’ve taken from her, my ribs are already trying to heal themselves. My flesh is stitching itself together, and the bruises are fading away.
She offers me some more, and I don’t hesitate before I ask her to fill the bag.
The nobles have left Castle Graystone, hiding away in their own properties after Kane tells them that King Peter has ordered his armies to march into Crimson Peak. It’s almost amusing to watch the snooty nobles running out of the castle, yelling for servants to bring their luggage with them. They pile into their expensive cars and drive away with no care about what might happen to their king. I have no doubt that they will leech onto whoever wins this war.
Kane and I discuss the best strategy for the battle. The Alphas will be arriving. with their warriors soon. Emory went to meet them in Moon Grove where Helena will be staying with the baby. Ivy and the witches are already in the castle, waiting for Kane’s command.
Willow has not left Ivy’s side since her relative’s arrival at the castle. The two women have been trying to get to know each other in the short time since they’ve met. I know that connecting to the last of her family is important to Willow, and I give them the space they need. I sl. Low Kane around the castle, trying to gauge his moods.
We have been through a lot together, me and my old friend. We have managed to avoid war until now.
“It’s not too late to leave,” Kane tells me as he stands by the window, watching. the view outside. “If you decide you don’t want to die for me, I won’t be offended.”
“And miss out on all the action?” I quip. “You want me to hide away while you get to have all the fun?”
“I’m serious, Rainer. You don’t need to follow me into this. Not this time.”
I have followed Kane’s lead for as long as I can remember. He’s the leader, and I’m the loyal second. He makes the choices, and I help execute his wishes. I have never had any desire to change that.
I snort, moving closer so I can stand beside him. “Don’t be so dramatic, Kane. I’d be more offended if you sent me away.”
He continues as if I never spoke. “You can just grab Willow and go. Run far away where King Peter can never find you.”
“And what kind of existence will that be? Living in hiding? Willow has already done that for a long time. I won’t force her to live like that again.”
“If I lose this war, neither of you will have any sort of life,” he argues. “If you’re not executed, you’ll be prisoners or enslaved.
“If we lose,” I remind him. “You’re thinking only of the worst case scenario. There is a chance we can win this war, and none of those possiblities come to fruition.”
He buries his face in his hands. “I never wanted people to risk their lives for me like this. I never wanted this kind of violence and bloodshed on my conscience, but there’s no avoiding this. King Peter wants my head on a pike,
and everyone else is collateral to him.”
I shrug. “He’s a prick. Always has been.”
“Even if I win and I lose you, I don’t know w
my life will be like without you,
Rain. I don’t trust anyone else. I can’t. You have been my one true friend.”
I feel my throat closing up as unexpressed emotion makes it hard to speak. Damnit. Kane wants us to cry our feelings out. I guess becoming a father has made him more emotional–the bastard.
“Kane,” I say, seriously, “my place has always been here by your side.”
He turns to look at me, slowly nodding.
“I’m your friend,” I declare. “I’m with you until the end of the line.”
Emotion flashes through his blue eyes, and he swallows hard. “Thank you.”
We have known each other for years. It goes beyond my duty to the crown. My loyalty has always been to Kane, the first friend I ever made when I became a vampire. Whatever is coming for us, we will get through it like we have our entire lives–together.
It’s hard to fall asleep when you know a battle is about to begin. I know I need to rest, but my mind keeps me awake, buzzing away at the possibilities of what’s about to happen. Clairvoyance has never been my expertise as a witch, so I can’t say all my worries are premonitions of the future. They’re anxious thoughts that will not leave me alone..
I leave my room, hoping a walk through the castle will help. The hallway is empty. The staff have been given the choice to stay in the castle or leave. Most have opted to stay, feeling the castle will be safer than anywhere else they choose to hide.
For most of the staff, this castle is their home. Like them, whatever home I had before coming to this place no longer exists. The house I grew up in burned down decades ago. On top of the land, another house was built, and it eventually became an apothecary.
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“There you are” Rainer says as he enters the library. Tve been looking for you YOU MECENT IN YOour room.”
Fobose the best drawer cant sleep.”
That’s understandable. I can’t sleep eher,” he replies 1 find that I’m getting used to sleeping beside you even if your hands are always cold”
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relax in his arms. “Could you promise me something”
“Don’t die tomOTON
me pauses, his blue eyes staring into my face as if he’s memorizing me Finally, he answers. “TI by ”
wish he’d be less honest I would rather have heard his bravado declare be couldn’t die Delusions of invincibility would have been more comforting. In the end Ramer decides to not lie to me
The Long Wat
It’s both cruel and kind.
I k*ss him anyway.