Wolves of War
My mother tells me about what happened to Bernard before we arrive in Moon Grove. His body is transported in a separate car as we make our way back to my hometown. I’m too numb from shock and the millions of things I need to focus on other than my father’s death. Bernard, until the end, is causing problems for me.
I don’t have much time to give attention to this so I let my mother handle most of the arrangements for the funeral pyre All Alphas are traditionally cremated outside while their family and friends look on and tell stories about the life the Alpha lived. Bernard’s public disgrace makes this a small affair. It’s just my mom, my siblings, and I. We were the closest to him, and still, none of us had really known him at all.
It’s sundown by the time the funeral pyre is ready I was only three the last time I saw an Alpha’s cremation when Grandpa Colton died. I move mechanically through the funeral. My mom says a prayer to the Moon Goddess, and we stand under the moonlight quietly.
Coit has been the one to help set out the pyre, but I have to set it ablaze as the new Alpha. He lights a torch with a lighter and hands it to me. I approach the pyre made of wood, straw, and kindling Bernard’s body is covered in a white sheet hiding his face from view. His body has begun to rot, and the smell of death burns my nostrils.
“From the light of the moon we serve,” I say, “and away from the light, we rest.
It almost feels like an out of body experience as I lower the torch and set the funeral pyre on fire. I step back as the fire spreads and devours everything in its path. The fire grows, and the heat warms us as we stand there. I rest the torch on a poll nearby, and Lola holds my hand for support. My mother is on my left, her blue eyes grimly watching the growing fire.
The smell of burning flesh isn’t pleasant, but none of us say anything. No one wants to break the silence.
My mother, ever dutiful to a mate who never deserved her, takes on the responsibility and speaks first. “I didn’t like Bernard the first time I met him.”
All of us turn to her in surprise, I reply, “What? But you and Dad always said it was love at first sight.”
She snorts which is more shocking. My mother never snorts. “Maybe it was lust at first sight on his end,” she says. “Twar
to marry a boy from my father’s pack. I had gone to school with this boy, and felt I knew him better. And even at that time, Bernard Moonraker already had a reputation.”
“A reputation for what?” Coit asks.
“Going through girls like a hot knife through butter.” She sighs. Then he turned twenty–one and declared I was his mate.
Lola, who looks unsure if she can even join in, questions, “And you fell in love?”
My mother’s eyebrows furrow in contemplation. “I tried to love him, forced myself to for the sake of the family we built together. It was never enough for him, and I tried to fool myself that it was enough for me.”
“I never knew that, Mom,” I tell her. “I wish you’d told me sooner.”
“I didn’t want to speak ill of him in front of his children, even when he probably
deserved it.”
I take my mother’s hand and squeeze it reassuringly. “I’m sorry he never loved you like you deserved. He wasn’t right for you.”
“He gave me you,” my mother tells me tenderly, looking between me and Coit.” You two are the loves of my life. It was all worth it because of that.”
She pulls us both closer, k*ssing Coit’s cheek and my temple, the warmth and strength radiating from her is a calming balm. I glance at Lola who stands. outside the triangle we’ve created. I tug on her hand and pull her closer, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. She relaxes beneath my touch.
“He gave us you, Lo,” I add. “That’s another good thing he did.”
“In spite of himself, Bernard managed to make good kids,” Coit says. “We’re his legacy. The best thing he’s ever done.”
My mother nods. “He’s wronged many people and made many mistakes. People will remember him for what he’s done and not the man he pretended to
be Burial of you don’t need to live in that shadow.
The cok us at in the are even Lola and conduces will all live bright beautiful lives away from his memory. This pack will remember the things you achieved and the good you arought to the world. That is the Moonraker legacy. nor Bement
We are all in agreement that Bemard Moonraker has a list of sins that could go on for miles but the one thing he took for granted is his best achievement–his