Between Two Kings
Our troops from both sides surrour 1 us with bated breath. The battle is mostly over. This duel between King Peter and I is what will determine the end of the war. It is the culmination of months of posturing and preparation.
“Here are my terms, Kane Alexander of Crimson Peak” King Peter says. “If I win, you will marry my daughter and make her your queen. If you do not, I shall have your head and place her on the throne and your child will inherit the throne.”
I don’t correct him when he calls Opal’s child mine. He will not accept any other reality than the one he has in his head.
“If I win, you will return my brother to me unharmed and surrender your children to be punished for hurting Embry Moonraker,” I reply. “I will not claim Opal’s child as my own but the child will be taken care of.”
King Peter snarls. “I agree to your terms.”
A squire hands him his helmet and he puts it on. We move forward and pull out our swords from their holsters. There is a moment of pause as I stare at him through the visor of my helmet. He lunges first.
My sword clashes with his. We exchanges strikes and parries, trying to harm. each other. King Peter is older but more experienced. He’s fought in battles. long before I ascended to the throne.
My youth is an advantage. I’m faster and stronger. I stand my ground as he bears down on me with his sword and I force him back, nearly knocking him. off his feet. He nearly slips on the mud.
I take the opportunity and strike, knocking him to the ground. His sword falls to the mud and I grab at his helmet, forcing it off his head. I toss it behind me without caring where it lands.
With his head exposed I can see the panic in King Peter’s blew eyes. I grab my sword on the ground where I’ve dropped it and point it as his face.
“Surrender,” I command.
He spits on the ground. “I’d rather die than to surrender to you.”
“Surrender,” I repeat. “Think of your men, your kingdom.”
“I will never concede to a pathetic excuse of a man that consorts with wolves and witches. You are a blight on our kind.”
I glance to where Embry is standing. She’s changed back to her human. form. Her face is streaked with mud and blood. She looks at me grimly as if she knows what I’m about to do.
“You could have been a better man and king,” I state. “Instead, you will be known in history as a stubborn fool.”
I raise my sword and swing it at his neck. His head slices off cleanly, falling to the mud. His blue eyes wide and his mouth open in a soundless scream. I bury my sword in the ground, turning to face the troops of Scarlett Thunder.
“Your king is dead,” I tell them. “Surrender.”
They bend down to kneel, their heads slumped forward in defeat. I have won but I don’t feel like cheering. I only feel tired. My men around me cheer, relieved that it’s all over.
Emory smiles softly as I go to her. I take off my helmet, holding it against my hip. Her hand caresses my jaw. My shoulders slump as all the worries I’ve been carrying for months dissipate.
“Let’s go home,” she says.
I wrap an arm around her waist and we walk forward. The soldiers around us get out of our way. My victory isn’t a loud cry of joy. I just really need a nap.