When the Earthquake hit my mother chose to save her sister novel 10

When the Earthquake hit my mother chose to save her sister novel 10


Lily returned home after three months of mandatory counseling. She sensed the 

change immediately. Mom and Dad, once so doting, ignored her. She headed for her 


That’s your sister’s room. Yours is next door.” Mom painted to the small, dark room. 

No! I want my room! You can’t just change my room without asking!Lily yelled

Did you ask Anna before you bullied her at school?Mom’s words silenced Lily

She became invisible in the house. Finally, she 


Anna’s dead! Dead! Don’t you get it?!” 

Why do we keep having her favorite foods

I’m sick of it! She’s dead! She can’t eat it!” 


Eat it or leave!Mom screamed, throwing 

open the front door

Lily burst into tears and ran out

Ironic. They never treated me so well when

was alive

Mom sat at the table, picking at her food

tears rolling down her face. She wiped them 

away and took another bite. Anna loved this

I made it myself. She would have liked it” 

Then she put her head down and sobbed


I saw Lily in the park, surrounded by a group 

of kids

Lily! Long time no see! Did you miss us?One girl grabbed Lily’s hair. Remember how 

you treated me?” 

And me! You owe me, Lily!Another girl 

took out scissors and started cutting Lily’s 


And me! Me too!” 

They swarmed her, Lily’s screams echoing through the park. “Stop it! I’ll tell the 


Please! Let me go! I’m sorry! I won’t do it 

Please! Let me go! I’m sorry! I won’t do it 


I’m sorry! Please stop!” 

Her face was bruised and swollen, her hair

mess, her clothes torn

She came home, opened her mouth to speak

but Mom silently retreated to her room. Lily 

stared at the closed door, then went to her 

small, dark room

What goes around comes around

The pain I endured was now Lily’s

Mom looked beautiful today. She’d even 

made Lily breakfast. Lily, come home early



And snacks and fruits, all the things I loved 

but never got because Lily didn’t like them

When Lily got home, the cake was on the 

table, candles lit. Mom smiled. “Lily, honey

Come blow out the candles!” 

Lily made a wish, but Mom stopped her 

before she could blow out the candles. Lily

let’s save them for Anna. We need to find 

her…ask for her forgivenessokay?Mom’s 

eyes were bright, almost manic

Lily pulled away. You’re crazy! If you want to 

die, do it yourself! I’m not dying with you

You’re insane!” 

Mom stared at Lily, then burst out laughing. Ha ha haLilywe killed Annawe have to 


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Ha ha haLilywe killed Annawe have to 

ask for her forgiveness” 

You’re crazy! What are you doing?! I don’t 

want to die! Tell me!Lily clawed at the 

locked door. Before Lily arrived, Mom had 

sealed the windows and turned on the gas

AnnaMommy brought Lily to apologize… 

please forgive us” 

I floated in front of Mom. This time, she saw 

  1. me. She reached out. Anna? You’re here

You forgive me? I know I was wrongI’m so 

sorryShe looked at the table, her face 

falling when I didn’t follow her gaze. Anna… 

you still don’t forgive mebut I really am 



sorryShe looked at the table, her face, 

falling when I didn’t follow her gaze. Anna… 

you still don’t forgive mebut I really am 


I leaned close to her ear. Mom, I’ll never 

forgive you. Never.” 

Her hand dropped. Her eyes locked on mine



AnnapleaseI’m so sorry… 

My form began to shimmer, lighter, freer

I turned and floated away, towards Grandma, the only one who’d ever loved me. I could 

hear her calling me. I felt no regret as I left 

them behind

When the Earthquake hit my mother chose to save her sister novel

When the Earthquake hit my mother chose to save her sister novel

Status: Ongoing


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