At the senior dinner, everyone was talking.
I was in the corner.
Everyone had changed after the test.
Colored hair, cool outfits, happy smiles.
I went to the bathroom.
I sent Jake a text to say sorry.
He was mad that I wouldn’t sit with him.
He was trying to be calm.
“Sarah, you still don’t want people to know?
I didn’t say anything.
Jake hated that.
He left without saying a word.
No respect for anyone.
Jake didn’t reply.
“Did you see how pretty Sarah is?”
“It’s the makeup.”
“Nah, it’s love, I saw her with Jake.”
“Really? Are you sure?”
“Yeah, they were holding hands.”
I stepped out of the bathroom.
I looked at myself in the mirror.
I had makeup on, my freckles were light.
I looked a little like Lily.
After the dinner, everyone waited outside.
Jake came back at some point.
He was in the back.
I looked at him.
He had his head down, arms crossed, leaning
against a wall.
I walked towards him, but Lily got there first.
“Jake, what college are you going to?”
“Your scores are bad, let me help.”
She looked cocky and shy.